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Possible herald


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I don't think anyone has mentioned this on the forums, but i think Tearim is a very good candidate for a Herald or maybe a worlhopper.

Tearim is described as the captain of the Kings gaurd, one of the best duelists in the world, whom gavilar trusts with his shardplate. And that's it. No physical description at all, no short/tall, no beard/clean face, hair colour or even eye colour which is pretty important.

He is not even noted in the same chapter again even by jasnah who is very perceptive except when Gavilar motions him to follow him. He is not mentioned anywhere else in the two books, not even in relation to the attack on gavilar, which is strange because he is the captain of the Kings gaurd, his sole job is to protect the king, dalinar blames himself and sadeas for gavilar's murder but not him who was actually responsible for him.

And why is he not on the shattered Plains? It can be argued that he is with the Queen, but i don't think so, because Elhokar is so paranoid, he wouldn't keep such a person away from him. He could have been executed/exiled/jailed, or he could have resigned but both of these should also have been mentioned at least by Elhokar.

He is not among the sharbearers of the army, he didn't have shards of his own, but dalinar gave the first shardplate and blade he won to Elhokar to award to most deserving person, who is more deserving than one of the best duelists in the world? And he is in the Kings camp so no highprince gains anything.

This seems more strange in a book where even the most unimportant characters who's sole job is to say an unimportant comment or two or die (most of whom i kept noting down as a Herald candidate), is given some kind of description.

It seems like if he were mentioned more or given a description of, we may find clues About him being a Herald so brandon just sidelined him. Even if not a Herald at least an anomaly.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it and just feel sad for him for being sidelined. maybe he's like shinpachi(from gintama) whom characters and readers ignore alike. But i don't think brandon would do that.

Sorry if too long over silly topic.


Edit: actually he is mentioned one time more when jasnah decides the man in shardplate is gavilar not tearim. Also why is that?

Edited by lol_king
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He's mentioned in the words of radiance prologue, he's standing with gavilar when jasnah runs into him and amaram talking.


Oh great thanks. I haven't re-read that part in a very long part. I'll do so as soon as I get a chance.

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I went to re-read that chapter... There is not much to chew on. He is indeed said to the head of Galivar's guards and one of the world greatest duelists. He was entrusted with Galivar's plate. It could he was amongst those who were killed by Szeth in the attack? I seem to recalled he killed a few guards...


However, there is something interesting about him which gives food for other discussions. He is described as the one the world's greatest duelist and yet he does not own his own set of shards. Now, if he is a duelist, then he must be a lighteye, no question there as darkeyes are forbidden to yield the sword and to partake into duel as Kaladin learned the hard way. That being said, I find it interesting that such a great and famous duelist was not able to win himself a set of shards. From Adolin's POV, we learned duels for shards are very rare as most shardbearer are reluctant to put their shards into play. We also know Sadeas, a very skilled swordsman, never manages to win himself a blade. Probably because he was not willing to put his plate into play. Jakamav is another plate owner who couldn't win himself a blade as he was forbidden to wager it in a duel.


All this reinforce my assumptions that shards, in Alethkar, are mainly inherited from fathers to sons with the occasional set being won through border skirmishes. Dueling is thus not a proven way to obtain shards as most duels excludes them. It also makes me wonder how dueling was performed before Elhokar reinstated the tradition of the king's plate being left for fighters to borrow. This was Elhokar's decree, not Galivar, which means it was not around during Tearim's time. Were duels without shards common back then?


I hope Brandon is going to show us some more dueling in the next book.

As for the plate Dalinar won on the plains, I am thinking Elhokar perhaps gave it to Relis, who was the king's champion.

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I seem to remember Dalinar remarking on how Gavliar hated lending his shardplate and blade to duelists in line with that tradition. I think its just now that Gavilar/Elhokar are king over the other high princes they are the sole leaders who have to take part in the tradition as princes are technicly subserviant to the king.

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He is a possible Herald because there is no physical description at all, even liss's gaurd is given some kind of description. every new character which is introduced is given some form of description. He is totally ignored, and i think the reason for it maybe that there something special about him that brandon didn't want to clue us on. And when he is introduced later we will come back to this chapter to think 'ohh! He is introduced so far back, i never thought he would be a Herald'

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I agree there's probably more to him than just being the guard everyone forgot about and surely something interesting in future books will involve him, but there are too many options like being a member of a secret society. There are so many of those, I might get suspicious of characters that don't belong to one...


If he wasn't described, he probably looked like average lighteyed alethi, just like how Dalinar not commenting on Nohadon's eyes makes it reasonable to think he had lighteyes. Of course, I'm just speculating, but people tend to comment on things out of the ordinary.

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Nohadon is described as having dark hair and short beard which came to a point, tarah never appeared in the book herself.

Although you people are probably roght and I'm reading too much into it, it just seemed too odd to me that a person with those qualifications is not mentioned again. He's probably like Liss and will appear later.

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Tarah is only mentioned by name in Kaladins passing thoughts. Kaladin might have pulled a Shallan by dodging thinking of her for to long as if i remember correctly he thinks that he has failed her in some way. He might not have wanted to dwell there.


Personally I think this is a good theory, he may or may not be a Herald or he might just appear later. Im glad you picked this up everything Brandon does seems to be planned out in advanced in great detail. It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up being just another Son of Honor member though.


I'll definitely be keeping my eye open for Tearim in the future books :)



Edit: haha i see you pull my trick lol_king

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Tarah is only mentioned by name in Kaladins passing thoughts. Kaladin might have pulled a Shallan by dodging thinking of her for to long as if i remember correctly he thinks that he has failed her in some way. He might not have wanted to dwell there.


Based on his conversation with Adolin about girls, I am thinking he may have felt to tell her how he felt about her. He does advice Adolin to just tell Shallan he loves her. Adolin will, of course, not listen as in his own little world, people don't speak of these things.



Could be possible, but it was never mentioned.

Not a very solid theory i agree.

But if it turns out to be true be sure I'll be there to brag about it.


Maybe he'll pop back on the plains and he'll duel Adolin for the championship? I am forecasting Adolin will lose a duel in the near future, it could be against Tearim, who knows ;)

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Adolin lose? I thought that rarely happened.. In WOR it said that he almost always won.


I think he has actually never lost.... but everyone loses a fight every now and then, even the most gifted duelist we have seen. As Jakamav pointed out, he'll have an off day eventually.


I think that with all that is currently happening, he'll lose his groundings and his concentration. I also think it would be interesting for his character to have him lose a fight.

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