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I have read a few of Sanderson's books, Mistborn, Elantris, WoK, Rithmatist, Legion, Warbreaker, and I am reading WoR. I was thinking about rereading some of them. I heard about this cosmere thing, what is it and please point me to where I can learn more. In what order should I read the books? Please include anything else you might think may be helpful to me. Thank you

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Welcome to the 17th Shard!
Would you care for a welcome cookie?

The Cosmere is the universe that many of Brandons books take place in, they share some general metaphysics and there are a few characters who can hop from one world in the cosmere to another, a few books even take place on the same world (Emperor's Soul takes place in a different continent on the same world as Elantris)
The Cosmere 101 thread here on the forums is a great place to learn a bit more and ask any questions you may have.

Any book set on earth is not cosmere so of those you've read the Rithmatist and Legion both aren't in the cosmere universe but of the others if you read carefully enough you might spot some easter eggs.

Brandons deliberately tried to avoid making anything be required reading for anything else, he just puts in some small things so that those of us who pay close enough attention/ obsess over everything can notice a few connections. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is to read Warbreaker before Words of Radiance so that you can spot a certain something near the end but I'll avoid spoilers.

I hope you have fun here :)

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Hey...welcome to the uber Sanderson fan community!  I have to agree with Voidus that no specific order is really required. Besides...it sounds like you have already covered most of the big ones.  Alloy of Law is the next step for you in mistborn and the next one in the series is coming around the end of this year.


Just mill around on the forum and you'll find all kinds of fun stuff.  


oh...by the way...have an upvote on the house to get that rep on it's way up there.


Hope to see you around

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