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PMs are Malfunctioning

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My PMs aren't working to start/send a new one. The pop-up with people's tags doesn't show and when I try to send it it says the person is unable to receive PMs. 

Please help! I'm not a tech person and I don't know what I'm doing T-T


~ Stick

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It is possible they have disabled PMs. Please message me with who you are trying to contact and I'll look into it.

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2 hours ago, Chaos said:

It is possible they have disabled PMs. Please message me with who you are trying to contact and I'll look into it.

Screenshot of what it did when I couldn't message you.




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Huh. That's exceedingly strange...

EDIT: If anyone else sees this, go try and PM me and see if you get that message "@Chaos cannot receive messages" there, and post back to see.

Edited by Chaos
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It looks like you might be typing the recipient's username incorrectly. I can reproduce your error when I type @Chaos instead of just Chaos. You should be able to see this (not) working because typing just Chaos suggests a bunch of valid usernames from the dropdown I can select, but typing @Chaos suggests none.

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