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Melancholy Cosmere Ending



I have enjoyed reading and rereading Cosmere related books for years now. I have recently finished Arcanum Unbounded again along with the Sunlit Man. These make me reflect on the same question - How will the Cosmere end?

I know there are a lot of solid theories but one thing I value of Brandon is his ability to combine a solemn ending with one that is either also happy or hopeful.  I need that, that’s a big part of why I read his and not others. With the tech advancement being shown in some books for later-Cosmere stories, it makes me wonder how is it possible to put a happy ending to these societies. 

Dune probably did it best by having everyone keep spreading out and exploring and choosing their futures, but I am wondering what other endings there could be other than, everyone just spreads out. I guess I am just weary due to all the post-apocalyptical stories I have read the past few years but I would appreciate some hope on that account. 

What are some ways that Brandon could close out the Cosmere on a hopeful note?

Thanks all!


edit:clarified question. 

Edited by Yolenlightweaver
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2 hours ago, Yolenlightweaver said:

I have enjoyed reading and rereading Cosmere related books for years now. I have recently finished Arcanum Unbounded again along with the Sunlit Man. These make me reflect on the same question - How will the Cosmere end?

I think you'd be better of putting this in the cosmere discussion forum. You're not really asking a question, at least from my point of view.

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On 5/2/2024 at 8:29 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

I think the most prevalent theories that could apply are reforging adonalsium/the iriali reforming the one.

I have heard this one and actually really like it. Especially if it involves unity. 

I feel like I am just interested in the idea of closure. What are some ways that closure would occur while also keeping it fresh? I feel like Brandon is stellar at that but my experience with fantasy stories is limited. 

Since the cosmere didn’t start with one big bad, you can’t just say they defeat the evil guy which is the normal that I have seen. 

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