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Linked religions?


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So, one of the more prominent Scadrial religions outside the big three is Trellagism. Early in The Final Empire, Sazed explains they worship the stars as the thousand eyes of Trell, and believe the sun is the one eye of his jealous brother, who blots out the stars to try to get people to worship him instead.

The Purelaker religion has two gods, one of whom they worship. The other is his jealous brother, who they pretend to worship in the open so he won't send them misfortune. They can only say the name of the elder brother in sacred grottos. I suspect it's a descendent of Trellagism, because of the jealous brother gods they both have.

I think it's Trellagism to Purelaker instead of the other way around mostly because Scadrial had dualistic Shards and the rules about pretending to worship the younger brother remind me of the ways things were hidden from Ruin. I highly suspect the sacred grottos are required to be lined with metal

EDIT: Of course, immediately after posting this I see it was already brought up in another thread..

Edited by name_here
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