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Just How Big Was The Kandra Trust?


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So we know a slave in Pits of Hatsin were executed if they didn't bring up a geode a day. This presumedly went on for a thousand years. If only one slave was used a day you still have 365 000 geodes. This means that each of Team Elend needed to burn ~1000 of them and multiply it per the number of slaves working the Pits. This doesn't seem possible.

Edited by chx
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It was one a week not one a day and given how quickly Atium burns it doesn't seem unreasonable. Plus the pits wouldn't have been immediately operational, it would have taken a considerable length of time to stabilize his rule and then set the pits up, putting too high a priority on them would have drawn attention.

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There were a few hundreds of slaves working in the pits at any time (let's assume 200), and each one had to bring a geode every week. that makes 200*365*1000/7 = roughly ten millions atium beads. some of that atium was used by the nobles, and the pits hadn't been in function all the time, but the majority of the atium went to the trust, so we can assume 7 millions beads.  That makes 20000 beads for everyone in team elend.

When vin burned atium, a bead lasted around half a minute, so that would mean every seer had enough beads to last 10000 minutes, which is about a week.

By the way, if we assume 1 cubic centimeter per bead, then all the trust would fill around 7 cubic meters, which is consistent with the size it is described to have.


So... either the seers were flaring atium a lot, thus expending it much faster, or the pits of hatsin were smaller than assumed most of the time.

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There were a few hundreds of slaves working in the pits at any time (let's assume 200), and each one had to bring a geode every week. that makes 200*365*1000/7 = roughly ten millions atium beads. some of that atium was used by the nobles, and the pits hadn't been in function all the time, but the majority of the atium went to the trust, so we can assume 7 millions beads.  That makes 20000 beads for everyone in team elend.

When vin burned atium, a bead lasted around half a minute, so that would mean every seer had enough beads to last 10000 minutes, which is about a week.

By the way, if we assume 1 cubic centimeter per bead, then all the trust would fill around 7 cubic meters, which is consistent with the size it is described to have.


So... either the seers were flaring atium a lot, thus expending it much faster, or the pits of hatsin were smaller than assumed most of the time.


If we consider what they were doing at the time and the fact that this was there first time in most cases performing allomancy it makes perfect sense that they were flaring there metal.

Now would be a great time to find out if the numbers in the MAG on how long a charge lasts vs. how long a flared charge lasts are accurate.

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We should also take into account the atium that TLR actually had to use himself; those atium bracers had to come from somewhere, and he was compounding atium to stay alive.  That would've consumed a pretty large portion of what came out of the Pits.

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One more thing came to mind regarding flaring: if they could they would've wanted to flare the metal since their goal is to get rid of it so yeah totally makes sense. One thing still bugs me: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071220122839AAzloNta cubic meter of steel is seven tons. Let's presume it's the same for atium but then how on earth did they move fifty tons of metal out of the Trustwarren to the battle scene?

Edited by chx
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Maybe it's possible they didn't actually burn all the atium. Maybe they did and Lord Ruler had been keeping it manageable burning it and having it burned somehow...or even hidden in large quantities elsewhere (not likely).  

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We should also take into account the atium that TLR actually had to use himself; those atium bracers had to come from somewhere, and he was compounding atium to stay alive.  That would've consumed a pretty large portion of what came out of the Pits.


actually, it takes fairly little. sanderson said that a bead of atium properly used could translate to a few centuries of life. Even if tlr didn't use it as effectively, what he used is still apittance compared to what the nobility used. and my estimate takes that into account: from the 10 millions  mined, I ended up with 7 in the trust, assuming the rest was consumed by nobles and tlr.

One more thing came to mind regarding flaring: if they could they would've wanted to flare the metal since their goal is to get rid of it so yeah totally makes sense. One thing still bugs me: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071220122839AAzloNta cubic meter of steel is seven tons. Let's presume it's the same for atium but then how on earth did they move fifty tons of metal out of the Trustwarren to the battle scene?

the atium was in small beads. that's how it is found, and it makes no sense to melt it into a single block.

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actually, it takes fairly little. sanderson said that a bead of atium properly used could translate to a few centuries of life. Even if tlr didn't use it as effectively, what he used is still apittance compared to what the nobility used. and my estimate takes that into account: from the 10 millions  mined, I ended up with 7 in the trust, assuming the rest was consumed by nobles and tlr.



True, though the older TLR got, the more atium he had to burn to stay the same age.  He went through at least a handful of them, I'd say.


It'd take a lot more than a handful to melt down and turn into bracers, though.  A LOT of geodes' worth of beads went into those things.

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