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I would assume you could, although there's probably something about how long you perceive an inch/foot to be that could throw it off.


On a side note this is certainly up there for most random question I've ever seen.


I agree it'd be possible.  I think it'd be properly graduated if the spren had ever seen a ruler it could mimic.  I think fully bonded Spren are smart enough that if they'd seen a ruler they could reproduce it exactly.  My basis is that when Syl becomes Kaladin's weapon she doesn't become his idea of a sword or his idea of a spear.  She just becomes one because she knows what they are.


As for it being the most random question.  This has to be in the running.  In one of the WoB someone asked what would happen if you cut off Hoid's head and the Lord Ruler's head and sewed them on the opposite bodies.  Brandon's response was just "That's weird."  That one stands out to me, but using a Shardblade as a ruler is definitely a unique thought.

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On a side note this is certainly up there for most random question I've ever seen.


I have another random question that I've been wanting to ask for a while.


How do shardblades interact with electromagnetic fields, plasma, and energy?  If Master Chief was on Roshar with an energy blade, how would he stack up with a full shardbearer?


I should probably get off the Master Chief Collection...

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I have another random question that I've been wanting to ask for a while.


How do shardblades interact with electromagnetic fields, plasma, and energy?  If Master Chief was on Roshar with an energy blade, how would he stack up with a full shardbearer?


I should probably get off the Master Chief Collection...


I just got done reading the Q&A with Brandon, and someone asked about a fight between a light saber and a Shardblade.  I know lightsabers aren't exactly like the Plasma sword in Halo but I'd say they're similar concepts.  This was Brandon's response:


"A lightsaber is actually a little more easy to wield than a Shardblade, I would guess. Shardblades were designed to fight something larger than another person; you don't actually need all of that size when fighting someone. So that gives a slight edge to you average Jedi. If it's someone like Szeth, who has a more modestly sized Blade, then I don't honestly know."


A link to that question   go there and then control F for lightsaber.


The original question stipulates no magics would be present during the fight (the force or surgebinding) I don't know if Brandon took this to mean the Blade wouldn't destroy the lightsaber, because in this fight it wouldn't be a magical blade, or if he was acknowledging they could fight each other without cutting each other in half.

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How do shardblades interact with electromagnetic fields, plasma, and energy?  If Master Chief was on Roshar with an energy blade, how would he stack up with a full shardbearer?


Well now it's only the second most random question I've seen here.

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Crap.  Now I can't stop thinking of a Master Chief-Luke Skywalker-Szeth brawl.  Darn.

I'm sorry to say, as awesome as he is I don't think Chief would stand much of a chance. Both Luke's lightsaber and Szeth's Honorblade would go straight through his armor. So unless he was excellent at dodging in his armor (which, thanks to gameplay, we know that he isn't) he wouldn't last very long. I guess his strategy would be a quick strong offensive, but even then as soon as he getsd close Luke could push him away or Szeth could Lash him into a different direction..... as for Luke vs. Szeth, that would probably be a much more even fight. 

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I'm sorry to say, as awesome as he is I don't think Chief would stand much of a chance. Both Luke's lightsaber and Szeth's Honorblade would go straight through his armor. So unless he was excellent at dodging in his armor (which, thanks to gameplay, we know that he isn't) he wouldn't last very long. I guess his strategy would be a quick strong offensive, but even then as soon as he getsd close Luke could push him away or Szeth could Lash him into a different direction..... as for Luke vs. Szeth, that would probably be a much more even fight. 


I think he'd stand more of a chance than you're crediting him with.  Patrick Star points out how his suit would be more effective than you made it sound.  To go along with that Sezth probably can't dodge bullets even with his super human speed. We're assuming a Plasma sword would hold its own against a light saber or a Blade so he'd be able to fight them hand to hand too.  The biggest problem facing Master Chief is he doesn't have magic and I don't know if he could counter the Force or Lashings.  His only counter to this is his suit.  He can be thrown out of atmosphere and land without dying so basically being lashed or thrown with the force would really only slow him down, not kill him.

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On a not-quite-so-related note, could Kaladin lash Syl in order to create a makeshift gravity hammer?  That would be pretty awesome.


That's really an interesting question.  Spren (I would assume) are not affected by gravity, but are while in solid (shardblade) form.  Why?



Objects of investiture can't really be lashed.  It's possible but extremely hard.  It's why Szeth didn't just throw Gavilar around all over the place.  There are WoB explaining it but it involves Mistborn so I'll only put the relevant part.  If you want the whole thing you can look in the compiled WoB in the Cosmere forum.  


A:  It cannot affect Shardblades.  Well, cannot is a strong term.  Things with innate Investiture are much more difficult to affect by any of the magics at all.  Which is why it's very hard for Szeth to bind people or lash people whering Shardplate to the ceiling.


That being said, he might be able to lash himself or maybe even just his arms, creating a similar effect because his arms would be swinging with the force of extra gravity.

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Not sure, the question didn't specify.  I'd say since a spren itself is an invested object, weather in blue ribbon form or in sword form, they can't be lashed.  Even if they're your own spren they are still an invested object.  


Syl might have the consciousness to speed herself up as if being lashed.  She is unnaturally fast when she wants to be.  

Edited by Mimiddle04
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If it is true that you could invest your own spren, could someone force Shallan to soulcast Pattern, or is the investing consensual?

@redbird Rock doesn't fight, so you're stuck with the pelagic untill he starts glowing some more. Go The Lopen!

Well when Shallan soulcasts, doesn't she have to "convince" the thing she is soulcasting to change? So by that logic it would have to be consensual on Patterns part. At least regarding soulcasting, and regarding Shallan that is. Not sure if Jasnah's soulcasting functions differently. 

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Well when Shallan soulcasts, doesn't she have to "convince" the thing she is soulcasting to change? So by that logic it would have to be consensual on Patterns part. At least regarding soulcasting, and regarding Shallan that is. Not sure if Jasnah's soulcasting functions differently. 


Not to mention, as far as I know you cannot Soulcast spren.  I don't know of any WoB that state this but I'm going from in world context. When you soulcast you go into the cognitive realm and you find the black bead that represents the "idea" of that object and you convince it to change.  But the Spren are of the cognitive realm.  In my head it'd be like grabbing a person's arm in the physical realm and saying "Change into crystal."  It just wouldn't work because Spren actually reside in the cognitive realm.


I could be wrong, but that's how I'd see trying to Soulcast a Spren.

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Unfortunately I cannot remember where I read it, and I could be butchering a WoB, so if so, please by all means correct me, but although each other shares a surge from another order, it manifests slightly different, or through combining with their other surge creates a different affect. So although windrunners and skybreakers both have gravity, there might be a slight difference. How that will manifest I do not know. 

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The WoB to which you refer indicates that each individual Surge acts basically the same, but that each order gets additional quirks from the venn-diagram overlap of Surges. For example, both Renarin and Shallan will be able to Lightweave illusions. However, due to her access to the Transformation Surge, Shallan has the ability to actually convince people that they are less like how they really are and more like she imagines them.

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