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fPewter and bones


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So I was reading through the metals and feats section of the MAG and I realized that most of the feats that a Pewter Ferring can do would crush a humans skeleton if they tried them. So I think that Feruchemical pewter stores not just muscular strength but bone and even cellular strength. That means that if a Pewter Ferring taps enough at a time then their skin might toughen as well as their bones. So at a high enough tapping rate their skin might even become as hard as stone.

Do we have any WoB that confirms this? 

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So far as we know Feruchemy doesn't so much directly store all these "required secondary powers" as give them out for free when you tap an attribute.




How fast could a steel/steel Twinborn move?
You'd hit physical limits eventually. While the Metallurgic arts generally enhanced the body to deal with the powers granted, things like air resistance would hold you back—perhaps even kill you—if you weren't careful.




If tapping heat means your own body gets hotter, does it also mean you become immune to hot temperatures so long as you're tapping it, or should you fill heat and grow colder for that to happen?
As everything in Feruchemy, you become immune to the effects of the ability only. Like weight doesn't crush you, but at the same time doesn't have a net gain in strength. Growing colder, however, would be more helpful in this regard.


So maybe the skin strengthening could work, but I doubt it myself, just like how Wax doesn't gain bullet-resistance. The strengthening seems to only go so far as is needed to keep other things "normal" while tapping an attribute.




Also, a general note on the MAG: it's really not to be trusted on a lot of its mechanics, as choices had to be made for gameplay reasons that aren't exactly in line with the lore.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Skin and bones (and most everything about the body) are strengthened from Allomantic pewter. This is apparent from Vin's ability to withstand a Thug's choking during the Assembly ambush scene in WoA. I know that a visual difference in tapping Feruchemical pewter is the actual increase in muscular size but is it indicated anywhere that it's only the muscle strength that's stored/tapped and not more of the body's strength like in Allomantic pewter?

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