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Salut à tous ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​👋 Hello, everyone


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Hi, my name is Pierre-Alexandre.

I taught French language and composition in college, and a few of my students won international prizes. One even won against Orson Scott Card … and myself. 👿 So I failed him, of course. 😈 I gave my one-year notice when I finally admitted to myself that my workload (90 hours per week, mostly spent correcting copies) wasn’t ever going to decrease.

For seven years after that, I earned a living as a copy editor, in English, mostly for scientific articles (most of them written by native English speakers, yes). I’ve also worked as a translator, on occasion, from French to English and English to French (I translated stories from Scott Card, Janis Ian, Dean Whitlock, etc.).

What else? One of my own stories was a finalist for the Mike Resnick Memorial Award and the Jim Baen Memorial Award, and so lost twice. Aaand that’s about it. So many years, so little to say. 🫤

🚀 PA

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  • PAS changed the title to Salut à tous ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​👋 Hello, everyone
On 1/9/2024 at 11:27 PM, Robin Sedai said:

Won't lie I'm slightly intimidated now... Welcome, it's a pleasure to meet you!

It's a pleasure to meet you too, Robin. <said in a gruff, intimidating voice>


On 1/10/2024 at 2:07 AM, justice magician said:

What's your favorite kind of bagel? (This is very important)

<groan> Not you too! I already have a poet friend who's trying to convert me to the Cult of the Bagel. Rust, what's WRONG with you people? I'm French! I'm well aware that bagels are an inferior breed of bread.


On 1/10/2024 at 11:29 AM, Banana_assassin said:

Wow, you are accomplished! I find translation really intriguing. Welcome!

Not accomplished, just old. I might have become accomplished if I'd kept my eyes on the mountain, instead of either scattering my efforts or focusing them on the wrong object.

That said, yes, translation is very interesting. It teaches you a lot about the two languages involved and allows you to really grok an author's style.


On 1/11/2024 at 1:38 AM, The cheeseman said:

Welcome! How did you first come across Sanderson's work?

I have two memories, and I don't know if they're compatible. I remember discovering Elantris, loving it, and buying the first Mistborn book as soon as it came out. But I also remember listening to the excellent Graphic Audio version of Elantris, which may have come out after the first Mistborn book, I'm not sure. What's sure is that an awful lot of time has passed in the blink of an eye.

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11 hours ago, PAS said:

<groan> Not you too! I already have a poet friend who's trying to convert me to the Cult of the Bagel. Rust, what's WRONG with you people? I'm French! I'm well aware that bagels are an inferior breed of bread.

I ask this question to a lot of new sharders in their welcome thread, and this is by far the best answer I've ever gotten lol. I assure you they are very good when you give them a chance (especially toasted with cream cheese).

What kind of bread do you think is better than bagels? (I'll admit here in America, we're not as fancy lol).

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6 hours ago, justice magician said:

I ask this question to a lot of new sharders in their welcome thread, and this is by far the best answer I've ever gotten lol. I assure you they are very good when you give them a chance (especially toasted with cream cheese).

What kind of bread do you think is better than bagels? (I'll admit here in America, we're not as fancy lol).

It was brash, even brainless of me to break the news to you so brutally. I'm sorry for bristling up like this; I didn't mean to bring up this issue so brazenly. I feel like a brat now. Hats off to you for seeing the bright side of a brakish situation. Bravo!

You're still wrong, though. I should know; I'm one of those aliens who know, I mean, everything.

And there are many delicious breads. I'm partial to some, such as wallnut bread, but the baker's skill often makes a greater difference than does the type of bread.

🚀 PA

P.S.  "The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything" is a short story by George Alec Effinger. It was nominated for the Hugo, the Nebula, and the Locus. Read it, if you have the opportunity; it's a lot of fun.

P.P.S. I spent a few years in New York. I did consume some acceptable bagels there. (Don't tell Pam I said this.)

P.P.P.S. My favorite the art pieces among those you posted are the illustration of Elend introducing Vin, the portrait study of a lady with cyan hair, and the Howl's Moving Castle painting (the movie left me nonplussed, I must say, but the novel got on my reading list). Oh, and the avocado girl, because she's as cute as the very idea of transforming a frigging avocado sticker into a character.

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2 hours ago, PAS said:

It was brash, even brainless of me to break the news to you so brutally. I'm sorry for bristling up like this; I didn't mean to bring up this issue so brazenly. I feel like a brat now. Hats off to you for seeing the bright side of a brakish situation. Bravo!

You're still wrong, though. I should know; I'm one of those aliens who know, like, everything.

And there are many delicious breads. I'm partial to some, such as wallnut bread, but the baker's skill often makes a greater difference than the type of bread.

(I spent a few years in New York. I did consume some acceptable bagels there. [Don't tell Pam I admitted this.])

Lol, your fine! All in good fun, right?

I've never actually had walnut bread, but it sounds lovely! I quite like zucchini bread or banana bread (but mostly because of how sugary it is lol).

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