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Venli's envoy form allowed her to speak to the stones

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In a very cool scene in RoW Venli uses cohesion to speak to the stones. For me, I've always wondered how this is possible. Is this just a feature of the surge of cohesion? Could a stoneward talk to the stones? 

While that doesn't seem impossible,  I wonder if it might be in part because of her regal form. Envoy form grants Venli the ability to speak and understand any language (probably through the manipulation of Connection). Could this connection manipulation with the addition of cohesion be what allows her to speak with the stones?

I'm of the opinion that this explanation makes sense but I have to acknowledge it isn't full proof. With the existence of the dawnsingers, this could just be a feature any listener with the surge of cohesion could do. 

But still, I feel like having both a regal form and radiant bond has to have some kind of interaction (potentially a Resonance). Although, I guess that interaction could just be the ability to use voidlight to fuel surges I'm curious to hear other's thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that any singer could hear the stones, maybe any (what order is Venli again? I don't think its Stoneward and there is soft and strong axial manipulation.) can hear it. The Dawnsingers could hear the stones and Odium wasn't even on Roshar yet. The main connection Envoyform has to this situation is it let her use Voidlight to fuel her power.

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Hmmmm... I guess it could be a combination fo the surge of transportation and cohesion... especially considering (spoilers for cosmere RPG)


In the stormlight RPG there was a leaked character sheet for a willshaper that had the ability "speak with stone." I'll admit I don't have a ton of info on the subject, I think it was an early playtest. But it makes it sound like it's either a cohesion thing or a willshaper thing. I doubt that this character was also an envoy form willshaper.


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