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doing a reading order for a friend and this is what i have decided on what do you guys think?

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The emperor’s soul
Tress of the emerald sea
Mistborn 1
Eleventh metal 
Mistborn 2
Mistborn 3
White sand
sixth of dusk
Shadows for silence in the forests of hell (
Stormlight 1
Mistborn era2 1
Allomancer Jak 
Stormlight 2
Mistborn era2 2
Yumi and the Nightmare painter
Stormlight 2.5 
Stormlight 3
Mistborn era2 3
Stormlight 3.5
Stormlight 4
Secret history 
Mistborn era2 4
Stormlight 5
Sun lit man

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10 hours ago, cobaltking360 said:

The Emperor’s Soul - References to Elantris, belongs after Elantris
Tress of the emerald sea - See Below
Elantris - Agree
Mistborn 1 - Agree
Eleventh metal  - Agree
Mistborn 2 - Agree
Mistborn 3 - Agree
Warbreaker is missing and belongs after Mistborn Era 1, and before WoR
White Sand - Agree, Recommend Omnibus. More info Here
Sixth of the Dusk - Here is fine, but anytime before Rhythm of War is recommended
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell  - Here is fine, but anytime before Oathbringer is recommended
Stormlight 1
Mistborn era2 1
Allomancer Jak 
Stormlight 2
Mistborn era2 2
Yumi and the Nightmare painter - Spoilers for Oathbringer and RoW, 
Stormlight 2.5 
Stormlight 3
Mistborn era2 3
Stormlight 3.5
Stormlight 4
Secret History - Belongs before Tress
Mistborn era2 4
Stormlight 5
Sunlit Man

 - Also missing the Arcanum Unbounded Planetary Essays - which should be read after the appropriate story,

*Scadrial Essay only after Alloy of Law, Spoilers for Era 1 and Alloy of Law.


This thread includes links to many other reading order threads.

This thread includes my thoughts on the subject, and some of the interactions that would be spoiled or lost in your example (for example, Tress has spoilers for Mistborn,  Secret History, and Elantris;  as well as references to Sixth of the Dusk, White Sand, and Warbreaker)

I also discuss an epub I put together for the purpose of providing it to coworkers and friends interested in learning more about the Cosmere in this thread.

My notes above in Italics.

Hope that helps

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Cool. The main reason I did it this way is because I wanted to ease them into it and not just throw them into something like Mistborn because if you're not expecting it, it could be a bit wild. Maybe switch tress with Warbreaker, then I think that would work well.

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I wouldn't necessarily go strictly chronological, and I don't know that I'd read fhe novellas before the novels. I would save all of the novellas to be read after finishing each series arc as a nice little piece of extra lore. The exception to this being Edgedancer and Dawnshard, which should be read chronologically within the Stormlight Archive story arc that we're currently on.


I think starting people off with the original Mistborn trilogy is the way to go. The novels are solid and inviting (and under 800 pages). Starting with a novella or standalone will make it more likely that they'll read that one then stop. I find it easier to get into an author's set of works if a series pulls me in and always leaves me needing to know what happens next. Novellas and standalones have more finality to them and don't string you along quite as much. 


I also don't recommend mixing up Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Era 2 like that. These books are already massive. Going back and forth between a 5 book/ 2 novella series and a 4 book 2 novella series seems a little hectic.


I would have then read either Mistborn Era 2 with the novellas and Elantris and the Elantris novellas mixed in if he wants breaks between books.

Or have him read the Stormlight Archive after Mistborn Era 1, and then have him use the standalones and novellas to catch a break between each 1300 page book. 

Just make sure he reads Warbreaker before Words of Radience or Way of Kings (I think it's better between the two), and he reads Sunlit Man last.

Tress can be read super early on the list or later, perhaps mixed in as a breather from the Stormlight Archive.

Here's what I would do:

Mistborn Era 1 

Eleventh Metal

Mistborn Secret History

Way of Kings*


Words of Radiance *




Rhythm of War*

Mistborn Era 2

Allomancer Jak

Sunlit Man

Wind and Truth (once it's out, but your friend has a long way to go lol)

*Books that are nice to take break between with Elantris and its novellas as well as Tress and Yumi. I would personally read Tress after the Elantris stuff, but it doesn't really matter.

I also wouldn't let him know that CoppermindWiki and the 17th Shard forums exist until he get to Rhythm of War at least 😅

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