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Seasons in AoL (Hero of Ages spoilers. none for AoL though)


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So I've been thinking, and have had this idea in my head for ages. What about seasons on Scadrial after Harmony? Specifically the first change.

Imagine, the leaves are falling off the trees. There's leaves everywhere. The trees look dead. People think the end is near. Even Sazed is confused. Was he doing that? He didn't think so ??

Then winter rolls around and the temperature goes down. Way down. More than it ever had. People are freaking out now. Oh, Harmony, we're all gonna die. Speaking of Harmony, where is he ?? Sazed still doesn't know, but he tries to reassure people that it seems natural and nothing is gonna be fine. He hopes.

Then spring rolls around and everything goes back. The people are happy.

Summer comes and then fall, and it starts over.

"Uh, guys, maybe its annual."

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An amusing thought, but there's no reason to think there weren't seasons of a kind in the original trilogy; I believe there are even several references to seasons in the first three books.

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Here's the thing though, weren't the trees already mostly dead? If they did change, it wouldn't be on such a large scale. But if you just got out of that apocalyptic mess, wouldn't you notice if all the green trees start changing colors, wilting, and "dying?" I know for sure I'd freak out.

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Vin says about the winters being mild in the central dominance, mild enough that snow is uncommon. And I feel like there was something about the trees often keeping their leaves due to those mild winters,

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