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Shardblades (WoR SPOILERS!!!!!!)


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In WoR, when Dalinar touches a shardblade, it screams (I think something similar happened to Renarin as well as Kaladin). And that got me thinking that maybe shardblades are the "dead" spren that were bonded to the original Knights Radiant. It is shown in WoR that a spren that shares a nahel bond with a person can take the form of a shardblade. And something else that makes this interesting is that Kaladin, Renarin, and Dalinar (who have heard shardblades "scream") all share a nahel bond with a spren (Sly, Glys, and the Stormfather, respectively). So maybe they "scream" at a person because that person already shares a nahel bond with a spren, or because they are possibly warning the spren of the possible betrayal of the new Radiants (as they were abandoned by the original Knights Radiants after the Oathpact was broken). 

Edited by gjustice99
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your theory is correct, but unfortunately for you, it is already proven fact, and we have word of brandon for it. so not much of a theory to it.

the only thing you got wrong is the scream: the dead blades scream because they are in pain all the time when summoned, but oonly a radiant has enough affinity with spren to sense it.

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