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If Kaladin Obtained Nightblood


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So I don't think this would actually happen, but can you imagine how funny and awesome it would be if Kaladin took Nightblood from Szeth?


I shall prepare a scenario:


Kaladin walked through the crowded streets of Kholinar, Nightblood in his hand. The stupid sword hadn't shut up since he took him from Szeth. 


You should kill him. The sword told him. It could have meant any single person down the street. They've probably done something to hurt someone. Anyone could hurt someone. You should stop that from happening.


Syl zipped down from her unseen place in the sky as a little ribbon. "Don't listen to him Kaladin. You need to protect the people. Lead them and train them to be honourable."


Kill him. Kill him.


"Don't kill them Kaladin!"


"Would you two shut up! I'm not going to kill anyone!"


You're no fun. The sword seemed to be pouting at him somehow. Syl stuck her tongue out at it.




End scene...

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Nightbloods whispering in his mind continued unabated. "Common, Were destroying Evil. They are just as much evil as the voidbringers."

Syl just shuddered "They are not. They are humans and its our job to protect them from REAL evil. Not the thoughts in their heads but the deeds in the real world."


Nightblood just hummed "And there thoughts don't become deeds? They are all evil inside."

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It's a really cute idea, but wouldn't Kal become wretchedly sick upon touching Nightblood? How would he get over that?

On the other hand, Ilike to imagine that when Kaladin does next encounter the awakened-blade weilding Shin, Nightblood notices that Syl is both a sword and a girl and falls desperately in love.

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...Did we...did we start a Sylblood ship?




"Kaladin?" Syl asked from her spot on his shoulder. "What is love?"


Kaladin's mind flashed briefly between faces. "You'll have to ask someone else, Syl."


I think I can help with that! came Nightblood's sickeningly pleasant voice.

Edited by Khyrindor
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It's a really cute idea, but wouldn't Kal become wretchedly sick upon touching Nightblood? How would he get over that?

On the other hand, Ilike to imagine that when Kaladin does next encounter the awakened-blade weilding Shin, Nightblood notices that Syl is both a sword and a girl and falls desperately in love.

When you use Nightblood once, you stop feeling sick according to the annotations.

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When you use Nightblood once, you stop feeling sick according to the annotations.

Cool. So being Kaladin, if his life someone else's life depended on it, he could suck it up and use the sword.


And no, I was not trying to start a 'ship', merelysuggest a one-sided fascination. One of the sort-of endearing things about Nightblood in Warbreaker is that he is one of a kind, and he does not really know who or what he is supposed to be. His only references are humans, who are quite different from him in feeling and thought process. How exciting would it be, for him, to meet other sapient weapons?

What would spren like pattern of Syl make of him, me wanders.

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Cool. So being Kaladin, if his life someone else's life depended on it, he could suck it up and use the sword.


And no, I was not trying to start a 'ship', merelysuggest a one-sided fascination. One of the sort-of endearing things about Nightblood in Warbreaker is that he is one of a kind, and he does not really know who or what he is supposed to be. His only references are humans, who are quite different from him in feeling and thought process. How exciting would it be, for him, to meet other sapient weapons?

What would spren like pattern of Syl make of him, me wanders.


This was actually a thread at one point.


But I agree with you--I think Nightblood would be fascinated by Sprenblades. I think his enthusiasm would be utterly adorable, though I tend to think Nightblood is adorable in general. :D

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I just liked the idea of Syl and Nightblood squabbling. I think Pattern would be more enthusiastic to find out why Nightblood is and where he came from, but Syl would just yell at him while he tried to win her over. Now I kinda want to see this happen...

Edited by Khyrindor
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Pattern would probably be intrigued by nightblood's truth-lies about who shallan should kill. Probably try to decide if it was the truth or a lie. Of course we should really be talking about the szeth-nightblood connection. Nightblood would be a constant temptation for the recovering mass-murder.

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