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Alloy of Law era Mistborn rp [currently accepting members]


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[Can you try to post a bit more, Venture? I see a lot you can do with your character here with description of the scene. How does he feel? Is his vision fuzzy? What does he recall about the past event? You need to have at least four lines in your post, more is preferred.]

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Kherstor was leaning back on a fine wooden chair in front of a large table when Finner walked into the Iron inn. The inn was a particularly rustic establishment off the main roads of the town, with a few table in front of a roaring fire and a friendly bartender. Apparently, business was slow at the moment- so there were plenty of rooms free for travelers such as himself. After the people who were being targeted had fled, the fighting slowly started to dissipate- and the assailants begun to retreat. Without any motivation to stay any longer, Kherstor had spent a few minutes tying unconscious bodies to posts and sending a runner to the sheriff so he could preform an official arrest. Kherstor didn't particularly enjoy giving that responsibility to one so blatantly corrupt, despite his position- but Kherstor had bigger fish to fry. Only Jon could have organized something on this grand a scale, and his motive fit the crime- the attack would be a perfect first lead if they could interrogate a few of the attackers. Kherstor couldn't find Finner in the aftermath- so he asked the locals for directions to the Iron inn which Finner had mentioned, and followed them in hope of regrouping with him and the mysterious group that had been attacked. The sun was starting to set by the time he got there, but now that Finner was here, they could start to plan for the morning.

"Finner!" Kherstor cheered as he rose to greet Finner "You made it! Never a quiet moment in the roughs, eh? Come, sit down- I took the liberty of ordering us some drinks while I was waiting. That is, if you ever drink from anything besides that flask" Kherstor laughed heartily as they both took a seat on the ridiculously large table.

"I hope you don't mind, I invited a particular group of people to join us. I believe they were the people that those assailants were targeting. They might be able to help us with..." Kherstor quickly looked over his shoulder, the bar wasn't bustling- but there were a few stragglers which would be worth being wary about.

"Our... 'expedition'" Kherstor whispered in absolute seriousness, "I believe our friend Jon was responsible for today's 'main event'. You saw how many mistings there were, the only crime-lord in this area capable of organizing that which we know of could only be Jon. His men were targeting a young lady, one who had just recently been tested. I believe this is how Jon expands his enterprise, by targeting newly found mistings who haven't yet built enough of a reputation for themselves to be missed- and then forcing them to work for him to increase his arsenal of metallic arts he could pretend to be able to use. I suspect the person who tested this girl is secretly reporting to Jon, we should try and find out from her who he is and see what he knows. What do you think?"

Edited by Unodus
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Carson sat at a table, lost in his game. The two other gamblers were dealing better hands, by far. It wasn't that their cards were great, it was just that Carson had the worst possible draws for the past ten games. He played with his sleeves rolled up. One elbow rested on the head of a nail that had been driven into thee table.


Carson saw the greed in his opponent's eyes as he put the rest of his funds into the middle of the table. It was possible that the next card he drew would be exactly what he needed to complete a very rare hand. The hand wasn't worth a lot of points compared to other possibilities, but there was a one-in-six chance that if he got the card, he would win. The chance of getting the exact card he needed was closer to one-in-twenty-five.


Carson didn't pay attention to the gunshots outside. He was too focused on the next draw. When it came to his turn, Carson stopped storing Luck into the chromium nail and drew as much of it he could manage for the next few seconds. He had stored enough Luck that he was guaranteed victory, a ninety-nine-to-one chance, and it would be the most amazing win possible. The next few seconds would burn up all of his Luck by manifesting into his immediate need. He wouldn't be able to store up enough in time for the next game, but he wouldn't need to. There was enough money in the pot to pay his way into a fancy suite in uptown Elendel for a month. Carson reached his hand for the deck and started to slip the top card off.


The door to the bar swung open as someone entered. There was a loud bang from a gunshot *The sound of distant gunfire from across the street came through the open door just as Carson gave in to a sudden urge to tilt his head to the right to pop his neck. A bullet *A stray bullet whizzed by his head, grazing the hair on his left temple.


Carson froze, card in hand. His Luck had disappeared. He glanced at both men who watched him patiently. Apparently both of them were too engrossed in the game to care about the near-death experience, either. Carson looked back down at the card in his fingers and slowly turned it over.


His felt his heart jump nearly into his throat. He couldn't decide if he was elated at his Luck being used to save his life, or if he would have rather taken that bullet. Well, there's always tomorrow. Carson sighed and slumped back in his chair, watching the winnings find their way into one of the other men's wallet.


The men stood up and walked off. Carson eyed the newcomer who had opened that door at just the right moment.


EDIT: See strike-through text --->like this<--- for where I clarified things.




This section has been redacted.

Dirge watched from one of his peep holes above a shop near the inn. He had been keeping his eyes on a few unsavory types who seemed to be getting up the nerve to start their own bandit ring. When he saw a few men enter the alley beneath him, he studied their faces carefully. They were definitely on his suspect list, and one of them was a pewterarm, Fits Eskridge, or 'Ridge' as his friends called him. Ridge had been to every meeting Dirge had spied on recently. They were up to something, but he couldn't tell for sure what. If only he were a tineye. Then again, Dirge had a flash round in his six-triggered hazekiller pistol that would blind a tineye. The extra power a metalborn used always had a weakness, and he had developed a few special hazekiller rounds that took advantage of those weaknesses. Better to be normal.


As the two men climbed a ladder to the roof on the opposite building, another figure stood up from behind a section of wall who Dirge hadn't noticed. This new person he didn't recognize. The figure had a hood up to hide his face, and his coat was torn into strips below the shoulder. Why would someone ruin a coat like that?


Not more than two minutes passed before sounds of gunshots echoed from somewhere a few blocks away. The three men all turned to look in the general direction, and Dirge too advantage of their distraction to move around to better cover where he could fire a few shots accurately if he had to. This put his targets' almost between him and the inn.


The hooded man turned to face Dirge. The man was probably a tineye or the ferring equivalent. The man pulled out a gun. Dirge acted first, bringing his gun up in line with the fellow. He pulled one of the triggers for a normal round. Flash rounds were expensive, at least the kinds he carried, and he wasn't certain if the man actually was a tineye. He aimed at the man's gun and fired two rounds. The bullets missed their mark, veering off tot he side before they reached their target. One hit the mantle of the inn's front door, he noticed, as a patron was walking in. He wasn't sure where the other one had gone. He just hoped it didn't hit anyone. At least not anyone who didn't deserve it.

Edited by Turos
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Before Finn could say anything by way of reply, the waitress came bearing the drinks. “Here you go, fellas,” she said as she set the mugs down.


“Thanks kindly, Enah,” said Finner, smiling up at her charmingly. She flashed him a grin and left to serve the other tables. Finner picked up the drink and smelled it hesitantly. Extinguishing his tin for a few seconds to avoid the smell, he faked drinking from it, keeping his lips tightly sealed.


Without warning, a shot rang outside. Finner spun his head just fast enough to see a bullet narrowly miss a man’s head and embed itself in the wall. Lucky fellow. Finner also felt lucky- if he had been burning tin at that moment, the gunshot would have been uncomfortably loud. As it was, he waited a few seconds before burning his tin again. Realizing he had automatically began tapping his metalmind as well, Finner reversed the action and began filling it a little, returning to his usual drowsy state.


Finn turned back to Kherstor, setting down the mug with a thud. Wiping his mouth with his hand, he leaned in towards Kherstor in mock solemnity. “Anyway. What I think is,” he began whispering conspiratorially, “we need code names. For everything. It’s essential that nobody can ever understand us. Excepting us, of course. You’ll be Ironteeth. I’ll be something cool, like, Tinquisitor. We can call Jon Our Troubled Friend. And the metallurgist can be Stinker, for now.”


Finner leaned back in his chair, stroking his chin. At a normal volume, he continued, “And I agree with you, Ironteeth. After ‘today’s main event’, Operation Stinker is one of our best leads for the ‘expedition’, though we also need to question Our Troubled Friend’s bandit minions.”



The door bell tinkled loudly as Rasa burst back into the metallurgist’s shop, quickly shutting and locking the door behind him. His heart pounded in his chest from his brush with death; the boy waited a moment to catch his breath before crossing the shop and entering the back room where Jinks worked. The older man was peering at something through a microscope.


“Master,” Rasa said, setting down his bag of coal. “There was fighting.”


Without lifting his head, Jinks adjusted a knob. “Yes. I heard the shots. So what?”


“The girl from earlier was out there.”


The older man rammed his eye into the eyepiece. Cursing, he lifted his head away and rubbed the sore spot. “And why in Ironeyes’ name should that matter at all, idiot boy?”


Rasa paused, then shrugged and left the room, reclaiming his seat in the corner of the shop. Jinks obviously didn’t know (or didn’t care) what Rasa meant by ‘fighting’. It had been intense, bordering on a riot. Nothing like a normal Roughs shoot-out. He’d almost gotten killed just walking back to the shop.


Sighing, Rasa picked up the pieces of his half-assembled gun and resumed his work. There was nothing he nor Jinks could do to help. He didn’t know why he had bothered trying to tell his mentor about it. He could only send a silent prayer to the Survivor that nobody innocent had gotten hurt.


edit: fixed spacing

Edited by Lady Eowyn
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[uhh so my head really hurts so this might not be the best post yo but I'm trying]

R E S O O L + B E L L A

The horse charged down the street, escaping the thick of the fight. Resool kicked the beast on further, but it had begun to pant with exaustion from the weight of its cargo-himself and the young Nicroburst named Bella. The girl was clinging tightly to the box, obviously frightened. Resool couldn't blame her. If he had been in her situation, he would have never returned. He didn't even know if she would stay.

Then he heard something. Sparing a short glance over his shoulder, he saw someone following. Heading up fast. Steelrunner ferring. What luck.

The horse began to protest his urgings, and he decided to try to outmanuver the bandit rather than outrun. Suddenly, he jerked the reigns, causing the animal to skid a bit before turning into the alley. The Steelrunner kept going; increasing physical speed did not increase mental. He realized his mistake, turning and following into the ally just in time to see the horse and its riders come right at him, nearly bowling him over.

"The inn isn't far," Resool told Bella, trying to reassure her as the bandit kept chase. "And hopefully he'll run out of steel at some point." The girl nodded dully. He could see the place now. The door was open. Maybe he could..

A gunshot rang out, missing the pair of them, but spooking the horse, making it stop with a loud cry and rear up on its back legs. Resool tried to regain control, but keeping the reigns steady and Bella from falling seemed like a futile task. Both him and Bella fell into the dirt, the box clattering open, metal vials spilling everywhere. They didn't break. I'm gonna have to talk to that metallurgist! But that was the least of his concern. "Bella, get the metals and go to the inn. As many as you can."

The frightened girl nodded, picking herself up and trying to gather up all the vials. Yes, this didn't look good.

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Exisa smirked. Apparently his opponent, Carson, or something like that, was constantly storing zinc. Carson hadn't even noticed the bullet that shot by his head. Exisa, sensing the whizzing blue line early, had nudged it off just a tad, changing its trajectory from killing the gambler to completely missing. And now, he had just lost a dozen hands in a row. Of course, some of the winnings went to the third man, but Exisa had garnered the majority the the money. What could he do with that... visions of suites, of steel, of safety, danced in his head.


He got up, and pulled all his winnings into his purse. Hopefully no foolish gangs would try to rob him, but he kept a clip in his other hand just in case. He didn't really need it, seeing as he could just fly over the buildings, but sometimes he liked to... 'give back' to the community. As he stood, Exisa looked around. The inn was mostly empty, with only a few scattered patrons here and there. There were a few men talking softly nearby, but they were totally engrossed in their conversation. He was about to go, but something caught his eye. There was a vial of metals sticking out of one of their pockets. Looking more closely, he noticed one in the second man's purse as well. Exisa stopped and considered. He did have the winnings... but how long would that last him? A contract with other Metalborn could be highly lucrative, especially for a skilled Coinshot, and he was nothing if not that.


Making the decision, Exisa walked over to the table. Both men fell silent, evaluating a possible threat. They would underestimate him. People always did. After all, what harm could a five foot tall man do? A lot. He didn't like the way they were looking at him, so Exisa dropped the clip and pushed very slightly on it, just enough to make him rise up six inches. He always wore an extra-long cloak for just this reason. As the men realized what he was doing, their expressions of appraisal turned to mild awe. Not every Coinshot had such a precise control. But then again, Exisa was not any Coinshot.


"Good day, gentlemen. I couldn't help but notice the goods in your pockets. I too am in a similar business. Do you have room for a simple steelpusher?" He chose his words carefully. Sometimes, with men from the roughs or the slums, he had to adopt their accent, but these seemed... refined, somehow. As is they had judged the people and found them wanting. One had to be careful with men like that. They could snap at the snap of a finger.

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Kherstor and Finner had been debating about their codenames for at least ten minutes before the steelpusher had walked over.
"But my teeth aren't even made of iron! And whats with all the inquisitor puns? It's not like we're evil or anything" Kherstor whined halfheartedly

"Right, that way no one will be able to interpret what you're actually storing- which is the whole point of using code names. You know, concealing our identity! And we are hunting down "mistborns", its not exactly a big leap from the steel ministry."
"Ok, fine- but lets be honest, tinquisitor is not a cool nickname. Zincuisitor on the other hand...".

Before the duo could continue their debate, they both dropped silent as a cloaked figure boldly started to approach their table. Kherstor reached into his coat pocket to ensure his revolver was still there, and Finner started to cling to his lapel. When he stopped at their table, he begun to rise slightly like a specter- which instantly drew Kherstors curiosity. It was a shame that his metalmind was nearly empty, it would be nice to see what he could pry from the individual- but he was saving the leftover mind-power for their special guests.

"Good day, gentlemen. I couldn't help but notice the goods in your pockets. I too am in a similar business. Do you have room for a simple steelpusher?" 

Kherstor exchanged a look with Finner, both with polar expressions. On one hand, anyone in the roughs should be treated with some scrutiny- but on the other, only a trained steelpusher could be capable of maintaining that kind of balance, which could make them a valuable asset. Before Finner could shoo him away, Kherstor quickly jumped in- it was important to ensure these codewords actually worked, after all.
"I'm in a good mood, you're welcome aboard- but I have one condition, you have to pay for our drinks!" Kherstor laughed. Visibly shocked, the strangers eyes narrowed- and after some thought, he strutted off to the bar. Finners expression was stony at best, even with his facade.

"What?" Kherstor protested, "Look, we're planning on taking down a crime organization that no one believes in- and we're already heavily outnumbered, we need all the firepower we can get! Besides, remember the cost of those pancakes? This guy will probably cost less than my hat! Plus, as long as he doesn't know about the bounty- he won't ask for his cut, eh? We'll be able to pay him a thousand times over once we're finished." Kherstor tried to smile sportively, but apparently that only made Finner more uncomfortable. After a few minutes, the caped mercenary returned to the table with an even more disgruntled expression than Finners.

"Sorry about that" Kherstor greeted him, sliding enough coins to pay for more than both their drinks to the mysterious fellow, "Just an initiation test. You passed, by the way. You'll be surprised how many troublemakers who want to secretly kill you don't want to go through the trouble of paying for your drink. Here, take a seat! Don't be shy, there's plenty of room."

Unconvinced, the stranger took a seat at the unnecessarily huge table silently.
"So, you may call me... Ironteeth." Kherstor sighed inwardly, "My friend and I would be interested in using your... particular set of skills. Price isn't really an issue, but we may require you to fight a lot of people at once- and there may be a few mistings too, but don't let that worry you. We are searching for our troubled friend, Jon, you probably don't beli-... uh... I mean "know" him, but we would very much like to see him soon. Apparently, he and his... "close family"  are in the city somewhere. We were planning of meeting up with an.. Old friend of his, but you see- we don't know his current place of residence. I met some people who might know where he lives, and asked them to meet us here so we could discuss where we should look next- but as you can see, they haven't arrived yet. If you're looking for some extra pay, we would appreciate an extra pair of eyes. Oh, and this guy here is my pal- we call him the... Tinquisitor...." Kherstor groaned inwardly, "He's not much in a fight, but he can't get enough of those pancakes- eh? Just don't ask whats in his flask. So, you in? Oh, but before you make up your mind, you should know..." Suddenly, Kherstor burned Chromium- wiping out the strangers reserves. The look of panic on the strangers face was enough to make Kherstor grin manically enough to curdle cream- baring his white teeth, dotted with a few metal ones.
"We don't take kindly to double-crossers, y'hear? It doesn't matter how good you are at flicking coins, if you sell us out- it'll cost you more than a few drinks". A few seconds passed, but the steelpusher didn't stir. After a while, Kherstor dropped the creepy stare and started to laugh heartily 

"Sorry, just another initiation test. You passed with flying colors again, of course. Do you have any idea how many troublemakers flip out and start breaking stuff once confronted? Must be some sort of subconscious guilt, or something- but its seriously hilarious every time." Finner shot a puzzling look at Kherstor, as if to ask if any of these initiation tests were real, Kherstor just shrugged in response.

"Say, whats your name- kid? You'd think a coinshot could have any job in metal industry labor you want.Whats a fancy steelpusher like yourself doing out in the roughs? "

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Carson listened to the conversation from where he sat, now alone, with almost no money. He picked at the piece of chromium embedded in the table as he tried to not look like he was listening. When he heard one of the men mention "Jon", Carson froze and his eyes widened. Once the men began to laugh some more, Carson pried the shiny bit of metal free and held it in a tight fist.


He stood up and left his table, his motions a little jerky, even though he was trying to not look nervous. Carson left a few coins on the counter to pay for his drinks and exited through the front door. He turned and walked at a normal pace, stuffing his hands into his pockets, until he came to the side of the next building down the street. Once he passed it, he veered into the narrow alley and quickened his pace. He glanced backwards and saw no one was following him. Carson began to store luck.

Edited by Turos
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Exisa was a bit puzzled by the strange requests, but hey, a job was a job. Exisa wasn't about to give up a load of money and connections over the price of a few drinks.
"The name's Exisa. And not everyone is so vertically accepting. Apparently a short person is a weak person. They didn't say that again once they had a coin through their head and a spike through their heart. You know, it's kinda funny, but it's always the other Coinshots who wind up that way..."
Seeing the men exchange disturbed looks, Exisa smirked to himself. He might not be a Leecher, but that didn't mean he couldn't play games with people.
"Ironteeth and the Tinquisitor, eh? So you don't have anything against more... unsavory methods?" Exisa turned to Ironteeth. "You a Skimmer, then? And I assume your companion is a Tineye, or is he a windwhisper?" Exisa was a bit intrigued at the Twinborn, but he held it off. Maybe the Tinquisitor was like him... or maybe he could compound!
"Hold on... did you say Jon? As in the Mistborn Jon? I didn't sign up to fight no Mistborn..." He trailed off as he saw the look an their faces. Exasperation. "Ha! Gotcha back! I used to work with him. I can help you find his base, if he hasn't changed what he is doing."

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As soon as Kherstor introduced himself as Ironteeth, Finner decided he might be able to tolerate accepting a new man on the job. And he grinned like a maniac when his partner said “Tinquisitor”. However, the “he’s not much in a fight” bit made him a little indignant. Finner was just fine in a fight. He just didn’t like guns, violence, or large crowds. And taking down gunned men was not his forte- at least, not when they saw him coming.


Well, regardless of all that, Finn resolved to keep a sharp eye on the new man. Three people was two too many. If Jon didn't have such a large posse, he could take him down Finner-style, but as it was, he needed the extra manpower.


“Used to work with him, hm?” Finn gave Kherstor a very pointed look. “Alright. Well. Here’s some ground rules then, buddy.” Counting each one off on his fingers, he continued, “No really loud noises. No betraying anybody to our troubled friend. No asking me questions. No hurting innocents. No stabbing us in the back. No giving anybody else information about us or our expedition, at all. No being a spy. And you’re to buy me food when I ask it.” Finner rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully. “I think that’s it. Oh, and I have one rule for you,” he added, looking at Kherstor stubbornly. “No making us follow someone we just met to the supposed base of a criminal mastermind. Especially if they used to work for said criminal mastermind.”


He was itching to find out what had happened outside. The man who had narrowly avoided getting shot had paid and left the inn while they were talking- Finner wondered if he was thinking along the same lines. And where were the people who had agreed to meet with Finn and Kherstor? Had they run into more trouble?

Edited by Lady Eowyn
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Carson stumbled and tripped on nothing in the alley. That was what happened when one stored Luck. You were just, well, unlucky. It was a risk and he knew it, storing when he was so close to 'people of interest'. Those were the kinds of people he was supposed to tap Luck around. It was his free day. No assignments had come in. There was no one he was supposed to keep a lookout for, in particular. Just the default understanding that if he heard anyone new talking about "Jon" or "Ms. Born", he should report the details immediately.


Carson had no clue who those names belonged to, but didn't dare pass up on a standing order. Those always meant the employer was very concerned about something, which in turn meant more money in Carson's pocket. He would haggle the payment a little for a bonus, laying  his Luck on thick like frosting on a cake, of course. That was why Carson was desperate to store Luck now. It was risky, but the payoff would be well worth it.


He picked himself up and noticed both knees of his new, finely-threaded trousers had ripped, and his shoelace had somehow come undone on his left foot. He stooped down to tie them back up and one end of the lace snapped. He took a deep breath and sighed. "It will all be worth it." He mumbled to himself.

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  • 1 month later...

“Used to work with him, hm?” Finn gave Kherstor a very pointed look. “Alright. Well. Here’s some ground rules then, buddy.” Counting each one off on his fingers, he continued, “No really loud noises. No betraying anybody to our troubled friend. No asking me questions. No hurting innocents. No stabbing us in the back. No giving anybody else information about us or our expedition, at all. No being a spy. And you’re to buy me food when I ask it.” Finner rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully. “I think that’s it. Oh, and I have one rule for you,” he added, looking at Kherstor stubbornly. “No making us follow someone we just met to the supposed base of a criminal mastermind. Especially if they used to work for said criminal mastermind.”


Exisa was a bit disappointed. Apparently only one of his two patrons was worth anything; that is, in a fight. Of course, both of them were worth something, if they truly were Metalborn. Exisa imagined the combined powers of iron and steel... to be able to fly through the air like a Allomancer of old... and then there was the 'Mistborn' Jon. He had provided the Steelpushing part of the act until there was a slight misunderstanding involving Exisa, a pyramid-shaped metallic object, and the secondary Coinshot. Nobody understood that he was just helping! Why did no one accept him? I accept you... you will be perfect... yes, perfect. Wait, what was that? Rules! Exisa loved rules! It was the Tinquisitor speaking.

              “Alright. Well. Here’s some ground rules then, buddy.” Buddy! Who dared to call the greatest Coinshot since the Ascendant Warrior buddy! Exisa growled under his breath, and suppressed the desire to shoot him in the face.

“No really loud noises." Compounded Tin!? Perhaps... if only Exisa has some specially prepared pewter ready... but alas, he only had steel.

"No betraying anybody to our troubled friend." What friend was this? Jon himself, probably. Exisa wished that the Tinquisitor would be more clear.

"No asking me questions." Why did all these rules have to be so negative? Gosh, you'd think the Tinquisitor wasn't happy with his life or something!

"No hurting innocents." He smirked. He could easily not hurt 'innocents', but he thought the Tinquisitor should have been more specific.

"No stabbing us in the back." Exisa could barely conceal his malevolent grin. It wouldn't be their back, per se. No, it would be much more... up close and personal. Yes... remember the bind point.

"No giving anybody else information about us or our expedition, at all." This seemed straightforward enough. Easy to do, since Exisa never worked with anyone once he'd determined their power and shared a house at night.

"No being a spy." He rolled his eyes. If they assumed he would follow their rules, this wasn't needed, given that the previous one would eliminate any benefit a spy gave their hypothetical employer.

"And you’re to buy me food when I ask it.” Stupid puffed-up pompous pandering pigs. They could buy their own Harmony-cursed food! Exisa only bought food for people when he had made it himself with his special ingredients, and even then he didn't spend his own money.

“I think that’s it. Oh, and I have one rule for you. No making us follow someone we just met to the supposed base of a criminal mastermind. Especially if they used to work for said criminal mastermind.” Hey! He was standing right there! Exisa was shocked that they would insinuate such a thing! He would never do that! Except in a few very specific instances like all of them.

          "Well, now that we've got all the rules stated, let's go get him!" Exisa shouted, being careful to direct his decibels directly at the Tinquisitor. He didn't actually mean it, but he wanted to see how idiotic these employers were. If they went outside with him now, then he could probably take care of them on one of first nights. Tin, iron, and steel... a potent combination... yes... you need to get those powers... but wait... Exisa thought about it. There was Jon's whole crew, and that would be nearly every type of misting in one place! If the Tinquisitor and Ironteeth kept being this helpful, maybe Exisa would help them a little too. Everyone likes powers, right? He noted that they were a little skeptical of leaving immediately. Of course, they should be.

"Excellent. You have passed my first test. I needed to check if you were stooped. Naturally, I would never think of leaving right now." Exisa trailed off as he glanced out the window and spotted the losing gambler skulking up against it, possibly listening to their conversation.

"Hey! Come on, we've got a spy!" He rushed outside and pinned the man to the wall by his belt and buttons. One would think that people in Coinshots' houses wouldn't throw coins, but maybe this man was merely foolish, forgetful, or fortunate. Ahhh, fortunate. He stopped focusing on the man as he thought of the perks of being a Spinner. One could do almost anything, after being stuck in a padded room for a week or so, so you couldn't harm yourself. Exisa blinked, and regained his composure. The man looked amused at being accosted by such a... such a shrimp. He glared, and the man immediately stopped grinning. Kill him... don't take that insult lightly...

"Well? Name, occupation, powers, reason for spying, preferred method of execution?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Citona walked down the busy street, she saw a vendor's stand. It appeared to be selling fruit, but had the markings on the awning that showed it to actually be a weapons dealer. Citona hadn't had a good gun in ages, so she headed in its direction. The vendor recognized her in only a few seconds. She smiled at the dawning realization on his face.
"How much for that banana?" The vendor began to look nervous.
"For you, Mis- Lady Vinid? Only 8, my special price."
"Did I hear you correctly? You insult me. 8 as a special price? I will give you two. And you'll be happy with it."
"Of course, Lady, but this is a special piece as well," said the vendor, scurrying to the other side of the table obsequiously. "Now watch carefully." The man must have begun burning iron, as each nail in the table began to quiver and pulled up. The gun didn't move.
"Obviously a trick. Where would you have procured such an item?"
"Ah, remember the... business with a certain Compounder last year? The golden one?"

"Of course. Why would I not?"

"I have certain... contacts in the police. They sent me this."

Citona sniffed. "A likely story. I can offer you five, however, since it intrigues me."

"Very well, Lady Vinid. Would you like anything else today? A holster? It does come with bullets, but would you need any more?" She could tell he was dying to find out what she wanted an aluminum gun for. 

"No thank you. I'll be on my way." The man looked disappointed, but he took the proffered money and gave her the gun stealthily. She put it under her coat and continued walking.

A few hundred yards later, a shout rang out. As she turned, she saw a tavern door bang open and a rather diminutive man rush out. He appeared to be chasing a hobo that had leaned against the tavern wall. Was this a mugging? Such things were common in the Roughs and the Rougher parts of Elendel City, but Citona had only seldom witnessed one in the nice parts of town. Now the short man was shouting at the hobo... something about... execution? Whatever it was, Citona'd had enough. She checked her metal minds to make sure, but she'd not used them much since that nasty little incident a few months back, and they were reasonably full. I can spare some to help the hobo. She started pushing through the crowd, slightly increasing her strength to do so. Just enough to help, but not so much to make a spectacle. It was a delicate art, and very difficult. Indeed, several people were pointing in her direction already, wondering why they'd been moved so easily. Finally, though, she made it through, and marched righteously up to the shrimp.

"You put him down right now! I'll have the law on you if necessary!" The man turned toward her and let his captive go, but he still was stuck to the wall. A coinshot, then. Chitin knew how to deal with those. "I said NOW! Stop Pushing him!" Just to make sure he knew she meant business, she increased her strength much more and smacked him across the face.


Edited by Shallan
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[i didn't realize how much I didn't post

I'll fix that I promise; I just need to read through

All of this.

I have a nasty habit of not reading through posts if they have nothing to do with my characters.]

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Resool + Bella

So much for entering quietly. Bella struggled with the vials, trying to get them all up off the ground while Resool stood, wiping a bit of blood off the side of his face. His eyes were blazing with fury. Surely their attacker could tell that they had nothing of value!

The Steeleunner ferring didn't attack. Rather, he paced. Back and forth, back and forth. Like an animal waiting for the perfect time to strike. Bella had finally managed to get the vials up, and she stared, wide eyed as Resool snarled another "Go!" at her.

That was the distraction the thief wanted. A gunshot went off, and Resool tried to jump out of the way, but not fast enough. The bullet gazed the side of his clothing and waist, luckily missing all his vitals but still leaving a huge, bleeding scar. Rust and ruin this hurt!

Bella didn't hesitate, not needing to be asked again. She hurried into the inn, barely noticing where she was going. "There's trouble on the street!" She cried out. "My friend! He's been shot!"

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  • 1 month later...

“Fantastic,” remarked Finner, standing as Exisa rushed out of the inn. The man was too short and too loud. Finn moved to follow the Coinshot outisde, but as he approached the door, a girl burst inside. He recognized her immediately as the one from earlier- the one who the bandits had been after.


“There’s trouble on the street!” she cried. When wasn’t there, though? “My friend! He’s been shot!”


That would be the older, Terris fellow who had saved her earlier, most likely. Finner made eye contact with Kherstor. “I’ll get her to safety if you go get the other guy,” he said. He hated to let Exisa out of his sight, but there was nothing to be done about it. Protecting the girl was more important right now.


When Kherstor agreed, Finn turned to the girl. “Don’t know why, but someone’s after you. Better follow me.” Of course, Finner thought as he grabbed her arm and led her up the inn's stairs, he had his suspicions as to why the fight had been centered around her. The one thing he was certain about, though, was that it was likely best to not leave her alone. He'd have to stick with her for now. It made him itch not knowing what was going on outside, but if he hurried, he would be able to see the action out of the window of his room. Make sure Exisa didn't stab anyone and the like.

Edited by Spooky Eowyn
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As Finn and the girl went up the stairs, Kherstor burst out of the inn without another word and pelted down the street- drawing his revolver and homing on the direction the gunshot came from. Turning the corner, he found a row of houses with a small crowd giving a wide berth to two figures eclipsing the red  sun setting behind them. Squinting, Kherstor recognized the Lawkeeper who was with the girl earlier, except now he was off his horse and bleeding heavily. The other was another ruffian, presumably one from earlier, holding himself with recognizable arrogance. Burning Chromium had no affect, so he had to a feruchemist of some sort. Strange, a feruchemist working for Jon the Mistborn? Something wasn't right here... The feruchemist was pacing back and forth, like a boxer pushing for an advantage. Restlessness... A Steelrunner? Both had a gun, but neither were firing- were both out of ammunition, perhaps? No, neither wanted to alert the local area and cause another street riot, putting them both in the center of another shootout- the steelrunner would use the enhanced speed to outmaneuver the Lawkeeper while he was bleeding out. Feeling reckless, Kherstor charged at the pair. A Steelrunner would be able to duck away from bullets at lightning speed, making shooting useless- and fisticuffs against a Steelrunner was near impossible with their lightning fast hooks. There were obvious weakness's to Feruchemy, one was stalling until their metalmind was drained- which Kherstor couldn't do because there was no way the Lawkeeper would be able to stand that long with that open scar- or separating the feruchemist from their metalminds- yet without knowing where those were, tearing them off the steelrunner would be difficult- or outmaneuvering the feruchemist in a way they didn't expect, which in itself was probably the most difficult. Kherstor needed to surprise the Steelrunner. Still sprinting at top speed, Kherstor threw himself headfirst into the air and braced for impact. The Steelrunner, who was focusing on the Lawkeeper, only got a glimpse of Kherstor as he soared towards him like a missile The two collided each other with an audible crack, and crashed to the ground in a heap. Kherstor was the first to recover, and in one fluid movement- thwacked the pommel of the gun at the pressure point of the Steelrunners head, knocking him unconscious instantly. Standing up shakily, Kherstor grasped his throbbing forehead- and turned to the Lawkeeper he had saved.

"Hi! Good to meet you again, see you're still alive- etc. You see, this was all one big initiation..."

The Lawkeeper had collapsed from blood loss and was lying on the floor. damnation.

"Don't worry buddy, the Inn isn't too far from here-we're going to get you some help, you'll see." Kherstor said as he pulled the man to his feet and put one of his arms over his shoulder to help him walk. Fortunately, the Lawkeeper was animated enough to walk the distance. 

"You'll love this inn, yknow- it's great! It's got beer, and tables, and places to sleep, even people playing cards! Your friend, the girl, my partner is looking after her- don't worry, she couldn't be in safer hands. We reckon she was the target for the attack, my partner and I happen to be looking for the guy who was probably behind it- so we're seeing she is well protected. Don't suppose you'd know anything about the attack?"

When there was no response, Kherstor filled in the silence for him,

"Of course not, you Lawkeepers never keep track of the bigger fishes. Never seen a Terris Lawkeeper, mind- don't worry though, this is all part of my elaborate initiation test. Not for you of course, unless you want to. No response? Probably a good idea, gotta think over important decisions like that, huh? Oh look, we're here."

Kherstor kicked open the door, dragging the limping Lawkeeper- who was now leaning entirely on Khurstor- into the inn.

"We got a wounded here!" Kherstor shouted, "Bullet grazed him, but left a nasty cut- he's bleeding out, needs clean bandages." As people rushed over to take over nursing, Kherstor sneaked up to the bar.

"I need a drink" He told the bartender, "My head feels like a Koloss had been playing tennis with it", and gratefully accepted a tankard of something very alcoholic.

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