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Dual Mistings *magic system spoilers*

Silus - Shard of Flame

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So Brandon has said that, in the future books, Feruchemy will be broken down into Misting form and that you can be a Misting in both Allomancy and Feruchemy.  Which metals would you want to use?  Any guesses about especially potent or useful combinations?  Would Aluminum Gnats be able to blank out metalminds as well?  Any sports that might emerge under such circumstances?  This is for general discussion, so talk away!

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potentialy destructive combination of steel allo-misting and Iron feru-misting.

"allow me to shoot a coin at you with the force of my 11 ton body."

I think you'd need Duralumin to push that hard.

no, store 11 tons of weight in the iron as a feruchemical misting and shoot coins as a steel misting while using the stored weight.

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potentialy destructive combination of steel allo-misting and Iron feru-misting.

"allow me to shoot a coin at you with the force of my 11 ton body."

I think you'd need Duralumin to push that hard.

no, store 11 tons of weight in the iron as a feruchemical misting and shoot coins as a steel misting while using the stored weight.

That only affects how much force you can take, not how much you can push. Keep in mind that Vin needed duralumin to do massive pushes like that.

Flaring iron or steel makes you push harder. Using it with duralumin further amplifies the push, but there's still a limit.

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potentialy destructive combination of steel allo-misting and Iron feru-misting.

"allow me to shoot a coin at you with the force of my 11 ton body."

I think you'd need Duralumin to push that hard.

no, store 11 tons of weight in the iron as a feruchemical misting and shoot coins as a steel misting while using the stored weight.

That only affects how much force you can take, not how much you can push. Keep in mind that Vin needed duralumin to do massive pushes like that.

Flaring iron or steel makes you push harder. Using it with duralumin further amplifies the push, but there's still a limit.

no no no. not flaring. the basis of steel-pushes and iron-pulls is weight.  a feruchemist really does affect weight,  the feruchemist's weight physically increases.  When Sazed was holding off the Kandra in HOA he used iron to hold all the stored weight to keep the door shut.  Also, like I said, a basic fact of allomancy is that iron and steel is based off of weight.  if you take the ability of feruchemical iron and allomantic steel and put them together you get the result of throwing metalk with your now increased weight.

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potentialy destructive combination of steel allo-misting and Iron feru-misting.

"allow me to shoot a coin at you with the force of my 11 ton body."

I think you'd need Duralumin to push that hard.

no, store 11 tons of weight in the iron as a feruchemical misting and shoot coins as a steel misting while using the stored weight.

That only affects how much force you can take, not how much you can push. Keep in mind that Vin needed duralumin to do massive pushes like that.

Flaring iron or steel makes you push harder. Using it with duralumin further amplifies the push, but there's still a limit.

no no no. not flaring. the basis of steel-pushes and iron-pulls is weight.  a feruchemist really does affect weight,  the feruchemist's weight physically increases.  When Sazed was holding off the Kandra in HOA he used iron to hold all the stored weight to keep the door shut.  Also, like I said, a basic fact of allomancy is that iron and steel is based off of weight.  if you take the ability of feruchemical iron and allomantic steel and put them together you get the result of throwing metalk with your now increased weight.

Your own weight affects what you can push or pull. However, the force you can put out is influenced by how hard you're burning.

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@munin: The force doesn't matter.  If the coin hits a car, you put your weight against it.  If you weigh 11 tons, the car will move, not you.  That is what I was talking about.  Though I see what you mean.  I won't post after this since we are already taking over the thread.

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@munin: The force doesn't matter.  If the coin hits a car, you put your weight against it.  If you weigh 11 tons, the car will move, not you.  That is what I was talking about.  Though I see what you mean.  I won't post after this since we are already taking over the thread.

If a 700 pound morbidly obese person pushes on a car, it won't necessarily move any further than if a 250 pound musclebound bodybuilder pushed it.

Weight is a measure of how much force it takes to move you. In the case of allomancy, it's important because you're the counterweight. But it doesn't affect how hard you can push.

An 11 ton allomancer would be able to push heavier objects than a normal one, but he would still be limited by the strength of his Allomancy.

Remember how at one point, Vin burned duralumin, steel, and pewter, and pushed in two opposite directions at once? Essentially, she used the opposite pushes to anchor herself (much like increasing her weight), the pewter to withstand the impact, and the steel/duralumin to actually push such heavy things.

Remember when she burned steel and duralumin to jump an incredible distance against Straff's army? Despite the fact that the planet obviously weighed much more than her, she still needed the duralumin to actually push herself that far.

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But Vin wasn't able to change her weight.  Yes, Duralumin was needed to push her that far, or that hard, but that's not what Munin is saying.  He's saying, if you had the ability to change your weight, you could push OR pull anything.  You could become light enough to pull yourself towards a coin, or heavy enough to push a car.  This is evidenced in Sazeds fight with Marsh.  Normally, Marsh pushing on Sazed's metal minds would send them both flying backwards.  Because sazed tapped wieght, only Marsh was sent backwards faster than he expected to go, because instead of the force being divided between them forcing them apart, it was all concentrated on Marsh, because he was the only one moving.  The force remained the same, but the effect was different because of the person's weight.

I wonder somthing about these two magic system mistings: would they have to use the same metal for both?

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Brandon has said no, which is great because it opens up all sorts of dynamics when it comes to characters.

Brandon's said that there is probably Emotional Feruchemy, which is great, especially when combined with Allomancy.  I could totally see a sort of drug culture revolving around achieving emotional highs with combinations of Nicrosil, Zinc and Emotional Feruchemy.

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