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Hello, I made an account. I guess this makes me a reformed lurker. Catalyst: went to Brandon's signing in Seattle on 1/7. I had heard nothing but good things about his signings, enjoyed all of his books, still had my expectations exceeded at the signing. It was a great experience. If you're reading this and are on the fence about going to a signing near you, I would highly recommend going.


That's it. Hello all.

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Welcome to the 17th Shard! I'd advise against any cookies not prepared by an official Dark Alley representative, we were baking cookies long before the Pandas showed up with their inferior bamboo products.

Be sure to check out the social groups subforum, whether you like Hemalurgy, waffles, wolves or Newcago there's a social group for you!

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Welcome to the 17th Shard! I'd advise against any cookies not prepared by an official Dark Alley representative, we were baking cookies long before the Pandas showed up with their inferior bamboo products.

It was exactly for this reason that the inexorablePanda came to save the unsuspecting newbies from the DA. He had been lurking in the shadows to the left for quite some time, baking, observing, drinking root beer, and refining his goods.

Until the DA makes some bamboo products, you canst judge mine inferior.

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It was exactly for this reason that the inexorablePanda came to save the unsuspecting newbies from the DA. He had been lurking in the shadows to the left for quite some time, baking, observing, drinking root beer, and refining his goods.

Until the DA makes some bamboo products, you canst judge mine inferior.

There are many developments from the Dark Alleys known only to a select few.  :ph34r:

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Welcome to forum! Just stay away from tthose damnation cookies. All of them. Even the panda ones. Just don't take food from forumers.

Have an up vote, you beautiful thing you!

I wondered when the betrayal would come.

You were my BROTHER, Anakin!!

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Well that got out of hand.


One thing I've noticed is that stuff can escalate quickly around here. Not only that, but topics can move out to left field in ways you can't predict, even with ESP.


Here, have an anti-logic muffin. I ate one for breakfast and ended up walking on the ceiling.

Edited by Bronzeheart
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