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Did I find another Hoid alias?


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Hey...I'm new to all of this fanpage stuff but have been reading Sanderson for quite some time now.  I think I may have found another appearance of Hoid that dosen't seem to be noted in the coppermind...but maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions.  Please tell me what you think.


Felt is a skaa spy from UrteauScadrial.

He is described as lithe and short with a hawkish face and a drooping moustache.[1] He is one of the main spies for House Venture. He spies on Kelsier's crew's hideout and reports to Elend that they are a skaa thieving crew.[1]

Elend employs him again as a spy to monitor the river entrances to Luthadel during the siege.[2]


-additionally...he is referred to a few other times later in the mistborn story as someone who is not present but involved...and is away doing "spy stuff."

-Felt is also the name of one of the scouts working for Dalinar Kholin's army when marching toward the center of the shattered plains.  While not specifically named...one of those scouts comes into the scholar's tent and gives Shallan the hint she needs in order to locate the "Oathgate."

I'm not 100% but I think that "Felt" may be another one of Hoid's Pseudonyms...What do you guys think?

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Hi and welcome!


I've definitely seen this pointed out once before, I think in the WoR forum at some point. Possibly more of a general worldhopper rather than Hoid, but it's certainly interesting and it looks like you're on to something :)


Unless of course, Brandon made a mistake and named a minor character twice - it seems highly unlikely but he is human after all :P

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Nice!  Probably a worldhopper and maybe the Kandra!  I have to agree that it's probably not Hoid though.  Since informant Hoid is mentioned by name in Mistborn, it just seems too unlikely to use two pseudonyms and two different identities in the same book.  Somebody should ask Brandon if Felt is a wordhopper.  Then, separately ask him if Felt is a Kandra.

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