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Which Radiant Powers will we learn most of in Book 3


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So book 1 definitely had an emphasis on windruner bindings with Kalidin and the assassination scenes

book 2 had an emphasis on lightweaving with Shallan's growth story

book 3 might end up not being centered on another Radiant (eshonai could be the focus) but I still think we will see plenty of surgebinding exploration.  


With windrunning and lightweaving explored decently well so far, I think we are going to get some new stuff.  


The obvious possibilities are Jasnah, Renarin, and Dalinar.  


I personally don't think we will see much of Dalinar's abilities as he will be performing administrative duties and is going to get his stuff thoroughly explained in book 5.


I think it likely that both Jasnah's soulcasting and Renarin's progression will be explored a small amount as both characters should receive a decent number of chapters. However, those two abilities have already seen brief explanation so i dont think we will see too much material focused on exploring them.


Perhaps we are going to see an all-together new Radiant with unexplored abilities, Sanderson certainly didn't seem to have a problem with bringing in new Radiants left and right at the end of WoR. Something like a Dustbringer or Stoneward could be interesting. Dalinar is seeking to unite the new knights so the discovering of a new Radiant could be a decent sub plot, and perhaps we could get some early interlude chapters from the Radiant (possibly fighting the parshendi/voidbringers) to explore his abilities/spren before he is found and brought to Urithru.


Maybe Kalidin or Jasnah are going to discover him/her?

I feel like its a decent way for Sanderson to bring some new ideas and fresh material to the world, as well as to provide more world-building/magic-building


note: we could see Lift, but given that she is getting her own book (likely) in the second set of 5 books and since we have explored her abilities, i think it less likely.

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I think we will see Lift but it'll probably just be another interlude. Which might not be a bad thing I don't want to learn to much about her before her book comes out. 


Also I think a few chapters or at least an interlude on Jasnah and another for Renarin wouldn't be a bad thing ether since at this point all we know about them is a few paragraphs of preview that Brandons given us on Jasnah and the prologue for words of Radiance. 

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I suspect we're going to see a lot of Radiants stepping up in book 3.  The world is ending, so there is a lot of motivation for human and spren alike to get their crem together.  The series arc is definitely in act 2 territory, so I think Brandon is going to accelerate the introduction of new surges.  I would be disappointed if we didn't see the magic of at least 3 new orders presented in detail.

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We have a WOB that we are unlikely to see Cohesion or Tension surges until after book 5.


It's interesting, because that WoB says we don't see much of those, but we will see some. But just above that he says he's still not sure exactly which PoV character the 3rd book will be for still. If Dalinar is the PoV character, I would assume the level of Tension usage in the book will rise appropriately. 


I think he took that question to mean when will we see Stonewardens in action as they have those surges specifically, and both Willshapers and Stonewards probably won't be till the back half, so yeah, probably not much Cohesion, but we should finally get some Tension going on in book 3 with Dalinar!


I've been out for a bit, so I'm not up on the WoB, but if Eshonai is the PoV for book 3, and IF she ends up being a Willshaper, I also feel like that wouldn't happen until the end of Book so we still wont' get to really see Cohesion happening. If Szeth ends up back as the PoV/flashback character, and assuming he becomes a true Skybreaker, then we should get to see some nice Division action. 


If Adonlin manages to go Dustbringer we will get some beginnings of Division and Abrasion working in "cohesion" :D (sorry, couldn't resist). 

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I'd peg Soulcasting / Transformation as the major power of book 3, in addition to the Bondsmith abilities.  While we have some idea on how Soulcasting works, we really don't know the intricacies and the limitations of it.  I'm basically getting at Pattern teaching it to Shallan.


Also, I think we'll learn a little more of the Void powers (what the Unmade can do), but that's off topic. :)

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What I want to see is a brand new Radiant character who is not a Kholin.


I thought that we were following the Knights Kholin, right?  That's what's so special about them.  They're all descended from the original Kholin, Jezrien Kholin (and Shallash Kholin, for what that's worth).


I should leave now, I guess...

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