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Hello everyone !

Long time lurker and new member of the forum, I'm here because I really love Brandon Sanderson's books and universe, and I've found wealth of informations which made me understand a lot more the motivations, actions and the "rules" behind the different protagonists.

I've read only three books ( or serie ) from Mr Sanderson : Mistborn trilogy, Elantris and Way of Kings ( my favorite ). I have some theories concerning WoK, and I'll post them in the proper subforum ( regarding the Heralds, no less, I think I know who they are :D ). I can't wait for the next tome :o

Take care people :)

PS: excuse me if I make typos and grammar errors, but english isn't my native language, so be gentle :lol:

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Welcome Kheran, good to have you on the forums!

As far as I can tell your English is excellent, so don't worry about that at all. I can't wait to see what new ideas you'll be bringing to the table. The Way of Kings is my favorite Cosmere book as well. :D When you say you've read the Mistborn trilogy, that means you haven't read Alloy of Law, correct? Because you might want to steer clear of the Mistborn boards as we're in full spoiler mode with the new characters and Feruchemical powers revealed in that book. Also if you want to read Warbreaker (The other Cosmere book it appears you haven't read) you can read it for free on Brandon's site right here.

I hope you enjoy your time here. I'll see you around!

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Thank you for the warm welcome :)

Windrunner : Oh yeah, I read AoL, but I consider it more like an interlude between the first and the second trilogy, haha ( but I really enjoyed reading it ;) )

Puck : They do ? :blink: /panic I'll behave, haha

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hey there Kheran, great to have you aboard. And FYI the moderators are safe...its the admins you have to watch out for, they like spiking people ;)

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