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Main character for Book 2


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I couldn't find this anywhere, if it is mentioned anywhere, sorry for making a whole new post for this, but I was excited to discover from Brandon at Supanova in Melbourne that he had decided on the main characters (flashback ones) for the next four Stormlight Archive books (mostly) being:

Book 2 Shallan

Book 3 Szeth

Book 4 probably Navani although may be an as of yet not view pointed character

Book 5 Dalinar

Certainly made me excited!

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26:15 is the relevant question

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Dalanar pushed back to Book 5? Maybe Brandon is procrastinating how to write all the blurred out people and shhhhhshshhhhhhhh in his flashbacks, heh.

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I'd prefer Dalinar to come earlier. I really want to see more with the Nightwatcher, who fascinates me. Szeth, I'm curious about but I'd prefer to see Dalinar and Navani first. After all Navani's flashbacks probably have some insights into what was going on with Gavilar in his final days.

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I'd prefer Dalinar to come earlier. I really want to see more with the Nightwatcher, who fascinates me. Szeth, I'm curious about but I'd prefer to see Dalinar and Navani first. After all Navani's flashbacks probably have some insights into what was going on with Gavilar in his final days.

Plus Navani is pretty knee-deep in all that fabrial/spren tech that we barely understand at the moment.

Even though we have a whole bunch of questions we want answered by these characters' pov book, I kind of hope that each answer is the kind that opens up more questions than we knew we thought we should know.

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I'm actually kind of glad Dalinar's book is number five. It gives us three more books worth of set-up for him.

Considering that he effectively removed himself from a fighting position at the end of book one, it makes sense that over the course of the next three, he'll take a more administrative role. Although hopefully that will involve some Highprince head-bashing. ^_^

But then, after seeing Dalinar as he is now, we'll get flashbacks to the reunification of Alethkar. We'll get to see the Blackthorn in action! And not only that, but we'll see the changes in his way of thinking. This will be a most interesting contrast, I think.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kaladin. But he's only twenty in WoK. He's a young man, and his flashbacks show us the loss of his innocence, basically. I feel like it'd be much the same for Shallan.

I'm very much looking forward to Szeth's backstory. Like, a lot. He's the most mysterious POV character we've met so far.

(Please forgive typos, I'm on my phone :\)

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Maybe I'm odd, but I never found Szeth to be that compelling of a character...

He is rather boring at the moment. "Slave, go kill so-and-so!" "Yes, master."

But presumably he's going to fail an attempted assassination of Dalinar in the next book, and survive. And that might end up providing a little bit of greatly needed character development.

In fact, the fallout of a botched assassination attempt against Dalinar, and it's effect on Szeth's mental stability, might even provide a good primary plot for the third book.

Hmm... I'm suddenly reminded of the story that Wit related to Kaladin in the Shattered Plains.

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Yes, the story of Wit seems spot on. I think that's pretty astute observation. If I recall, there is that passage from the prolouge:

He heard that the Voidbringers could hold it [stormlight] in perfectly. But, then, did they even exist? His punishment declared they didn't. His honor demanded that they did.

It appears Szeth punishment was related with Voidbringers and was administered, on the assumption, that they don't exist. And Jasnah & Shallan are convinced, that they have sufficient proof they exist. Put the two together and Szeth might beleive his punishment was incorrect, perhaps he wouldn't consider himself Truthless anymore. And everything he did was just as Wit's story goes.

P.S. it makes such perfect sense for Szeth assasination of Dalinar to happen in the Shallan's book. The Truthless and Shallan's connection to the ideal of honesty. Kaladin & Adolin may end up protecting Dalinar temporarily, but I think Szeth would escape and would be dealt permenantly with by Shallan's search for truth about the Voidbringers.

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