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Theory: Shadows of Self refers to Kelsier


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So, I think that Kelsier has (had?  will have?) a "shadow of self," defining a shadow of self to be some sort of remnant of a person.  It was used to describe the mist spirit, which was what was left of Preservation.  Whether that shadow was more Preservation or Leras, I don't know.  I've also applied it to the Stormfather.  


Kelsier doesn't really fit into the same mold as those two (or does he?  He's kind of a god... right?) and that's easily the biggest problem with my theory.  Hear me out, though.  There is evidence-- subtle evidence, but evidence nonetheless, that Kelsier stuck around after his death in some form.  I realize that most of the "evidence" was forged-- first by the kandra whose name escapes me (OreSeur?  Maybe.  I don't know), and then by Ruin.  But Spook was hearing voices after he took the spike out too.  


First it was the whole I named you, Spook thing which might have been all Spook, but then came the "And that's why you must get that letter sent, Spook" right after he regained consciousness.  Add to that the fact that Marsh talked about Kelsier as though he were still around to voice an opinion, and the fact that it's obviously someone's shadow of self, and I think there's actually decent grounds to assume on this one.

Edited by Caevita
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Keslier did indeed stick around after death because he just can't help meddling in things, he held Preservation in between Leras's death and Vins Ascension. He's what's known as a cognitive shadow at this point. At least I think that's the canon term.

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So yeah, congrats for figuring this out.  Kelsier does stick around after his death as a Cognitive shadow.  The mist spirit and the Stormfather are also both Cognitive shadows (though I don't think we have /explicit/ confirmation on the first but there's enough circumstantial evidence) as are the Shades on Threnody (the Shadows for Silence world).


We don't really understand how they are formed at this point in time, but Kelsier does, as Voidus said, hold Preservation between Leras' death and Vin's Ascension.  We actually see him speak twice in HoA, in the scene with Spook that you mention and in the moments before Vin ascends (the whole "giving you power" voice she hears is actually Kelsier).

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Yeah the cosmere's weird like that. You read the books, know that they're connected and spot some cameos and you're think. "Ok, I've got this, this is awesome and cool how many little bits there are for hardcore fans."
Then you read the annotations and interviews and you find out that Kel was holding preservation.

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