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I am new to 17th shard, i have been following you guys for quite some time now though. I just have this one question/theory that i don't know if it has been discussed or it is just know. But anywho,  my theory is on why Dalinar went to the nightmother (i believe that is what she was called sorry if that is wrong) my theory is that he did it to save Renarins life, if you notice he has a very protective air about him when it comes to Ren, and that Ren has had problems. Any way i dont have much to back it up but we can all asume that is why Dalinar cant remember his wife, that much is pretty much a given. but please let me know your thoughts on this and insights. that would be great

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Welcome! Under no circumstances accept cookies from anyone who is not a panda.

As for your theory, she is called the Nightwatcher. Also, Dalinar went to see her because he was sick of feeling the loss of his wife. It didn't have anything to do with Renarin, though he is pretty protective of him.

Edited by Arthur Dent
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Welcome! Under no circumstances accept cookies from anyone who is not a panda.

As for your theory, she is called the Nightwatcher. Also, Dalinar went to see her because he was sick of feeling the loss of his wife. It didn't have anything to do with Renarin, though he is pretty protective of him.

Wait, was it confirmed that that is his boon and not his curse? Cause I'm pretty sure he called it his curse from the Nightwatcher (could be wrong though).

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thanks for all the feed back. Well it could be both. if he didnt want to hurt anymore so the Nightwatcher took his memory of her away. But i guess this theory is just speculation. I was just thinking as far as the little girl and her spren, it was mentioned that beings she went to the Nightwatcher the spren (if i remember corretly) mentioned something about her being more liked because she was touched by the nightwatcher. i could have this all wrong. But I was thinking that Dalinar went there for Renarin and that could have made the two of them more susceptible to bond but like i said clearly just speculation. i dont really have anything to back this up. and i am sure it will get disected and destroyed by you guys but that is the whole point. so i can come up with a better one

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So, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you like Syl?

A longshot, I know, but I'm intuitive that way.


Anyhow... I don't know if it's clear in the books which is Dalianr's boon and which is his curse, but I was under the impression forgetting his wife was the curse. It's been a while since I read the books though, and I think it's been worded rather... unclearly (Purposefully, of course).


Aside from that though, welcome! Hope you enjoy the forum; mind if I ask which books besides the Stormlight Archive you've read?

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So, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you like Syl?

A longshot, I know, but I'm intuitive that way.


Anyhow... I don't know if it's clear in the books which is Dalianr's boon and which is his curse, but I was under the impression forgetting his wife was the curse. It's been a while since I read the books though, and I think it's been worded rather... unclearly (Purposefully, of course).


Aside from that though, welcome! Hope you enjoy the forum; mind if I ask which books besides the Stormlight Archive you've read?

yes syl is my favorite character in the stormlight archive. I have read the mistborn series, warbreaker, elantris, the emperors soul, the rithmatist. Basically all of the cosmere books. I was going to start the steelheart series but i haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Rithmatist isn't Cosmere. I do hope that you do start Steelheart soon; it's a quick read, and worth it. Also, while I like Syl, I prefer Kaladin and Dalinar as characters.

first off i have to say i love the aquabats. and secondly sorry if it seems like i was saying rithmatist is part of the cosmere, i knew that it isnt.. thirdly Kaladin would be nothing without Syl. but everyone is entitled to there own opinion. but dont be such a debbie downer man

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Dude, I don't admire Kal because he has powers. I love his character because he would be just the same as he is without them. Because he is a good man despite his past and despite his gifts.

Edit: Yes, I know he would probably have suicided/murdered in the slave wagon, but still. He's the best.

Edited by Captain_Slams
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Dude, I don't admire Kal because he has powers. I love his character because he would be just the same as he is without them. Because he is a good man despite his past and despite his gifts.

Edit: Yes, I know he would probably have suicided/murdered in the slave wagon, but still. He's the best.


you are absolutely right Kal IS fantastic :) i was referring to that last part, Kal does great with his ptsd and depression, but Syl really pushes him, helps him, makes him do better even when he doesn't see it.... that is what i meant by Kal being nothing without her.

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Dude, I don't admire Kal because he has powers. I love his character because he would be just the same as he is without them. Because he is a good man despite his past and despite his gifts.

Edit: Yes, I know he would probably have suicided/murdered in the slave wagon, but still. He's the best.


But he is racist. Does that not automatically make him less of a good person? 


Or is it fine because he is somewhat justified in his position? 

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He's not racist. He is anti government. In this case, there is a fine line. He hates the oppression those of the same race but different eye color. He doesn't want to throw out the lighteyes, he wants to give darkeyes a chance.


Er...he makes hasty generalizations about an entire population based on their eye color alone. Though not technically racist, as he is of the same race, he is definitely prejudice against lighteyes. I would say that detracts from the quality of his character, as Smurf was saying. But that is also why he is a good character - he isn't perfect.

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Er...he makes hasty generalizations about an entire population based on their eye color alone. Though not technically racist, as he is of the same race, he is definitely prejudice against lighteyes. I would say that detracts from the quality of his character, as Smurf was saying. But that is also why he is a good character - he isn't perfect.

Agreed. Although I think he's coming to realize that not all lighteyes are all bad.

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Yeah, Kaladin is definitely... prejudiced? As others say, it can't be described as racist, since Alethi are of the same race-and I don't think he's disparaging towards the non-Alethi characters- but...


Yeah. He's prejudiced. It's actually one of the more interesting points about him, really. As great as it would be for racist individuals to be obvious, over the top and easily recognizable... they aren't. Kaladin is a heroic individual, one who the audience admires and sympathizes with... and he's racist. Part of his character arc is definitely about overcoming that problem- starting by deciding that Dalinar was an exception to "All Lighteyes are evil", and kind of going on from there to deciding that the color of ones eyes don't determine their character.


It's a nuanced characterization, particularly since-despite the fact Kal has some "basis" for his prejudice (Amaram, etc)- msot of the other viewpoint characters, like Shallan, Dalinar and Adolin are Lighteyes. Kal's attitude towards Lighteyes is a problem, one that can turn readers off... but that's kind of realistic. He's a complicated character.

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