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Mistborn Short Story


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In case you didn't know, here's a Twitter exchange that happened today:

BrandonSandrson: Diversion side project is something I think I mentioned on my blog a few days back. It will make some of you very excited.

BrandonSandrson: Yes, the new secret project has Allomancers in it.

17thshard: Hmmm, I wonder if the Mistborn short story is the one with Gemmel, or a different one I don't remember? - Eric

PeterAhlstrom: @17thshard Different.

17thshard: @PeterAhlstrom Okay, now I'm excited.

PeterAhlstrom:  @17thshard You should be. :)

Well, I'm fresh out of ideas. Anybody have some theories about this short story?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having listened to the QnA at the Towers of Midnight release party on Ustream, I can report a couple of things:

1. He said it was around 60k and still growing.

2. He's not sure what he's going to do with it.

It's a little odd. I'm sure Tor would have no qualms about publishing it for him, but a whole novel outside his planned trilogy of trilogies seems like a bit much. I just hope we get to read it sooner than a decade from now.

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40K words generally in manuscript form is around 80-100 pages. But that changes drastically when put into print. It's hard to say how many pages it would be in print form because we don't know if they have plans to put it in hardback or paperback. That changes how many pages it will be.Ryan confirmed that it's around 60k words.

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Something tells me that it'll be in some Sazed-forsaken corner of the world (what was its name again?) and that we'll not see *any* of the characters from the books.

But hey, that's al right with me.

BTW, do they ever say if there are other continents apart from the one on which the Final Empire is situated?

That is one of the things I forgot.

Edited by Kykeon
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I'm pretty sure Brandon said SOMEWHERE, that all throughout the Final Empire, on the North Pole, there were people living on the South Pole as well.  The real reason we won't see the original characters, is that it takes place some 200 years after HoA.  Which means...Marsh and Ten Soon!  ...Then again, I think he'll wait for the next trilogy to bring those two back.

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Well, it was originally going to just be a short story that he wrote for fun and then posted on his website if he liked it enough.  When it turned out to be novel length is when Tor stepped in to publish it.  So... Call it a side story?  It's gonna be short for a Sanderson book, and will not technically be "Mistborn 4."  Just a neat story to read while we wait for the next trilogy.

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