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Hi! I'm following the forum instructions to a T and letting everyone know...I'm here! I exist! :)


I've followed Brandon's works since I heard he was finishing WoT. Mistborn instantly had me hooked, and now...I can't get out of the Cosmere. Well. Except to read Firefight and the like. Still hyperventilating a little from that one.


Since I've lurked around the 17th Shard for a while, reading everyone's wonderful theories, I thought I'd make my lurking more...official? Also, my sister and I are making Shardbearer cosplays for this year's Dragoncon in Atlanta, so I also wanted to ask a few questions of fellow Plate fans. Yay!

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If you exist, does that mean you are?


Anyway, I don't know a thing about the whole cosplay side of the fandom, so I'm not much use there. That being said, you guys might find this article kind of interesting if you intend on making everything yourselves; it's a step-by-step instruction of how a guy made a shardblade replica for Brandon. Good luck with the shardbearing!

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Welcome home! Have an up vote and a bamboo cookie!

Which is your favorite book?


Gah, I don't know if I can choose. Mayyybbeee WoR? But I'm still riding the high of just having finished Firefight and would be tempted to say that it's up there. I'm also really fond of Warbreaker. 



Put that cookie down! Step away from that cookie! We have a 2219!

Seriously, don't take them cookies. They is bad fo u.

Welcome to the 17th Shard!


Wait, so...to cookie, or not to cookie? I can't think of a single time I've turned down a cookie and not regretted it. 



If you exist, does that mean you are?


Anyway, I don't know a thing about the whole cosplay side of the fandom, so I'm not much use there. That being said, you guys might find this article kind of interesting if you intend on making everything yourselves; it's a step-by-step instruction of how a guy made a shardblade replica for Brandon. Good luck with the shardbearing!


Interestingly enough, I just saw that article for the first time a few days ago in my scouring the web for Blade references. So...big. My quest to be a 5'4 Shardbearer is going to be a fun one.


Thank you all for the kind welcome!

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Interestingly enough, I just saw that article for the first time a few days ago in my scouring the web for Blade references. So...big. My quest to be a 5'4 Shardbearer is going to be a fun one.





Considering I am the exact inverse of that height.....

Somebody had a hilarious question at a signing about whether shardplate would adapt to someone very small (3ft I think was given). Maybe that was you guys? Apparently, Brandon said shardplate could do that.....so if you just made the plate fit you and had an overlarge sword size (for you), I'd think it'd still be realistic. Also TWoR spoiler:

I can't imagine that Shallan's blade she killed her mother with when she was 11 was as gigantic as a lot of those swords, so there's that. Given Syl's capability to be a shardspear......I'd say you there's a lot of wiggle room for cosplay! I'd definitely need a real live blade, no way could I handle one of the regular size ones!

Edited by Shlee
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Wait, so...to cookie, or not to cookie? I can't think of a single time I've turned down a cookie and not regretted it. 

Of course you haven't. Cookies are the food of the Shards. Please don't take the bamboo cookies. It doesn't include any of the 17th sharder's Daily Value of Investiture.

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