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I would like to announce....


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So this thread was SUPER popular on TWG. . . . so I thought I'd resurrect it.

If you have anything you need to announce, just say it here. ;)

I would like to announce. . . . I'm in the middle of an effing blizzard. xD

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So this thread was SUPER popular on TWG. . . . so I thought I'd resurrect it.

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Containing Miyabi.


Anywho, i would like to announce that i have nothing to announce. Coz i'm boring like that. Take that, interesting peoples.

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heh, suckers!

We have been having stupid awesome weather for this time of year. I'm talking like 50-70 degree weather. Normally this time of year, we're down to about -10 to 30 degree weather, and has usually snowed at least once or twice. This weather is awesome, i can go out in jeans and a t-shirt with no coat and be nice and comfortable.

And now that i've thoroughly jinxed it, i'm gonna go prepare for about 5 feet of ice on everything. ;)

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I used my Black Friday to purchase: The Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual (1, 2, and 3), and Player's Handbook (1, 2, and 3.)

heh, good luck. Me and my group didn't care for 4th edition at all. It's honestly D&D in name, only. At least 1st-3rd ed all bore similarities to each other. ;)

Which is why we still do 3.5 and pathfinder.

Though, if you have no previous experience with D&D, you may enjoy it. I have to admit that they achieved their goal. Simplified rules and streamlining.

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Oh, I played 3.5 for 3 years.  Got my Gnome wizard up to level twenty four.  I like 4th edition though.  In 3.5, it wasn't until I was level 9 that I realized I was supposed to have a lot more spells than I did.  And level 13 before really figuring out how my character actually worked.  "Wait, I should be able to use HOW MANY SPELLS?  ...  FIREBALL!"  I was playing with D&D veterans and I was a N00b, so while they just did their thing, I had to figure everything out while still trying to be helpful.  Since I'm not counting on any one I play with knowing the rules, I decided the simpler 4E would be best.

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