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Hi everyone! I can’t believe I am just now stumbling upon this Sanderson Fan site. I’ve been reading his books since back in 2013 after picking up Way of Kings and becoming absolutely hooked. It’s crazy to think I’ve been reading the stormlight archive for ten years, and we haven’t yet made it to book 5 😭

Excited to be a part of a Sanderson community as I have no friends who read any of his books! 

I also have a Group on Goodreads dedicated to the Cosmere, feel free to join if you are interested (I’ll include a link in this post)! 


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11 hours ago, Jrose said:

Hi everyone! I can’t believe I am just now stumbling upon this Sanderson Fan site. I’ve been reading his books since back in 2013 after picking up Way of Kings and becoming absolutely hooked. It’s crazy to think I’ve been reading the stormlight archive for ten years, and we haven’t yet made it to book 5 😭

Excited to be a part of a Sanderson community as I have no friends who read any of his books! 

I also have a Group on Goodreads dedicated to the Cosmere, feel free to join if you are interested (I’ll include a link in this post)! 


Welcome to the shard! 

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Hello!! What’s your favorite moment in SA?

12 hours ago, Jrose said:

Hi everyone! I can’t believe I am just now stumbling upon this Sanderson Fan site. I’ve been reading his books since back in 2013 after picking up Way of Kings and becoming absolutely hooked. It’s crazy to think I’ve been reading the stormlight archive for ten years, and we haven’t yet made it to book 5 😭

Excited to be a part of a Sanderson community as I have no friends who read any of his books! 

I also have a Group on Goodreads dedicated to the Cosmere, feel free to join if you are interested (I’ll include a link in this post)! 



Edited by Cash67
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Thanks for the welcome everyone! 

I’m still not quite sure how to directly respond to replies on here… if someone could let me know that would be great! 

As for the question of my favourite moment in SA, It’s so hard to pick just one! 

The end of WoR fight scene between Szeth and Kaladin is unreal, and definitely one of my favourites. I was also really moved by the scene of Kaladin looking down into the Chasm and contemplating jumping, only to be saved by the arrival of syl with the black bane leaf in WoK (Can you tell kaladin is my favourite character). Also any time where Wit is telling one of his stories has left me speechless!  But truly there are too many amazing moments throughout the series, and even more that I’m sure I’m forgetting.  

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Hello, and welcome to the Shard!

You can respond directly to someone in a thread by clicking the button that says "Quote" in the bottom left corner of their post, and then typing your response underneath the quoted section that will be added to the post you are writing.

I agree that Kaladin's scene at the Honour Chasm is one of the most powerful scenes in the series, for me (especially when re-reading TWoK after having read the ending of RoW, when he does jump). What is one of your favourite moments outside of Stormlight?

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2 minutes ago, Faerie Braids said:

Hello, and welcome to the Shard!

You can respond directly to someone in a thread by clicking the button that says "Quote" in the bottom left corner of their post, and then typing your response underneath the quoted section that will be added to the post you are writing.

I agree that Kaladin's scene at the Honour Chasm is one of the most powerful scenes in the series, for me (especially when re-reading TWoK after having read the ending of RoW, when he does jump). What is one of your favourite moments outside of Stormlight?

Got it! Thanks so much for the info!

Personally, any time I’ve seen Wit (Hoid) in a different world, or notice some crazy Easter egg I am always completely floured by the complexity of the Cosmere and get so excited!! Most recently I reread Mistborn Era #1, so that world is fresh in my mind and witnessing the Vins character development, seeing her learn to trust, open her heart, and come into her own throughout the series, was so amazing. I also forgot how dang brutal and violent she could be, and her fight scenes were amazing, Especially against all those steel inquisitors in the Hero of Ages. Do you have an all time favourite moment? 

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