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multiple investitures



this probably gets asked alot, but, can someone be an awakener, surgebinder, allomancer, and/or any other magic powers in the cosmere? if so, are there any characters we have seen so far that have multiple forms of investiture? (Hoid, maybe?) 

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yes, yes, and yes. off the top of my head, we have seen Hoid do the following "on screen":


Lightweaving, both Yolish variety and Rosharan Surgebinding variety




Some are easier than others. for instance anyone can receive breaths and learn to do awakening, and anyone can bond a spren assuming they can find a willing one (though leaving the rosharan system with one is harder). others are trickier - pretty sure accessing Selish magics require modifying connections if you are not from there. though things like Hemalurgy and unsealed metalminds can help too.

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Yes, or, as far as we've seen, there's no reason you couldn't be everything. Excluding twinborn and fullborn and hemalurgists, I believe the only ones we've seen directly do many of things were Hoid, Xisisrefliel (Thats the dragon from Tress), Shai
New cosmere



 Technically, Yumi also did two magics, but she's an edge case.

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