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pits of hathsin + well of ascention = ?


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Part of my last post was "where did allomancers come from before Rashek's ascension?" 


...and I'm not sure if you are right or not there dvoraen...It's a possibility I guess...I just haven't heard the idea posed anywhere else...and I didn't get that impression from the story...and even if Rashek did make the beads of lerasium while "ascended"...why the little pots if he was just going to smash them open right away?


Because, as any good chef knows, presentation is everything.  Gotta make 'em look pretty before the omnomnomming begins.

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Because, as any good chef knows, presentation is everything.  Gotta make 'em look pretty before the omnomnomming begins.

I would totally eat at a restraunt where the appitizers were served in dishes that had to be smashed open before you could eat them...Opa!!!

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Part of my last post was "where did allomancers come from before Rashek's ascension?"

...and I'm not sure if you are right or not there dvoraen...It's a possibility I guess...I just haven't heard the idea posed anywhere else...and I didn't get that impression from the story...and even if Rashek did make the beads of lerasium while "ascended"...why the little pots if he was just going to smash them open right away?

Maybe he only hid the lerasium beads he didn't use. That would mean that the broken pottery near the pool had hidden the bead Hoid had gotten earlier.
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Maybe he only hid the lerasium beads he didn't use. That would mean that the broken pottery near the pool had hidden the bead Hoid had gotten earlier.

I just finished a reread of WoA...when it discusses Rashek and the beads of lerasium...it says that he found them at the well.

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So where did the beads of lerasium come from? I realize that preservation wouldn't have siphoned off his own power systematically the way he did with Ruin...but these little bits of pure preservation essence have to have come from somewhere. Who put them in little clay pots at the well of ascension? Were there allomancers who were just born that way going back to the beginning of mankind on Scadrial...or were they the product of lerasium created allomancers having a long long time to dillute their genes?

Was under the impression that the mists could snap damnation near anyone. Preservation is already invested in them above the "normal" level (compared to Ruin)and all.

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Was under the impression that the mists could snap damnation near anyone. Preservation is already invested in them above the "normal" level (compared to Ruin)and all.

In the mistborn trilogy..."snapping" refers to the act of putting a person under a lot of trauma in order to wake up any latent allomantic potential.  When the mists are snapping people, they are not giving people allomancy...they are actually hurting them...to wake up the allomancy that has more or less been sleeping.  This is why some of the people that preservation attempts to snap actually die...and why he didn't just make every single person in the army (or world) into an allomancer. Preservation cannot just give a person powers...they have to obtain it through genetics or through the ingestion of lerasium.  ie...the mist spirit gets Vin to feed the lerasium bead to Elend...it doesn't just say "presto!" and he's a mistborn...right?


In the earlier part of the story...they talk about how noble houses will have their children beaten to within an inch of their lives when they reach a certain age to see if they have any powers.  Someone can have the potential to be an allomancer...but go their entire lives without ever knowing about it...because they never snap.  


What I am wondering about...is where lerasium comes from.  


We know from reading the story that the lord ruler found a bunch of beads of the stuff at the well of ascension, and gave them to his most trusted supporters, turning all of them (as well as himself) into full mistborn.  Through the generations, this gift of allomancy is passed down genetically, and eventually starts getting diluted, resulting in mostly mistings with the occasional full mistborn, with all of their raw power being drastically less than the original one's who ingested the lerasium. 


Now...I am perfectly aware that lerasium is pure concentrated essence of preservation...but what I find to be particularly curious...is that there were mistings around BEFORE the lord ruler's ascension...before he found the lerasium beads.  So how did these mistings come to have powers in the first place?  I don't know that there is any WoB out there that is going to give us a definite answer...I'm just looking for speculation. 

Edited by hoidhunter
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In the mistborn trilogy..."snapping" refers to the act of putting a person under a lot of trauma in order to wake up any latent allomantic potential.  When the mists are snapping people, they are not giving people allomancy...they are actually hurting them...to wake up the allomancy that has more or less been sleeping.  This is why some of the people that preservation attempts to snap actually die...and why he didn't just make every single person in the army (or world) into an allomancer. Preservation cannot just give a person powers...they have to obtain it through genetics or through the ingestion of lerasium.  ie...the mist spirit gets Vin to feed the lerasium bead to Elend...it doesn't just say "presto!" and he's a mistborn...right?


In the earlier part of the story...they talk about how noble houses will have their children beaten to within an inch of their lives when they reach a certain age to see if they have any powers.  Someone can have the potential to be an allomancer...but go their entire lives without ever knowing about it...because they never snap.  


What I am wondering about...is where lerasium comes from.  


We know from reading the story that the lord ruler found a bunch of beads of the stuff at the well of ascension, and gave them to his most trusted supporters, turning all of them (as well as himself) into full mistborn.  Through the generations, this gift of allomancy is passed down genetically, and eventually starts getting diluted, resulting in mostly mistings with the occasional full mistborn, with all of their raw power being drastically less than the original one's who ingested the lerasium. 


Now...I am perfectly aware that lerasium is pure concentrated essence of preservation...but what I find to be particularly curious...is that there were mistings around BEFORE the lord ruler's ascension...before he found the lerasium beads.  So how did these mistings come to have powers in the first place?  I don't know that there is any WoB out there that is going to give us a definite answer...I'm just looking for speculation. 


Well, the origin story goes that Ruin and Preservation worked together to make the humans on Scadrial, and that they have just a touch more Preservation in them than Ruin.  As Allomancy is Preservation's power, I suspect that's where the baseline potential comes from.

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Well, the origin story goes that Ruin and Preservation worked together to make the humans on Scadrial, and that they have just a touch more Preservation in them than Ruin.  As Allomancy is Preservation's power, I suspect that's where the baseline potential comes from.

I guess this is a possible explanation...but I find it to be a little unsatisfying. If that is the case...does it mean that some of the first people had more preservation in them than others did?  Otherwise...why would some of them be mistings while others were not?

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  • 2 months later...

Are the beads of Lerasium just "dehydrated" well of ascension juice?  Is there some liquid form of Atium that could permanently grant you a new set of powers?   If you had a bead of Atium and Lerasium, could you make an alloy that would make you a feruchemist?  Does it have to do with the Pits being made by preservation to siphon off Ruin's power?  Does it have to do with the opposing nature of these two forces?


( by the way...I just had one of these questions (sort of) answered by moogle in a different thread.   I wonder why Brandon didn't do more with Ruin's shardpool?)

I think that "liquid atium" would be in Ati's shardpool which was the black lake in the mountains described by Alendi in the logbook. Though this would be before Sazed's ascension.

Thanks for the WoB luckat...(up vote)...


I find it interesting that Brandon says "Piercings and Hemalurgy were part of the world befote the coming of Allomancy in its modern form."  I had already made the assumption that Alendi having a Hemalurgic spike meant that allomancy was present in the world before Rashek's ascension.  (before he gave the beads of lerasium to his supporters.) I wonder how it was different back then.  Is there somewhere in the world that was producing lerasium beads the way the pits of hathsin produced atium?

I hope I'm not necro-posting, but I found something in an old Q&A that fits with this discussion. When asked about the black metallic lake, Brandon says:


A manifestation of Ruin's gathered consciousness, much like the dark mists in book two. The lake was still around in Vin's era, but had been moved under ground. (Note that the Well is a very similar manifestation. You've also seen one other manifestation like this....)



We theorized (read: I talked people's ears off) a lot about the Black Lake back in the day, so I'm surprised this never occurred to me before. 


Brandon says the lake was around in Vin's era, but underground, and that it is similar to the Well of Ascension (the other pool or 'manifestation' he mentions is the pool in Elantris).  What if the Black Lake moving underground was it becoming the Pits of Hathsin?  We know the geodes form by condensation, right?  This would mean that the Black Lake and the pits are the same, so for there to be a Preservation version of the pits, the Well would have to be changed to form geodes like Ruin's lake was.  Both the lake and atium are confirmed to be Ruin's physical component, just as lerasium and the Well are for Preservation (I think it's WOB'd somewhere that the Well and Lerasium are in fact the same metal in different states). 


I wonder what liquid atium would do.  We know that the mists, the Well, and Lerasium all do different things, despite being the same thing in different states, but we know very little about liquid and gaseous atium and what effects they would have. 


Lord Ruler, Alendi!  Why didn't you let Fedik sample those waters!!!!???


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I guess this is a possible explanation...but I find it to be a little unsatisfying. If that is the case...does it mean that some of the first people had more preservation in them than others did? Otherwise...why would some of them be mistings while others were not?

Because the Mists seem explicitly designed to snap 16% of any given exposed population?

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