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I would like to announce that I wrote 14,000 words today to finish NaNoWriMo. But I won, so it was all worth it.

Did you get it in by midnight?

Yeah. I just didn't come around here till later. I actually won at about 10:30.

Also, I would like to announce that four hours is far too long for almost any show, but more so for operas.

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I would like to announce that Miyabi's previous announcement has renewed the hope that was crushed in Chaos's vent. :P

I've warmed up to it. The beginning is still pretty bad compared to the previous games, though.

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I would like to announce that I am officially out of food.  Like literally.  I have a half a box of cookies, half a thing of vanilla oreos, carrots, and milk.  I just ate the last of my cheese and salsa on the last tortilla shell.  The real question is: why haven't I gone grocery shopping yet?

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I would like to announce that I'm a good push away from finishing the very first 17th Shard RP!  (I don't count Mistborn one cuz that started as a separate project, this one is straight from the Shard for the Shard)

*ninja adds a super-simple forum RPG to get the first designation!* :P

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I would like to announce that I have my hands on Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. It was my self-given present for completing the semester! (Cataclysm is my self present for completing finals)

How are you liking it?

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I would like to announce that I have my hands on Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. It was my self-given present for completing the semester! (Cataclysm is my self present for completing finals)

How are you liking it?

Well, I was loving it. Like seriously, this is a great game. With two fatal flaws. A) Super long unskippable intro, super long unskippable dialogue throughout, and a super long unskippable tutorial. I'VE PLAYED GOLDEN SUN. I KNOW HOW IT WORKS. I KNOW THE STORY BY HEART. LET ME LEARN A NEW STORY! B) If you miss a djinni or summon and get past a certain point, then you will never get that djinni. Which I just did. Ugh, just because I hate following guides, I miss a djinni.

I actually came here to announce that I missed a djinni and was being forced to restart. FML

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I beat it two minutes ago. It wasn't as good as the other Golden Sun games. The ending is okay, though. I was sold on the game eventually :).

Oh wow, I just saw the very last scene in the game. Wow, wow.

I also felt that the level curve was a bit too easy. You get so powerful so quickly that nothing is a true threat. I like easy games, but this was a bit much. Minor quibble, really. The story just was not as powerful as the others were.

I would like to announce that I have my hands on Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. It was my self-given present for completing the semester! (Cataclysm is my self present for completing finals)

How are you liking it?

Well, I was loving it. Like seriously, this is a great game. With two fatal flaws. A) Super long unskippable intro, super long unskippable dialogue throughout, and a super long unskippable tutorial. I'VE PLAYED GOLDEN SUN. I KNOW HOW IT WORKS. I KNOW THE STORY BY HEART. LET ME LEARN A NEW STORY! B) If you miss a djinni or summon and get past a certain point, then you will never get that djinni. Which I just did. Ugh, just because I hate following guides, I miss a djinni.

I actually came here to announce that I missed a djinni and was being forced to restart. FML

I wouldn't have minded the tutorial as much if the dang thing mattered, and didn't rely on Tyrell being a moron... Haha. Sol Sanctum in the first one was a super long tutorial, but crap happened. That's why it worked. Volcanoes erupting > characters being dumb.

I don't know about you, but the most confusing thing for me was the whole "You can climb trees thing". Eventually I got it, but it took me a few hours of playtime simply by virtue of me thinking I know Golden Sun better than the game...

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I wouldn't have minded the tutorial as much if the dang thing mattered, and didn't rely on Tyrell being a moron... Haha. Sol Sanctum in the first one was a super long tutorial, but crap happened. That's why it worked. Volcanoes erupting > characters being dumb.

I don't know about you, but the most confusing thing for me was the whole "You can climb trees thing". Eventually I got it, but it took me a few hours of playtime simply by virtue of me thinking I know Golden Sun better than the game...

For the first part: Sol Sanctum also wins because it doesn't take a minute to show you how to equip items and then another minute to show you how to use psynergy. I'm sure there were other tutorials there, but I've probably blocked them out. I would complain about the djinni tutorial, but that was also unskippable in GS1.

For the second part... same here. XD Climbing trees was not natural to me. I still forget that I can do so from time to time.

Anyway, I would like to announce that when restarting Dark Dawn (FML), it took me 11 minutes to gain control of Matthew. Weeeeeeeee fun!

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