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Silus - Shard of Flame

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Hi this is Typhoon trying to through out some ideas and hopefully make a character. Please ask questions so I can improve this. Silus said that I should put this on the discussion topic.

The idea behind the sky wreck is Ajax and companions were sailing in a Wind Wolf vessel.

Dictionary entry- Wind Wolf n. pl Wind Wolves ( a sloop sized vessel at max, looking kind of like a zeppelin with a slightly larger wooden bottom. A gas bag takes up most of the deck leaving only three feet on the sides, five foot wide tapering to a point is on the front of the ship and at the rear of the ship is a 10' by 8' raised to a point that the helmsman can look over the gas bag so is about 6' higher than the nose of the ship. The steering and thrust is accomplished by a large sail on either side, making the ship look slightly fish-like. These vessels were used exclusively as lead ships for hunting trips so they are few in number due to the costly proses of making them.)

Well anyway, on just such a voyage the ship Ajax is a harpooner, the "Kraken's Jaw", and the auxiliary sea ships sight a storm brewing, forcing the normal ships to turn back. Kraken's Jaw continued after sighting the cause of the storm, a massive Epic Thunderbird known as Maelstrom. Desperate to save the city, they go to the heart of the storm. Through various means Maelstrom kills the entire crew save Ajax, who after refusing to back down even at the terrible chances and injuries stacked against him manages to weather the attacks. Maelstrom takes to admiring this and instead of destroying Drackensburg, sends Ajax drifting to the mainland on the Kraken's Jaw now with out sails aka means of rapid steering or propulsion.

He then spends the next few weeks drifting over the ocean, starved and thirsty until an other storm brings water, a dead bird, and Fenris, an animal that i"m not sure about what to make. I was thinking either large bat/red fox mix or a bird of some sorts.

This isn't every thing but I hope it cleared the air a little at least about Ajax. Ps good luck to Silus and Cuaiir.

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First of all, please be conscious that I was nearly brained just now by that near-Wall of Text; please try to reduce the words you type in a single paragraph. Doing so will allow you to make points more concisely and effectively, as well as avoiding the ever-present danger of skimming. I apologize in advance if this comes across as harsh - it is not meant to be, honest!

In any case, your story is interesting. If you are saying that you were gifted a SphereMorph by Maelstrom, then I would suggest taking/creating some sort of class that would follow after a giant Epic Thunderbird. I could assist with that, as could, I'm sure, anyone else in this forum.

However, I would like to clarify - and by that, I mean, you should clarify. This is obviously going to be the most impressionable moment in Ajax's (love the name, btw) life; it's bound to take a large part of his History and/or RP sample. You don't need to show us the hopefully-upgraded version until you release a rough draft of your character.

On the subject of your little Fenris: are you aiming for a cute, anime-style "mascot" companion, or a dangerous, fantasy-style fighting companion?

>If the former, I would suggest looking at red pandas, and drawing inspiration from them. Considering your story, an amalgamated red panda/flying squirrel would do nicely.

>If the latter, though, I would suggest avoiding orthodox creatures such as wolves or other such things. Especially with the name of Fenris, make it something impressionable, like a flying mongoose or Tasmanian Devil. That's how you avoid falling into cliche pitfalls.

In either case, make sure you don't just make Fenris into "an animal companion". Give it life, give it originality, give it character (literally!). Remember, we are here at Nexus not to play a game and beat a boss; we are here to enjoy a unique perspective and new experience. Those are things that no video game can reproduce (Not until VR, at least...), and those are the goals you should keep in mind when creating any character. Complexity and originality are key. It doesn't matter if they are horrible fighters and end up dead in an alley, if the route to that greusome end was fulfilling and enjoyable.

*Pant Pant Pant*


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Username: Typhoon

Contact: PM please

Character Name: Ajax Stormrite


Gender: Male

Hometown: Drackensburg (built on the Northern cliffs)

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Large, strong, and lithe, but not overly toned, Ajax has a fairly normal appearance for one from Drackensburg. His eyes are gray, matching his wyrmskin boots. He's usually found with a thick, brown, vest with matching kilt, both from seabear fur. Under these are a thick woolen shirt and trousers. Close-cropped, dark brown hair and Obi-Wan style beard surround his already weather worn face. A harpoon is almost always found in his hand or strapped to his back to deal with the smaller monsters that infest the Ocean Rivers. He wears his Sphere attached to the leather armband of his left forearm, otherwise a twin of the one on the right.

Personality: At first glance Ajax seems a wall, no emotion whatsoever. This may have been caused by his long sky wreck after the storm that brought him here, all alone with nothing but himself, the wind, and later Fenris, the strange half-wolf, half monster that the captain had caught. Underneath this harsh, outer skin is a loyal friend, trusting, humorous, dependable, and serious only if not in the company of friends, or the greatest peril. There is a downside to his dog-like nature, people can easily gain his trust and then take advantage of Ajax. Hounding his enemies that once were “friends” is an all to frequent pass time now that Ajax is on the mainland.

History: will be posted

Grid: Tidal force: shaped like a triangle with a slot for a sphere at each point switching can happen from any one to any one in ?7-12? secounds


Warrior: Mostly the same in appearance as himself, but with a 6 foot spear instead of his normal harpoon and a shield of oak painted with his family's crest, a sea wyrm head in dark green over a dark-blue field.


Third of some kind possibly a sailor-like sphere: :D

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Opinions: Silus will want more details about Drackensburg: Sphere wielders, basic history, economy, government, population densities, and marital status of each citizen. Those first four are true, at least.

Get yer history, obviously.

Your Grid is basic enough that it probably only amounts to one or two points; with your spheres both at basic for the moment, you could get Dread Pirate and still have a point to spare. You could use that to design some sort of "Cannoneer", which would be an evolved Gunner. It would be awesome.

Lastly, see my previous post for opinions on Fenris and your History.

Otherwise, it looks very promising. He's sort of a foil to our characters, none of whom are anything close to trusting. It should lead to interesting interplay. Try to avoid Abrosius and River, though. They'll tear you apart. <_<

As a side note, does anybody know what those dots underneath my Location are? I just noticed them. I have two?

Edited by The Frostbourne
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I suggest looking at the Noise from The World Ends With You for good monsters to base a 'companion' off of. As well, I agree with the above statement about Ambosius and River.

***!EDIT!***: posting for Sylent.

This is his character plus a description of his character's hometown and a description of his grid. The only part that needs approval is the city. (spoilers for viewing ease). Currently, Sylent still needs the role-playing sample, the last 2 grid points spent, and specific form descriptions for his character.

Username: Sylent-Rayne

Contact: [email protected]

Character Name: Meadowlyn of the Born Royals (Meadow for short)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Hometown: Llenestra

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Slightly tan skin, long, blonde hair reaching to the shoulders (Usually tied into a braid),5' 11", 130lbs, olive green eyes, feminine body shape

Personality: Shy, friendly, caring, extremely curious, girly, intelligent, charismatic, quick thinking.

History: Meadowlyn was born into the royal family of Llenestra. As a child, he showed a talent for languages and music. At the age of 17, he decided to travel the world, learning about the people and places he had not seen. His appearance makes it easy to impersonate both men and women, which he has used to his advantage.

Meadow always has some sort of animal by his side, weather it be a mouse or a tiger. More often than not, Meadow is seen with a wolf, which causes some of the places he visits to call him the Esavodh, the master of wolves.

Now at the age of 22, Meadow has now added mastery of language to his skills. He can speak almost 200 languages fluently, including (Though not known to most) the languages of animals. He is always seen with a small notebook, but the significance of this is unknown.

Initial Grid: Omniglot

Forms: Diclonius, Hyuuga

Grid Name: Omniglot

effect: This grid allows the spheremorph to master a great number and variety of languages and gives the spheremorph the ability to write messages on surfaces with his finger. The grid has three slots in a ∀ formation. Time to switch between forms is 10 seconds minus one second for every ten languages known (up to 50 languages for a 5 second switch), time to switch between baseline and forms is 10 seconds. Languages known are stored on the grid, but they need to be refreshed every so often in order not to lose them. If you don't speak the specific dialect for more than a year you can't anymore and have to relearn it.


Form Name: Hyuuga

Form Source: Naruto

Form Description: The spheremorph wears a khaki shirt and dark brown shorts; a forehead protector with the symbol of the spheremorphs hometown on it rests across his forehead. He also had bandages wrapped around his right arm, chest, and right leg. The spheremorph gains long dark brown hair and completely white eyes. When the Byakugan is activated the spheremorph’s pupils become more distinct, and the veins near their temples bulge.

Form Abilities:

^high speed movement when attacking, but runs and walks at normal speed

^The spheremorph has a 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the third thoracic vertebra. (Only while the Byakugan is activated)

^The spheremorph is able to see through solid objects, and can use a degree of telescopic sight. The distance and the degree of telescopic sight vary from person to person, and can be improved. (Only while the Byakugan is activated)

^the spheremorph is able to see the flow of magic and/or supernatural power within a person’s body. (Only while the Byakugan is activated)

-Byakugan: prerequisite for most of this forms abilities. It must be activated, and while activated takes a lot of energy to maintain.

-Gentle fist: a martial art style that focuses on internal injury, which allows the spheremorph to close off the pathways magic or supernatural power uses. This disables magic or other non-tech based abilities of the opponent. (Only while the Byakugan is activated)

-Kaiten: The spheremorph rapidly spins and releases energy from his palms. This creates a shield around the user that can deflect nearly all projectile attacks and some melee attacks. This is severely draining. (Only while the Byakugan is activated)

Form Weaknesses:

-high speed movement only applies to attacks, not any other movement

-Byakugan takes a lot of physical strength and stamina to maintain for any appreciable length of time.

-Ineffective against tech based powers

-the field of vision has a large blindspot radiating in a cone from the third thoracic vertebrae.

-overusing the Byakugan causes severe eye strain and blindness (these effects are not permanent)

-This form has no long range or medium range capabilities

-this form has no proficiency with weapons

-Using the Kaiten more than once per shift causes muscle strain that remains after the spheremorph shifts to baseline or any other form. This strain must be healed magically.

Form Speciation: Thief -> Monk -> Hyuuga

Form Name: Diclonius

Form Source: Elfen Lied

Form Description: The spheremorph is very similar to his baseline appearance; however a pair of small horns protrudes from his head.

Form Abilities:

-The spheremorph gains multiple invisible arms, known as "vectors" that can grasp and impact things as if they are solid, but also become insubstantial and pass through objects. They can slice objects as well.

^The spheremorph also has the ability to detect the location of psychic users and mages of mental magic.

^The vectors have a large amount of strength, capable of throwing smaller vehicles and people easily

Form Weaknesses:

-damage to one of the horns produces trauma and shock

-damage to both horns knocks the spheremorph unconscious

- Vectors have a limited range of two meters.

Form Speciation: Black Mage -> Diclonius

City Name: Llenestra

Location: Fiery Shores

Government: Monarchy

Economy and policy: Feudalism, Isolationist

Llenestra is small both in size and number of Spheremorphs. It consists of a walled town with a small castle in the center. A family known as the Born Royals controls the Castle, the Exothermic Rock and two of the city’s spheremorphs. The third spheremorph is controlled by a family known as the Made Royals. The Made royals were formed due to the law process of Llenestra, duels. Dueling is used to settle cases and is overseen by four judges appointed by the Born Royals. A few years ago, one such duel resulted in a family taking control of a spheremount and formspheres from the Royal Family. The upstart family then declared themselves the Made Royals. Fearing for the well-being of the city, the Royal Family renamed themselves the Born Royals and struck a deal with the Made Royals. The Made Royals would not execute any action which may result in endangerment to the city including attempting to take control of the city; in return the Born Royals would acknowledge the Made Royals newfound status as VIPs. Recently, however, a Born Royals left Llenestra under unknown reasons. The sudden shift in power awakened buried ambitions in the Made Royals, and the future of Llenestra is uncertain.

Important Features:

Endothermic Wall- The wall around the city absorbs heat from the surroundings, resulting in a weakening of any fire based creatures that attempt to scale or fly over the walls.

Exothermic Rock- In the basement of the Castle sits a large rock that exudes almost unbearable amounts of heat. Fire based creatures in the immediate vicinity of the rock receive a power boost to the next threat level. E.g. Minor->Normal. This rock is unknown to all but the most informed of people.

The Castle- The seat of the Born Royals power is the Castle. It is situated in the exact center of the city and dominates the view. The Born Family keeps the layout of the Castle and any magical or technological aspects of it a secret, but during heavy monster attacks, fire energy can be seen flowing from the walls to the Castle.

Edited by Emeralis00
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Darn it! You beat me to making a Diclonius character.

One thing about Diclonius is, aren't all Diclonius (aside from a few exceptions who as far as I know don't have vectors) female? Also, the male diclonius I've seen all are bald, while the females have pink/red hair. If Meadowlyn has a diclonios form, his hair should probably change as well.

Now, this is just referring to accuracy in regards to what I've seen of Elfen Lied. Depending on what Silus thinks, you could make modifications for the Nexus RP.

Good luck with your new killing machine :)

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I have been in contact with Silus, so here it is - Final Evaluation!

Username: The Frostbourne

Contact: PM

Character Name: Erika Melodi

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Hometown: Spiral Falls

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Erika was given her mother's looks, with short, dark red hair, green eyes, and skin with a Native American hue. She wears a dark green, oversized sweater, black pants tucked into knee-high leather boots, a squat cylindrical cap, and thin, fingerless gloves. Her SphereMorph is set on an iron band clasped around her left wrist.

Personality: Erika is highly precocious and rather nosy. She has an understandably difficult time talking about herself, and will either change the subject, cut off the conversation, or tell a lie. In Crook of the Plains, there were probably dozens of rumors about her, and she had started most of them herself. About things and people other than herself, though, she is honest, and often brutally blunt with the truth. She is untrusting of others, in that she expects them to be foolish lummoxes with only half of a brain. If another person proves themselves intelligent, her expectations change from extremely low to demandingly high, sometimes impossibly so. Only if a person can draw close to her does that change, at which point she becomes loyal and protective.

History: Born in Spiral Falls to a merchant named Dominak and a Defender named Felicity, Erika learned to walk by the age of five months, and was talking barely three days later. By three years of age, she could write more clearly than many adults, with either hand. Things changed, though, when much of her extended family, and both of her parents, were murdered in one night, right in front of her.

Years ago, Felicity and her brother Seth had attracted the attention of a powerful gang, led by a man called Spectre, in the Crook of the Plains, but they managed to arrest their leader and escape town. The gang had tracked them down, under a new leader by the name of Destron.

Erika had created a plan to pretend that Felicity and her brother were in the middle of the family, on the way to a tavern, so that Felicity and Seth could escape undetected. The gang members shot anyway. They killed over half of Erika's family, as well as Dominak. Erika took a glancing blow in the right leg.

She limped into a safehouse to hide, where she found her mother fighting another SphereMorph, with Seth nowhere in sight. Her mother managed to strike the other down. Out the small peephole of the safehouse, Felicity spied two more SphereMorphs approaching. She took off her SphereMorph, gave it to Erika, and told her that she needed to run. Erika fled the building through the back door, and ran. She looked back just in time to see her mother snatch the SphereMorph from the unconscious and begin to glow. Felicity settled into Form just in time to find a blade between her ribs. Erika was seven at the time.

After hiding in Spiral Falls and learning to use the SphereMorph, Erika joined a merchant caravan as a guard, wandering with the caravans for eight years. Ironically, she ended up in the Crook of the Plains. In this, she saw the perfect opportunity, ending her contractual guard duties and involving herself in the underground that was always so persent in the area. She spent years there, building a reputation as a criminal mastermind, which wasn't hard to do, with the fools she was surrounded by. She made alliances, broke them, killed, and became ruthless. Soon, she was ruler of the fifth most powerful gang of the city, and in reach of her goal; to take down Destron once and for all. She planned, spied, and prepared. Unfortunately, her attack was expected. Despite careful planning and thirteen planted spies, her plan failed, and Erika was forced to go into hiding once more. On that night, she again had to watch as those she trusted were killed. Still reeling from the blow, she wandered into the Vast Plain, where she was approached by a strange armored man with the most tantilizing offer she had ever heard...

Grid: Equilibrium

This Grid is a diamond, split into four Quadrants. When held level, it will act as a compass. The Northern Quadrant is called the Farcast Mentality, the Eastern Quadrant Farcast Physicality, the Southern is Closedrawn Physicality, and the Western is Closedrawn Mentality. Each Quadrant grants added prowess in its specific trait to the Sphere placed within; however, its weakness lies in the fact that if a Sphere which does not sufficiently utilize the trait a Quadrant grants is placed in said Quadrant, the Sphere weakens over time unless it is removed from the Grid; even Spheres placed, properly will have lessened strength in the opposite trait. This severely limits the Sphere combinations one can have while using this Grid. Additionally, it's almost impossible to Gate Fuse two Spheres in such a way as to actually make them better.

Erika has her Toa Sphere to the West, Closedrawn Mentality, her Thief Sphere to the South, Closedrawn Physicality, her Infiltrator Sphere to the East, Farcast Physicality, and her Scribbler Sphere to the North, Farcast Mentality.

Her Grid comes equipped with a Rank One Defense-boosting Gate from Scribbler to Thief.


• Toa - As a Toa, Erika gains a dark purple and black body of protodermic metal, shaped tall and light-footed. Besides being granted with limited gravity manipulation and twin battleaxes, used in tandem to glide short distances, Erika gains a powerful Kanohi Mahiki, Mask of Illusions.

Basic Form

• Thief - As a Thief, Erika replaces her sweater with a tight green shirt, and gains sashes around waist and arms, as well as a light scarf around her neck. Her knives have sheaths hidden within the sashes on her arms.

Basic Form

• Infiltrator - Erika dons white Energized Armor with glowing blue details as an Infiltrator, and weilds an MP7 SMG in hand. She also has an AI AS-50 Sniper Rifle hooked onto her back, and a Whitney Wolverine in the pistol holster strapped onto her waist.

Spectre --> Infiltrator

• Scribbler - With thick glasses perched on her nose and pencil case strapped to her right forearm, it is obvious that Erika spends a lot of time as a Scribbler, mostly scoping out and scetching possible locations of battle, ambush, etc. She has a full notepad of scetches stored for various streets and roads in and around the Crook of the Plains.

Summoner --> Scribbler

Roleplaying Example:

"I'm done with this."

Her tutor, new this week, stopped her sentence and turned toward me. "I haven't finished the instructions. How can youhave finished already?"

I sighed, then declared exaggeratedly, "I extrapolated what you've told me with what is on the board. It wasn't terribly difficult; I managed to solve them without even having to writing any work. Can't you at least give me something challenging?"

The tutor glared at me for a long moment before turning to the board. She began to write furiously. "The answer is three over the cube root of seventy X squared, multiplied by the cosine squared of three X." I glanced around the well-furnished room, saw her pictures, her various books on romance, her bitten nails. "Also, your new boyfriend is cheating on you. Expect to be dumped within two months."

The tutor didn't turn this time. She just said, cold as the Frozen Foothills, "Thank you for letting me know. Also, that was the correct answer; congratulations."

I recognized that tone of voice. "I'm not getting another lesson from you, am I?"

The tutor turned then. She had the most frightening glare of any so far. Small wonder about her boyfriend... She nodded once, curtly. "I assume you can find the door?"

I left. Father would not be pleased, but I was planning on mitigating that with the news that, from my trip to the market this morning, he should definitely pour more investment funding into the new fishery...

I sighed. This stuff is of no use to me any longer. Into the fire the journal went, with the others. I stood, exited the room. Father was dead, the tutor was a city away. It shows how much has changed, that I thought to bring those along when I left town. I entered the main room of the gang hall and called for the new reports from the night. Looking around, I couldn't help muttering to myself. "He'll betray soon. He's going home. She's planning on a power seize soon to gain position. He hates me. He doesn't trust me."

A new evaluation stopped me in my tracks. "He... fears. Me."

Finally. The fear begins, and thus the power does as well. I would be in charge in a few month's time. Then, the real planning could begin.

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Darn it! You beat me to making a Diclonius character.


One thing about Diclonius is, aren't all Diclonius (aside from a few exceptions who as far as I know don't have vectors) female? Also, the male diclonius I've seen all are bald, while the females have pink/red hair. If Meadowlyn has a diclonios form, his hair should probably change as well.

Now, this is just referring to accuracy in regards to what I've seen of Elfen Lied. Depending on what Silus thinks, you could make modifications for the Nexus RP.

I left it purposely vague so that the player can have more variation in specific alterations, like in the Geass form. In the Geass form you can have the Sigil in the left, right or both eyes. In the source material, having it in both eyes indicated that your Geass reached its most powerful state, in the Nexus, it is just aesthetics. It is the same with the Diclonius Form, aesthetics.

Good luck with your new killing machine :)

I want you to look at both forms separately, then together as an amalgam form. Then, you can congratulate Sylent on a deadly form.

Gentle Fist Vectors. Scary stuff.

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I have a few ideas about powers for a character but they might be under/overpowered.

A Devil Fruit power from One Piece:

A gif of the power being used

Power -

The user gains the ability to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, the user is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside. The user can also attach separated parts in any manner they see fit, such as sticking someone's head to a barrel. People separated by this ability aren't killed, and can still feel their separated parts, regardless of the distance they were separated from each other. The effect persists even after the sphere is disengaged. How, or even if, the separated parts can be reassembled is unclear.

EDIT - the user is also able to stop projectiles that enter the territory - stopping a cannon ball and sending it back for example.

Weaknesses -

The weakness of the technique seems to be the concentration required to maintain it. The user is unable to move around while the technique is active without nullifying it.

EDIT - Forgot to add that the user is unable to go in water higher than knee-deep without becoming helpless.

Death Rex from the Chaosic Gate manga:


Power -

Death Rex is a dragon summoned with a card (which opens a portal on the user's body). It can permanently destroy anything it eats and can incorporate parts of the opponent into its body.

Weaknesses -

Any damage taken by Death Rex is reflected directly onto the user- head wound = head wound, missing limb = missing limb, etc. The damage can be undone if Death Rex eats an opponent. A strong will is required to control Death Rex or it will turn on its user and devour them instead.

Lagann from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann -


Power -

Heavy Armor type of small mech, the user sits inside and is completely protected by it. Lagann has a large drill, allowing it to quickly tunnel through the earth and use drill-based attacks, or hide if necessary. It can fly and move around quickly on land as well. It's main point of strength is its ability to take over larger mechs by drilling into them and interfacing with their systems.

Weaknesses -

It's main limbs are too small to be much use directly in combat, it has no ranged weapons (tends to use self as more of a large projectile) and is powered by the user's "fighting spirit".

Also, thinking of naming my character Daedalus.

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Username: Typhoon

Contact: PM please

Character Name: Ajax Stormrite


Gender: Male

Hometown: Drackensburg (built on the Northern cliffs)

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Large, strong, and lithe, but not overly toned, Ajax has a fairly normal appearance for one from Drackensburg. His eyes are gray, matching his wyrmskin boots. He's usually found with a thick, brown, vest with matching kilt, both from seabear fur. Under these are a thick woolen shirt and trousers. Close-cropped, dark brown hair and Obi-Wan style beard surround his already weather worn face. A harpoon is almost always found in his hand or strapped to his back to deal with the smaller monsters that infest the Ocean Rivers. He wears his Sphere attached to the leather armband of his left forearm, otherwise a twin of the one on the right.

Personality: At first glance Ajax seems a wall, no emotion whatsoever. This may have been caused by his long sky wreck after the storm that brought him here, all alone with nothing but himself, the wind, and later Fenris, the strange half-wolf, half monster that the captain had caught. Underneath this harsh, outer skin is a loyal friend, trusting, humorous, dependable, and serious only if not in the company of friends, or the greatest peril. There is a downside to his dog-like nature, people can easily gain his trust and then take advantage of Ajax. Hounding his enemies that once were “friends” is an all to frequent pass time now that Ajax is on the mainland.

History: will be posted

Grid: Tidal force: shaped like a triangle with a slot for a sphere at each point switching can happen from any one to any one in ?7-12? seconds


Spartan: Weapon masters to the extreme, but only focusing on one melee weapon they are a formidable foe to most mid-range monsters. They prefer to bring the fight to the enemy as this helps compensate for their lack of ranged weapons.

-Main elemental blade (spear, sword, ax, ect.)

-Reserve element knife

-*doesn't need to be the same element

-Shield, impervious to basic magic, ammo, small elemental damage.

-War Cry, temporally increases strength and dulls pain

-Armor, same as shield

Has no ranged weapon so must approach to engage.

Warrior> Spartan

Spartan: Mostly the same in appearance as himself, but with a 8 foot spear instead of his normal harpoon, wrought Iron colored Greek Hoplite armor, and a shield of the same color painted with his family's crest, a sea wyrm head in dark green against the black field.

Dragoon: Rough and tumble gunners with firepower to match.

-Twin Blunderbusses (if anyone doesn't know what that is, you shove just about any hard object down the barrel and it comes out with a poof of flame.

-Steel helmet and chest plate

-Powder charge, sends out a 15' jet of flame

-Chain Shot, shoot a chain at high speeds to cut and entangle one's enemy

-Grippy Boots, a very original name.

-Normal Bullets


FIREPOWER, but no close range weapon and nearly defenseless.

Gunner> Dragoon

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This RP is looking pretty amazing so far, I'm thinking of joining up soon. I have some questions first:

1. Which effects (Hunger, Injury, Magic, etc) pass from Form to Form, and from Form to Baseline? How do Forms recover from them? More specific examples: Can you eat while in Form, and become full in your baseline? Can you run until exhausted in one form, switch, then be at full stamina again? You can take fatal wounds while in Form and they do not kill you, but how are less extreme injuries handled?

2. How are a Form's items/resources replenished? Is it just every 6 hours, you get a full (though small) supply of metalminds (for a chemist), a belly full of metal (for a Misting), and a full supply of ammunition (for others)? What happens to things like bullets when you change Forms, do they disappear from the walls and people's bodies?

3. Can I/we add the rest of the Feruchemical powers (Determination, Energy, Breath, etc)?

3b. Does compounding (burning a metalmind for an additional boost, like TLR's Atium) work?

3c. Can Twinborns be a new evolved form (tier 2), or would they need to be a Fused form? I'm thinking of having my character possess both Allomantic and Feruchemical Bendalloy, for creating bubbles of fast time and for nourishment (if food passes to baseline).

4. Do Kandra have the ability to close wounds, take non-human form, or use True Bodies in the Nexus?

EDIT: 5. Can you switch Form while under the effects of a bendalloy bubble (using the Womb of Mist), or would that be impossible/too powerful?

EDIT TWO: 6. Can Leech still store their own attributes, or is it only that they can take from others?

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This RP is looking pretty amazing so far, I'm thinking of joining up soon. I have some questions first:

1. Which effects (Hunger, Injury, Magic, etc) pass from Form to Form, and from Form to Baseline? How do Forms recover from them? More specific examples: Can you eat while in Form, and become full in your baseline? Can you run until exhausted in one form, switch, then be at full stamina again? You can take fatal wounds while in Form and they do not kill you, but how are less extreme injuries handled?

2. How are a Form's items/resources replenished? Is it just every 6 hours, you get a full (though small) supply of metalminds (for a chemist), a belly full of metal (for a Misting), and a full supply of ammunition (for others)? What happens to things like bullets when you change Forms, do they disappear from the walls and people's bodies?

3. Can I/we add the rest of the Feruchemical powers (Determination, Energy, Breath, etc)?

3b. Does compounding (burning a metalmind for an additional boost, like TLR's Atium) work?

3c. Can Twinborns be a new evolved form (tier 2), or would they need to be a Fused form? I'm thinking of having my character possess both Allomantic and Feruchemical Bendalloy, for creating bubbles of fast time and for nourishment (if food passes to baseline).

4. Do Kandra have the ability to close wounds, take non-human form, or use True Bodies in the Nexus?

EDIT: 5. Can you use switch Form while under the effects of a bendalloy bubble (using the Womb of Mist), or would that be impossible/too powerful?

EDIT TWO: 6. Can Leech still store their own attributes, or is it only that they can take from others?

Wow. These are all very good questions; I think the reason they haven't been asked yet is because they haven't come up, but still. Impressive.

In other words, welcome! (Yes, first this time!)We've been getting quite an influx lately, and its good to see another new avatar around here!

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Sylent, Frost, Obi, and Typhoon - I'm waiting on a chat with Silus about the approval process, but I like what I'm seeing.

Welcome, ulysses! Frost beat me to it, but you do ask good questions. Let's try and answer them, huh?

1. Which effects (Hunger, Injury, Magic, etc) pass from Form to Form, and from Form to Baseline? How do Forms recover from them? More specific examples: Can you eat while in Form, and become full in your baseline? Can you run until exhausted in one form, switch, then be at full stamina again? You can take fatal wounds while in Form and they do not kill you, but how are less extreme injuries handled?

Hunger carries from Baseline to all Forms, and accumulates while in Forms. Yes, you can eat while in a Form and become less hungry overall.

Non-fatal injuries may not carry directly, but serious injuries, say on the level of broken bones, would carry but be diminished. Example: Jay'el gets his arm broken in a fight with River while in his Gunner Form. He switches to Shaman and his arm is no longer broken, but it is stiff and hard to move. Reverting to Baseline removes most non-fatal wounds, but fatal wounds do still have some after-effect. See Peter's recent interaction with River for an example.

Magical ailments and enhancements are usually time-based, meaning they diminish over time. Switching Forms decreases the duration of any enhancement by (and I'm making up numbers here) roughly 20% of the original duration, and increases the duration of ailments by a similar percentage. Example: Thomas McGee, in his Warrior-based Fire Form, gets a temporary buff because Jay'el stupidly cast Fire on him. The buff lasts two minutes, 120 seconds (Or, if you prefer, about 10 posts in that fight). Jay'el then used Blinding Shot on Thomas, blinding him for two minutes. Thomas rapidly switched Forms, losing 24 seconds (two posts) on his buff and gaining 24 seconds of blindness with each switch. Because he had no Forms with any sort of blind-sight (read: Allomantic iron/steel, similar), he reverted to Baseline. Switching back to Baseline immediately reduces any ailments duration to 20% of the original duration or whatever time is left, whichever is shorter. Reverting to Baseline also wipes any magical enhancements.

Stamina is enhanced while in Forms, but your overall stamina depends on your Form and how physically fit you are normally. If you ran until exhausted in a Form with low stamina, let's say Cartoonist, and then switched to a Pewterarm Form, your overall stamina is increased by the nature of the Form (even without burning pewter) so you could continue running. However, if you did the opposite, switched to Cartoonist after running to exhaustion as a Pewterarm, you'd likely collapse, especially if you'd been pewter-dragging.

2. How are a Form's items/resources replenished? Is it just every 6 hours, you get a full (though small) supply of metalminds (for a chemist), a belly full of metal (for a Misting), and a full supply of ammunition (for others)? What happens to things like bullets when you change Forms, do they disappear from the walls and people's bodies?

You basically hit this one on the head, expect with the bullet bit. Those fade from external objects (walls, people) after about 10 minutes. Yes, this does let some Spheremorphs get away with murder. Generally those are frowned upon, though.

Objects critical to Forms (Chemist metalminds, Cartoonist sketchpads, Gunner pistols, etc) disappear immediately if the Spheremorph switches Forms without having the critical object on his/her person, as you would expect.

3. Can I/we add the rest of the Feruchemical powers (Determination, Energy, Breath, etc)?

Currently in the works. We have to adapt the new powers to work in Nexus.

3b. Does compounding (burning a metalmind for an additional boost, like TLR's Atium) work?

Yes, but it's effects are diminished.

For those that haven't read Alloy, spoiler tag:

You wouldn't get someone like Miles, with his instant healing from death. It would still take at least a minute or two to recover from fatal wounds.

3c. Can Twinborns be a new evolved form (tier 2), or would they need to be a Fused form? I'm thinking of having my character possess both Allomantic and Feruchemical Bendalloy, for creating bubbles of fast time and for nourishment (if food passes to baseline).

They would need to be a Fused Form. Reasoning: Sphere evolution isn't just about enhancing or increasing your power, it's about refining it. Black Mages, who can cast any harmful elemental spell, don't become Arcane Masters, who can cast any harmful elemental spell at a very increased level - Black Mages evolve into things like Fire Mage, who forgo the use of other elements to focus and increase their ability with fire. It would be distinctly odd for a Black Mage to keep all of their ability with harmful elements and gain all the healing skills of a White Mage without losing anything. Yes, Misting -> Mistborn and Chemist -> Keeper break this, but they also dead-end the Sphere evolution path; Twinborn Spheres don't, necessarily.

Magical nourishment from bendalloy (Subsumer) would be a type of enhancement, and its effect would end as soon as you left the Form. You'd leave the Form just as hungry as you went in, assuming you only tapped while in the Form.

4. Do Kandra have the ability to close wounds, take non-human form, or use True Bodies in the Nexus?

Yes, though being Spheremorphs instead of true kandra this isn't commonly done. Remember that wounds still hurt a kandra, and though their flesh is mutable it is a finite resource - closing a gaping wound requires flesh from other areas of the body.

EDIT: 5. Can you use switch Form while under the effects of a bendalloy bubble (using the Womb of Mist), or would that be impossible/too powerful?

You could, yes. However, because of the way shifting works, the bendalloy/cadmium bubble drops midway through the shift.

For a split second, nothing noticable in real-time, Spheremorphs revert to Baseline between shifts. This is part of what lets them heal when switching, but it also means that even with Womb of Mist you aren't always a Slider (which is a requirement for having the speed bubble up constantly).

EDIT TWO: 6. Can Leech still store their own attributes, or is it only that they can take from others?

Everything else here is subject to change if Silus wants it to. But since I made the Leech Form, I'm overruling him on this one: Yes, they can still store their own attributes. They could even give up their own attributes to others, if they wished. Neither of these practices is common, however. Leech will also be updated when Chemist abilities are adapted to Nexus.

Edit: fixed the wall-o-text effect

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Thanks for the quick answers, it turns out my original idea wouldn't work, but when rebuilding my character, I found a few more questions:

1. Complex Evolvers

If I'm understanding correctly, A complex evolver permanently evolves a sphere, and adds a single trait, item or ability from a different form. For example, Evolving a Warrior sphere with a Lightsaber spherepiece would result in an Armoured Knight with a lightsaber. Further evolving the sphere would not remove the effect of the spherepiece, resulting in a Shardplate with a Lightsaber. Assuming all of that is correct, when creating a character, do you start with the desired shardpiece for a Compex Evolver, or will it need to be gained separately?

2. Creating new Forms

I have an idea for a new set of Forms. Should I post it here as soon as they are ready, or wait and include it in my character application?

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1. Complex Evolvers

If I'm understanding correctly, A complex evolver permanently evolves a sphere, and adds a single trait, item or ability from a different form. For example, Evolving a Warrior sphere with a Lightsaber spherepiece would result in an Armoured Knight with a lightsaber. Further evolving the sphere would not remove the effect of the spherepiece, resulting in a Shardplate with a Lightsaber. Assuming all of that is correct, when creating a character, do you start with the desired shardpiece for a Compex Evolver, or will it need to be gained separately?

This is correct, however the skill to use an item is separate from the item itself, as seen here, in the Jay'el section. It would seem to work better with a single ability. When creating a new character, I'll rule that if you spend the 3 points to get a Complex Evolved Form, you can have the Form Fragment to put in it. If you wanted one during the course of the game, we'd have to work that out, but it's possible.

2. Creating new Forms

I have an idea for a new set of Forms. Should I post it here as soon as they are ready, or wait and include it in my character application?

Either or. People have been making Forms as we go and not used them immediately - Leech, Cartoonist, Scribbler, Sailor, Buccaneer, and Dread Pirate all come to mind. Just know that anything you make, we can and probably will usurp to use against you. (mwahahaha!) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, the time has come. After tonight, I won't be on the internet, let alone 17th Shard, for two years while I serve an LDS mission to Argentina. This has been an awesome experience for me and leaving you guys now is something I wish I didn't have to do, but I do. I know that Cuaiir will do a great job with you guys. Please enjoy this project I put together while I'm gone, and hopefully it'll still be running when I get back.

Good luck, and know that I approve of you guys.


Have fun.

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Guys, the time has come. After tonight, I won't be on the internet, let alone 17th Shard, for two years while I serve an LDS mission to Argentina. This has been an awesome experience for me and leaving you guys now is something I wish I didn't have to do, but I do. I know that Cuaiir will do a great job with you guys. Please enjoy this project I put together while I'm gone, and hopefully it'll still be running when I get back.

Good luck, Silus, and have fun.

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Good luck, Silus. I'll hold down the fort.

As for the rest of us, status updates:

Real life is kicking my butt pretty hard, so things are going slowly.

I'm going through all the applications, looking for points where people can be more specific. Overall, though, fantastic job.

I'll try to get something up to advance everyone's Story threads by the end of this coming weekend, but no promises.

I'd appreciate any thoughts you guys have on making the new Feruchemical abilities fit within Nexus, as well as ideas for 1-point Grid components. That seems to be an issue.

I've got a general game plan for where this is all going. Tournament matches are just the start, believe me.

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um...1 point components? I made some below. I left out the ratings, but I intend them all to be 1, these are subject to Cuaiir approval. (BTW all of these are inspired by and named after TV tropes)

Animal Eye Spy

Allows the bearer to see through the eyes of any nearby animal, the size and distance of the animal varies with the rating of the grid it is attached too.

Poke in the Third Eye

nullifies any form remote viewing spell or technology for a short (couple seconds) time. The component must recharge under the light of the moon* after each use.

*provided there is a moon.

Uncanny Valley

This gives the a slight intuitive warning when there is Illusion or glamer magic or technology being used nearby. It does not provide any information beyond presence or lack thereof.

The Hyena

Emotional manipulation is harder to use on the user of this component, however the user finds that every thing is funny, and everything is worth a laugh, and likely will laugh.

Catch Phrase

This component attaches to a formsphere. When the spheremorph shifts to that form, he can utter a phrase, at least five words long, and receive a slight strength boost. This phrase must be the same every time and is chosen upon first being used. Changing the phrase locks out the component, until it is attached to a different formsphere.

Heroic Sacrifice

When attached to a grid, the bearer names a person or location. Upon the bearer's death in baseline, the grid, components and formspheres attached to it immediately teleport to that person or location. This component, upon teleportation, disintegrates.

Edited by Emeralis00
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Ah, I missed it... Sorry Silus. (Yes I know he's gone....)

Anyway, I talked with Silus a while ago, and he mentioned using extra points as "stat-boosting" Components. I had one extra point with Erika, and I'm planning on adding extra Speed to her Theif, yes?

More points spent on one of these components increases their effectiveness.

EDIT: Also, I thought I should mention this: my current posts are basically just waiting until my arena match.

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Is it still possible for me to join? I like the idea of this world and I would really like to join. Just I'm not sure if it is too late to join.

Of course it's possible! Put up an app and I'll review it, then once it's approved we'll try and work you into the narrative we have going.

Once again, I'm sorry about the delays everybody. Finals week is coming up for me, and after that I'm free for a couple of weeks. We'll gain steam back soon.

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