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White Sand Prose Edition


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Hey Everyone,

I've just about finished my first read-through of everything in the Cosmere. I signed up for the newsletter and was unable to figure out how to get the PDF prose version of White Sand after quite a bit of troubleshooting and re-signing up for the newsletter, etc... I was wondering if anybody would be able to message me with a PDF of the white sand prose edition that had went out with the newsletter. I would love to finish out the current books, and would vastly prefer to read the written version to the graphic novels.

I would also love a copy of Aether of Night, if anyone would also be able to message me a copy; Brandon Sanderson's website indicates that copies of Aether of Night should be obtained via 17th Shard.

Thank you!

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Welcome to the Shard.

37 minutes ago, k-ALADDIN said:

I've just about finished my first read-through of everything in the Cosmere. I signed up for the newsletter and was unable to figure out how to get the PDF prose version of White Sand

I just tested this, and the newsletter is still the correct way to receive White Sand (Prose). The link will be in the "Subscription Confirmed" email, at the top (see below):



It is not legal for other members to send it to you directly.

If you are having problems with the link in the newsletter, please send a message to Dragonsteel though the Contact Us form on the website. 

Hope that helps

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  • 2 months later...

Bringing this topic back to life, since I'm also having issues finding a download link to the prose version.

I signed up for the newsletter yesterday, but after checking the "Subscription Confirmed" email several times, I'm certain there is no download link in the newsletter that I've received.

I'm also not able to see the thread that Lunamor suggested, because I don't have permission. 
Can anyone suggest any course of action for me?


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2 hours ago, stefinator said:

Bringing this topic back to life, since I'm also having issues finding a download link to the prose version.

I signed up for the newsletter yesterday, but after checking the "Subscription Confirmed" email several times, I'm certain there is no download link in the newsletter that I've received.

I'm also not able to see the thread that Lunamor suggested, because I don't have permission. 
Can anyone suggest any course of action for me?


White Sand: Did you check the image showing where to find the link? I also found in the FAQ that you can use the "Contact us" form to request a copy of White Sand Prose.

Aether of Night: The request section was moved when the forums updated, please find it here

Hope that helps.

For reference, here is the "confirmation" email tested on 27 Mar 2024. Note the email title, and it shows the top and bottom (traditional places for the White Sand Link) is missing the previous "welcome" message with the Prose White Sand link:



The bulk of the message was a SP5 preview. 

Edited by Treamayne
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21 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

White Sand: Did you check the image showing where to find the link? I also found in the FAQ that you can use the "Contact us" form to request a copy of White Sand Prose.

Aether of Night: The request section was moved when the forums updated, please find it here

Hope that helps.

I'm definitely missing the introduction section from the newsletter email. Fortunately, I was able to have my brother forward his "Subscription Confirmed" email to me, since he's been a subscriber for a longer while.
Thank you for the link to the Aether of Night thread, I really appreciate it.

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  • 2 months later...


I am experiencing the same issue (I don't have the introduction message for the subscription on both of my email accounts). Did you find a way to fix it?

If not, should I request White Sands through the contact form ? Or is it not in use anymore ?

Edited by StaYin
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Welcome to the Shard. Please find a FAQ in the Introductory Section where you can let us know what you have or have-not read (whichever list is shorter - you can also post it in your profile) so that if you start discussing in the Cosmere Section, we can avoid spoilers, as needed. 

1 hour ago, StaYin said:


I am experiencing the same issue (I don't have the introduction message for the subscription on both of my email accounts). Did you find a way to fix it?

If not, should I request White Sands through the contact form ? Or is it not in use anymore ?

When did you sign up for the Newsletter? The link was confimed as working in Jan 2024 and confirmed missing in March 2024. The issue has been reported to Dragonsteel. If you have deleted your "Subscription Confirmed" email, or that email falls in that window, then you should use the Contact Us section of Brandon's site to let them know you did not receive the link and request a new email with the link. 

Also consider checking out this thread about the different White Sand versions (summarizes pros and cons of each, though you can read more than one version, of course). 

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I signed up yesterday so it's probably still missing

I will use the contact form, thank you very much !

I've already read book 1 and 2 of the White Sand graphic novel I think, but thank you for the thread!

(I joined this website a long time ago, but I guess it's time to stop lurking : ) I will go introduce myself right away)

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