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The Almighty was a GOAT!


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So there I was, petting goats while they crapped all over the place, when I saw it. The goat's eye, the pupil. It gave me a wonderful idea. The Almighty, the god of Roshar, is a goat.

Think about it. The Almighty's symbol is the double eye, which is pretty much a sideways goat pupil. I imagine historians got it wrong somehow. Furthermore, we hear Lightsong mention a Drunk Monkey in charge of everything. Knowing the Almighty to be a goat, this animal comparison cannot be a coincidence! Endowment is a monkey!

But that's beside the point. Brandon has hidden this fact from us in order to stop us from making the final connection! The three Shards(Honor, Cultivation, ???) lived happily in the halls before moving to Roshar. The Nasty Troll (Odium) got mad at them for indecisiveness as they crossed the bridge, and killed all of them! This is the truth behind the supposed war against Odium! Don't let Brandon fool you, and spread the word!

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Is the DragonSteel book/series in the cosmere? The primary Shard dwelling there is a Dragon. Unless we have more information than "nothing" on that book/series,

Dragonsteel takes place efore Adonalsium blew up, so techinically the primary shard is Adonalsium. Brandon mentioned Ati and Leras, along with all the other shards as being characters.

But that's immaterial. We have 6 angry goats and a troll on our hands!

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Well, if you want to get technical, the main Dragonsteel sequence does not take place before the Shattering. The way I understand it is that Dragonsteel is divided into two sections. Liar of Partinel and The Lightweaver of Rens are sort of a duology that take place before the Shattering, with Hoid as a character. These are presumably the books that will contain the Shardholders as characters. Fast-forward a couple of centuries and you'll get the main Dragonsteel storyline, a series of five books that are also set on Yolen. The first book of this set of five is the one Brandon wrote for his thesis that is now at BYU. He often refers to the seven collectively as Dragonsteel, but unless I'm very much mistaken, the first two are the only ones before the Shattering.

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Well, if you want to get technical, the main Dragonsteel sequence does not take place before the Shattering. The way I understand it is that Dragonsteel is divided into two sections. Liar of Partinel and The Lightweaver of Rens are sort of a duology that take place before the Shattering, with Hoid as a character. These are presumably the books that will contain the Shardholders as characters. Fast-forward a couple of centuries and you'll get the main Dragonsteel storyline, a series of five books that are also set on Yolen. The first book of this set of five is the one Brandon wrote for his thesis that is now at BYU. He often refers to the seven collectively as Dragonsteel, but unless I'm very much mistaken, the first two are the only ones before the Shattering.

I'll take your word for it, Dragonsteel is one of the areas in which I am lacking.

I wonder.......we know of 6 goats, 1 monkey, and 1 troll. Maybe the cosmere war is simply rivalry between whether goat or monkey poo smells worse? It makes A LOT of sense...

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God, I'm salivating at the prospect of a good leg of roast goat and a well-deserved read of Dragonsteel! This will answer so many of our questions, seeing the little Leras as a billy goat, and Odium, the gloomy child who everyone bullied for having a monobrow, destroying the One Ring and running off with the Shardplate and Surgebinding his way to Allomantic glory, while being Observed by a hateful Ati brandishing his Shardblade in front of all the other Splinters and the Witch King...


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God, I'm salivating at the prospect of a good leg of roast goat and a well-deserved read of Dragonsteel! This will answer so many of our questions, seeing the little Leras as a billy goat, and Odium, the gloomy child who everyone bullied for having a monobrow, destroying the One Ring and running off with the Shardplate and Surgebinding his way to Allomantic glory, while being Observed by a hateful Ati brandishing his Shardblade in front of all the other Splinters and the Witch King...


Yes. I...words simply cannot express the epicness of the above post. Um...


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One Ring to Lord Ruler them all,

One Ring to Wyndrun them,

One Ring to WorldSing them all,

And in the darkness Surgebind them!

Sauron = Odium?

Yes. Oooooh yes. I declare this theory my official "Precious" and add 10 awesomepoints to Odium's Shard.

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