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Forum game based on a site i found


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So i recently found this site. It's basically a site where you post a message, and encrypt it, and can optionally password protect it. I believe once its been retrieved once, its gone. It gave me an idea for a forum game that i'm gonna throw out there.

Basically, we type in a message, password protect it, give a hint, and the person to figure it out posts the message and comes up with the next one! How's this sound, guys?

Anywho, i suppose i'll start. This one should be easy.

Message Link:


Hint: A subject very near and dear to this forum.

Edit: Link Fixed. Same hint, same message.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm slightly shocked. A quick google search could solve all of your problems.....

Seriously. But if you need more than that, certain youTube results might be your friend. And I also might have just pretty much spoonfed you this answer......

You didnt put up a link to the new message. The link changes with each message since the previous one is destroyed :P

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