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Since I couldn't find anything on the topic: is there any information about further Star Charts besides the 7 existing ones (Drominad, Nalthian, Rosharan, Scadrian, Selish, Taldain, Threnodite).

Has anyone heard anything about charts for the other systems on whose planets recent stories were set (Lumar's system, U'Tol System and Canticle's)?

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56 minutes ago, PanicPug said:

Since I couldn't find anything on the topic: is there any information about further Star Charts besides the 7 existing ones (Drominad, Nalthian, Rosharan, Scadrian, Selish, Taldain, Threnodite).

Has anyone heard anything about charts for the other systems on whose planets recent stories were set (Lumar's system, U'Tol System and Canticle's)?

Here is what we have so far - they are likely. . . eventually:



Will we be seeing an updated Cosmere star chart or system charts for these new words [from Secret Projects]?

Isaac Stewart

I imagine that we'll eventually have a star chart that has these new worlds on it. I don't know when that will be, but it's something that's been in the back of my head.

Brandon Sanderson

Maybe if we ever get around to Arcanum Unbounded 2, but I need to write more short fiction that could go in that before we could do that. One fun thing is: if you look at the Kickstarter page, there's that nice illustration of Hoid--also done by Howard Lyon--and in the background you will see some stars. Hmm? The new ones aren't in there yet.

Isaac Stewart

At least, not labeled yet. For people who don't know, I have a 3D model that a while back we said "okay, how many stars are in the Cosmere, what kind of a cluster is this?" And we talked to Peter and Brandon and we kind of brainstormed some things. So I built a 3D model that helped me create that first star chart and I have the main worlds like Roshar and Scadrial are named in there, but there are other ones that I just put in there in places to look good and try to figure out how would constellations work and things like that. So, we just have to go in there and name some of these if they're in the right spot. Or add them.

Secret Project #1 Reveal and Livestream (March 8, 2022)


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Thank you, that's great to know (though like with everything Cosmere hard to sit still and wait for 😅)

From what they said it sounds like they'll focus on a new or updated Constellation map rather than the Star Charts or am I likely misunderstanding that? 

Also I had slight hopes, that we might get them before AU2 since we got the Nalthian one already, which from what I could gather was originally planned for AU2 as well.

It would be extra nice since we'd also get symbols/icons for those new worlds as well. But all in due time I hope 🙂

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On 4/19/2024 at 3:22 AM, PanicPug said:

Also I had slight hopes, that we might get them before AU2 since we got the Nalthian one already,

Actually, Nalthis was planned for AU1, but there was not a short story with which to pair it, and not enough time for Brandon to craft a story for it before his deadline. It was left out and published separately on the website and in the Warbreaker Anniversary Leatherbound (but we are still waiting for Khriss' essay:)






What is something that you would have put in the Nalthian essay if you had one in there?

Brandon Sanderson

I probably would have talked about how close some of these scholars are on Nalthis to understanding all of this. They're probably the closest to understanding the nature of the cosmere of anyone outside of the people who are actually worldhoppers. I probably also would have given some hints where the pool is.

Arcanum Unbounded release party (Nov. 22, 2016)




I know there isn't a short story from Nalthis in the collection, but I still would have liked a Solar Map and Brief overview of the system in the Arcanum Unbounded. Maybe it could have just included the Warbreaker prologue and a link to the free download? The fact that even White Sand (an unpublished book/unfinished graphic novel) had one but Nalthis doesn't is a shame...

Brandon Sanderson

Truth is, part of me felt I'd find time for a Nalthis story at some point, but it never worked out. Edgedancer's length and involvement in the main Stormlight story sucked away the time for doing a Nalthis story. Maybe it would have just been better to stick one in, with no story, but it felt weird to me. Hindsight, looking at the book, I probably would do it if I had the chance over again.


Could the map and Khriss essay for Nalthis perhaps be released on your website/Tor's website sometime after Oathbringer's release or during the revision process for it.

Brandon Sanderson

I was thinking maybe we release it around the time of the paperback of the collection, if I can find time to get it done. But the Oathbringer release would be another good idea--maybe I'll do that instead.

General Reddit 2016 (Nov. 28, 2016)


Edited by Treamayne
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