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Happy Chinese New Year!

Lightsworn Panda

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Today I'm just chillin' in my room since Chinese New Year is now a national holiday here in the Philippines. I'm excited to go to work tomorrow and eat lots of 甜粿 ("tikoy", also called 年糕, nian gao, or Chinese New Year cake) that I'm sure at least one of my Chinese coworkers will be bringing to the office to share with us.


I'm not Chinese, though, so I'll just spend today doing the things I usually do when there's no work (e.g. surfing the net, reading books, cooking, and sleeping).

Edited by skaa
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Happy Chinese New Year!

What did you write in Chinese? Is that a New-Years greeting type of thing?


Kinda like that. They're like good-wishes for people. 新年好 means Happy New Year. 身体健康 means be healthy.恭喜发财 means good luck in having success. 万事如意!kinda means be happy in general.

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新年快乐!步步高渗!祝你前程羊关大道,天天喜气羊羊!(I just love the homophones, don't you? ;) )

Yesterday was Chinese New Year Eve, so for me, it's definitely CNY today, and the hordes are already descending. I'm trying to ride it out in my little study bunker here, but I imagine I'll have to deal with the usual inquisitive-prying relative questions and with having to rattle out as many greetings as I can and remembering who is who :P

The goodies make up for it, though ;)

Any of you guys born in the year of the goat? I'm a Metal Goat myself (apparently, according to the way they do Chinese horoscopes...)

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Kinda like that. They're like good-wishes for people. 新年好 means Happy New Year. 身体健康 means be healthy.恭喜发财 means good luck in having success. 万事如意!kinda means be happy in general.

That's awesome.

.恭喜发财 Is really interesting to me, 'good luck in having success'. Because the Hebrew equivalent of 'good luck' is הצלחה רבה which means 'much success' (which I like better as well wishes because luck seems a bit random to me). But it looks like the Chinese combines both sentiments.

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新年快乐!步步高渗!祝你前程羊关大道,天天喜气羊羊!(I just love the homophones, don't you? ;) )

Yesterday was Chinese New Year Eve, so for me, it's definitely CNY today, and the hordes are already descending. I'm trying to ride it out in my little study bunker here, but I imagine I'll have to deal with the usual inquisitive-prying relative questions and with having to rattle out as many greetings as I can and remembering who is who :P

The goodies make up for it, though ;)

Any of you guys born in the year of the goat? I'm a Metal Goat myself (apparently, according to the way they do Chinese horoscopes...)


Thank you!  :D


I've just realized that CNY is also a bad homophone pun day...  <_< I'm born in the Year of the Dragon.

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