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Crazy stuff from that crazy internet!


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  • 2 weeks later...

http://damnyouautocorrect.com A bit crude and swears but will make you cry because you are laughing so hard.

stuff like that always makes me convinced that auto-correct is like intentionally perverted. It just seems like its always "Hrm...a B in that word? Yup, that's becoming boobs."

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  • 1 month later...

If any of you enjoy Assassins Creed check out this funny video (even if you dont like AC it's still a cool video)

Here's one if you like Halo but still funny if you don't

And lastly funny Harry Potter video by the same guy that made the two other videos

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I would NOT sit in this chair. Much too dangerous.

This reminds me of a psychological experiment that I was "Observing" (a.k.a. the one being tested) where you saw a desk covered in thumbtacks and you had to put a blindfold on and slam your hand down on the desk.  I slammed my hand down.  Does anyone know what that means?

Now for my other contribution.


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@Eeron: Yes, I am fully aware of that. But for some reason even Japanese textbooks reverse the name order. It irks me.

actually, i was referring more to the fact that they forgot an e at the end of hatsune, which could also be some japanese-y thing i'm unaware of.

edit: and reclicking the link, the e is actually there now. Which is weird, because i have the previous window still open, too, and it has no e at the end still, so i didnt miss-see it. Weird. Oh well!

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