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New Diceborn Season When?

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No timeline yet sorry!  Recording continues.  

I know the wait without more info is hard, but we also want to take care of our team (players, Natasha, and editor, etc.) and make sure we aren’t committing to a timeline that is going to put someone in a hard spot.  

When we are in a place to commit to a timeline we will let you know!

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I'll add to this: scheduling has been rough. We've done the best we can, but sometimes recordings have big gaps between them.

We are working on it. We just want to make absolutely sure we have enough episodes in the can (and an idea of how many the story is ultimately going to be) before we start releasing that we won't fall behind. Better to have the big delay between seasons than smack dab in the middle of the action.

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9 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

Better to have the big delay between seasons than smack dab in the middle of the action.

This makes sense. Honestly, i think with all the WoBs and everything, as well as SiSG you're all recording so much stuff rn.

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3 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

This makes sense. Honestly, i think with all the WoBs and everything, as well as SiSG you're all recording so much stuff rn.

My RL schedule in 2023 did not help matters in the least. But I think I'm done Chairing conventions for the foreseeable future (burnout'll do that to ya), so that's no longer a limiting factor.

But we're all busy people with jobs and lives and crap, and this 17th Shard thing is entirely a volunteer gig. Sometimes life be like this.

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Thank you guys so much for following up on this! I totally understand that it takes time, and I’m just excited it’s coming sometime soon. Thanks again!

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I can chime in on my part as well to just say, in addition to recording delays, the project has also run into editing delays as well. I've taken on lead editing and post-production duties but these have their own processes too.

Because delays can happen at all stages of the process (due to big cast + volunteer/free time demands + scheduling struggles) the hope is that we're going to make sure we have a strong buffer of episodes completed, so that there will be a release schedule we're fully confident in making that people can count on will be consistent. Given that DB series are longer, that may mean looking to release episodes in batches, with breaks in between. We'll see what works best.

That is to say, we know the waiting is tough, but know that it's because we want to make sure that when we do put out a release date, you can count on it being fully legit.

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