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Silus - Shard of Flame

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Welcome Sylent!

One thing I thought I would mention. Now, we are RPing in Nexus, so I'm not sure what all the rules are, but in real life, a human being is only capable of being completely fluent in up to seven or eight languages. Now, they might have some knowledge of others, but fluency in a higher number is impossible, because they start to get jumbled and the memory can't hold that many. Plus, if even if someone could know 200 hundred languages, they likely wouldn't speak most enough to keep them. (My friend Jezreel was only bilingual, and he's been losing his English steadily ever since he returned to Taiwan).

Now, like I said, we aren't RPing in the real world. If Meadow has a magical or technological means of knowing these languages, then I'm sure it works (I'd assume there is a magic element since he is able to talk to animals, haha). I just wasn't sure since the 'how' of his multi-lingual nature isn't shown in the app.

On another note... I might not be around much guys. School is hitting me pretty hard right now, and I'm still trying to organize everything for my trip to the alloy release. I'll try my best to post and will continue to keep up with the story, but don't hold your breath. I'm having trouble keeping up on MBI as well, and since I have a more prominent position there I have to put it first.

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[rage]Darn it, Silus! You're making me Scour, again!?[/rage]

Really, though. You know I will find it, if it takes me hours. Could you please just tell me, if it's already a concrete fact? The prophecy is one thing; there is no concrete knowledge of what it means. This, though, you said yourself we've seen it.

Oh, and Em: Natural paranoia, for the win!

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Seriously, look at the context of the prophecy, then at the Data Topic. I didn't think it would be difficult to figure out.

BTW, we HAVE a banner you can put in your sig, Frost. It's on page one of this topic.

Yeah, I was gonna bring that up, Coma, thanks for mentioning it.

And it's okay that you won't be around much, River doesn't have a match until the next day.

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Gah! I always forget the lack of tone online. That was not "real" rage. I was overstating. I apologize.

Oh, and I was referencing the mask when I asked you to tell; I was comparing and contrasting this situation to the one with the prophecy. I'll take a look when I have the time, I guess. Sorry again.

Thanks about the banner; I had forgotten about that.

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Ironically, I rather like the song, though it does tend to get a bit... Overplayed.

It's a great song to slip into your iPod when a friend isn't looking.

Also, as an FYI; I had my character pretty much done, and... The device which held the file has gone missing. If I don't find it tomorrow, I'll start anew.

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So I did some trolling through old posts, partially for the Synopsis (more forthcoming, I promise!), and I put together a bracket based on what we know as PCs. Only point I had to make something up was on the guy who had a Cartoonist Form, and that was just a quick name. The structure is something I consulted with Silus on, totally accurate.


It's a bit large, but I checked with Silus and he says it's accurate. Yay reference material!

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Oooh, boy. It looks like at the four-way battle(?) Of glyph, it'll be me, Ambro, Jay'el, and some random NPC. And only two of us can continue onward. This should be very interesting.

Excellent planning, Silus!

EDIT: Stupid Trip. Never mind...

Edited by The Frostbourne
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I haven't heard from Silus yet about the Grid I've designed, but I'm going to toss this up anyway, since I finnally found it. How do you like it?

Username: The Frostbourne

Contact: PM

Character Name: Erika Melodi

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Hometown: Spiral Falls

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Erika was given her mother's looks, with short, dark red hair, green eyes, and skin with a Native American hue. She wears a dark green, oversized sweater, black pants tucked into knee-high leather boots, a squat cylindrical cap, and thin, fingerless gloves. Her SphereMorph is set on an iron band clasped around her left wrist.

Personality: Erika is highly precocious and slightly nosy. She has an understandably difficult time talking about herself, and will either change the subject, cut off the conversation, or tell a lie. In Crook of the Plains, there were probably dozens of rumors about her, and she had started most of them herself. About things and people other than herself, though, she is honest, and often brutally blunt with the truth. She is untrusting of others, in that she expects them to be foolish lummoxes with only half of a brain. If another person proves themselves intelligent, her expectations change from extremely low to demandingly high, sometimes impossibly so. Only if a person can draw close to her does that change, at which point she becomes loyal and protective.

History: Born in Spiral Falls to a merchant named Dominak and a Defender named Felicity, Erika learned to walk by the age of five months, and was talking barely three days later. By three years of age, she could write more clearly than many adults, with either hand. Things changed, though, when much of her extended family, and both of her parents, were murdered in one night, right in front of her.

Years ago, Felicity and her brother Seth had attracted the attention of a powerful gang, led by a man called Spectre, in the Crook of the Plains, but they managed to arrest their leader and escape town. The gang had tracked them down, under a new leader by the name of Destron.

Erika had created a plan to pretend that Felicity and her brother were in the middle of the family, on the way to a tavern, so that Felicity and Seth could escape undetected. The gang members shot anyway. They killed over half of Erika's family, as well as Dominak. Erika took a glancing blow in the right leg.

She limped into a safehouse to hide, where she found her mother fighting another SphereMorph, with Seth nowhere in sight. Her mother managed to strike the other down. Out the small peephole of the safehouse, Felicity spied two more SphereMorphs approaching. She took off her SphereMorph, gave it to Erika, and told her that she needed to run. Erika fled the building through the back door, and ran. She looked back just in time to see her mother snatch the SphereMorph from the unconscious and begin to glow. Felicity settled into Form just in time to find a blade between her ribs. Erika was seven at the time.

After hiding in Spiral Falls and learning to use the SphereMorph, Erika joined a merchant caravan as a guard, wandering with the caravans for eight years. Ironically, she ended up in the Crook of the Plains. In this, she saw the perfect opportunity, ending her contractual guard duties and involving herself in the underground that was always so persent in the area. She spent years there, building a reputation as a criminal mastermind, which wasn't hard to do, with the fools she was surrounded by. She made alliances, broke them, killed, and became ruthless. Soon, she was ruler of the fifth most powerful gang of the city, and in reach of her goal; to take down Destron once and for all. She planned, spied, and prepared. Unfortunately, her attack was expected. Despite careful planning and thirteen planted spies, her plan failed, and Erika was forced to go into hiding once more. On that night, she again had to watch as those she trusted were killed. Still reeling from the blow, she wandered into the Vast Plain, where she was approached by a strange armored man with the most tantilizing offer she had ever heard...

Grid: Equilibrium

This Grid is a diamond, split into four Quadrants. When held level, it will act as a compass. The Northern Quadrant is called the Farcast Mentality, the Eastern Quadrant Farcast Physicality, the Southern is Closedrawn Physicality, and the Western is Closedrawn Mentality. Each Quadrant grants added prowess in its specific trait to the Sphere placed within; however, its weakness lies in the fact that if a Sphere which does not sufficiently utilize the trait a Quadrant grants is placed in said Quadrant, the Sphere weakens over time unless it is removed from the Grid; even Spheres placed, properly will have lessened strength in the opposite trait. This severely limits the Sphere combinations one can have while using this Grid. Additionally, it's almost impossible to Gate Fuse two Spheres in such a way as to actually make them better.

Erika has her Toa Sphere to the West, Closedrawn Mentality, her Thief Sphere to the South, Closedrawn Physicality, her Infiltrator Sphere to the East, Farcast Physicality, and her Scribbler Sphere to the North, Farcast Mentality.


• Toa - As a Toa, Erika gains a dark purple and black body of protodermic metal, shaped tall and light-footed. Besides being granted with limited gravity manipulation and twin battleaxes, used in tandem to glide short distances, Erika gains a powerful Kanohi Mahiki, Mask of Illusions.

Basic Form

• Thief - As a Thief, Erika replaces her sweater with a tight green shirt, and gains sashes around waist and arms, as well as a light scarf around her neck. Her knives have sheaths hidden within the sashes on her arms.

Basic Form

• Infiltrator - Erika dons white Energized Armor with glowing blue details as an Infiltrator, and weilds an MP7 SMG in hand. She also has an AI AS-50 Sniper Rifle hooked onto her back, and a Whitney Wolverine in the pistol holster strapped onto her waist.

Spectre --> Infiltrator

• Scribbler - With thick glasses perched on her nose and pencil case strapped to her right forearm, it is obvious that Erika spends a lot of time as a Scribbler, mostly scoping out and scetching possible locations of battle, ambush, etc. She has a full notepad of scetches stored for various streets and roads in and around the Crook of the Plains.

Summoner --> Scribbler

Roleplaying Example:

"I'm done with this."

Her tutor, new this week, stopped her sentence and turned toward me. "I haven't finished the instructions. How can youhave finished already?"

I sighed, then declared exaggeratedly, "I extrapolated what you've told me with what is on the board. It wasn't terribly difficult; I managed to solve them without even having to writing any work. Can't you at least give me something challenging?"

The tutor glared at me for a long moment before turning to the board. She began to write furiously. "The answer is three over the cube root of seventy X squared, multiplied by the cosine squared of three X." I glanced around the well-furnished room, saw her pictures, her various books on romance, her bitten nails. "Also, your new boyfriend is cheating on you. Expect to be dumped within two months."

The tutor didn't turn this time. She just said, cold as the Frozen Foothills, "Thank you for letting me know. Also, that was the correct answer; congratulations."

I recognized that tone of voice. "I'm not getting another lesson from you, am I?"

The tutor turned then. She had the most frightening glare of any so far. Small wonder about her boyfriend... She nodded once, curtly. "I assume you can find the door?"

I left. Father would not be pleased, but I was planning on mitigating that with the news that, from my trip to the market this morning, he should definitely pour more investment funding into the new fishery...

I sighed. This stuff is of no use to me any longer. Into the fire the journal went, with the others. I stood, exited the room. Father was dead, the tutor was a city away. It shows how much has changed, that I thought to bring those along when I left town. I entered the main room of the gang hall and called for the new reports from the night. Looking around, I couldn't help muttering to myself. "He'll betray soon. He's going home. She's planning on a power seize soon to gain position. He hates me. He doesn't trust me."

A new evaluation stopped me in my tracks. "He... fears. Me."

Finally. The fear begins, and thus the power does as well. I would be in charge in a few month's time. Then, the real planning could begin.

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Only one winner in the free-for-all? The picture makes it look like two...

I think he is talking about the third round. the one that looks like P-orbitals.

EDIT: my sister made a drawing of Ambro. I think it turned out rather nice.


Edited by Emeralis00
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The fights in the second and third round are both 4 person fights. In round 2, it's two on two, round 3 is 4 way free for all.

Frost, things look good, I just want you to put in where the Grid points are going. 2 for the Grid, 2 for the Evolver (since you're just over the limit on Forms, I'm assuming that's what you're doing), and one more that I don't know where it is.

And, now that it is officially November, I have an announcement to make.

If you've been following my posts around the forums for the last few months, you probably know that I'm leaving on an LDS mission to Argentina at the end of the month. I'll be gone for two years. One of my bigger worries about what I'm leaving behind is Nexus, as odd as that sounds. I don't want to leave you guys hanging. If it was only about six months, I'd just put the RP on hiatus while I'm gone, but it's not. I doubt we would be able to get traction again after two years of no activity. Thus, my plan has been to select someone to fill my place.

I've asked Cuaiir to take over my role as GM while I'm gone, and he's accepted. We've been talking a lot about the future and the world of Nexus, and my plans and ideas for the RP. And, during this last month, we'll be co-GMing, to help smooth the transition. I honestly don't expect the changes to be too huge, but it'll most likely be jarring for a while to see someone other than me doing authority stuff here. But don't worry, I think he'll do a brilliant job, and I expect you guys to give him your full support.

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Good luck on your mission Silus! That's really exciting. I hope you have an amazing experience.

As for Cuairr, I think you already seem to know more about what's going on with Nexus than I ever will, so I think it's obvious Silus made the correct choice in choosing you.

On another note, about the brackets. In the two vs two matches, does that mean River and Eero will be on a team? I think that will be fun :)

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Thanks, Coma, and yes, it does mean that Eerongal and River will be on a team vs....well, you'll have to wait for that. However, it also means that Ambrosius and Jay'el will be teaming up against Trip and Flip, while the rest of the matches have yet to be set in stone.

Emeralis, I plan to keep Nexus alive and kicking for when Silus gets back. He's got a ton of ideas that he's shown me, and the long-term plan for this is nothing short of epic. I'm still nit-picking at some worldly details, just to pin it all down, but I think I now have nearly as good a grasp on the world as Silus does.

It's been a year and we're barely a third of the way through the first big plot arc. I think we'll be fine for another two.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, I'll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

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good luck and all that, silus. I'm sure you'll either have a blast, or have your kidneys stolen! On an unrelated note, i'm going to need the time, date, and location of your arrival, and where you'll be staying. My guy needs to know.

I kid, i'm sure it'll be fun!

...But no, really, gimme 'dem kidneys, boy.

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Man. That fact of your departure is just now hitting home. What's the actual date of your mission?

Good luck Cuaiir; with this cast of loonies and psychos, you'll need it!

Also, Silus, I had,forgotten the 5-point thing. I know I can upgrade a Sphere, but what else could I do with a single point?

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I was just leaving room for the unexpected. Loss of interest, 17th shard going down, the Rapture, that sort of thing. I alsowant to know what would you do with one point. The only thing worth 1 point is my (sucky) grid that I made (asp grid or something, I can't remember the exact name)

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