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Why isn't Dawnslight evil? [Firefight and Calamity spoilers]

Shadow of Electrum

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So I have recently reread the reckoners series, and something I can't seem to figure out is why Dawnslight wasn't evil. So we know that before calamity was defeated epics were evil because they drew upon his darkness, and to combat this you had to save someone despite your fear/weakness. I'm sure we're supposed to assume that Dawnslight faced his fear off screen or something like that, but I'm unsure how or when that was even supposed to happen. From what I can gather, Dawnslight was good from day one and he has no visible weakness. The only other character this happens with is Languish, but even Languish has a period of unaccounted time in-between the start of his epichood and his service of Lifeforce. Again I'm sure this is supposed to be some sort of mystery, but if we know when or how Dawnslight defeated the darkness I would like to know.

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3 hours ago, AvonZapper said:

So I have recently reread the reckoners series, and something I can't seem to figure out is why Dawnslight wasn't evil. So we know that before calamity was defeated epics were evil because they drew upon his darkness, and to combat this you had to save someone despite your fear/weakness. I'm sure we're supposed to assume that Dawnslight faced his fear off screen or something like that, but I'm unsure how or when that was even supposed to happen. From what I can gather, Dawnslight was good from day one and he has no visible weakness. The only other character this happens with is Languish, but even Languish has a period of unaccounted time in-between the start of his epichood and his service of Lifeforce. Again I'm sure this is supposed to be some sort of mystery, but if we know when or how Dawnslight defeated the darkness I would like to know.

While it is not explicitely stated, it is implied that because Dawnslight was in a coma long before the rise of Calamity, he did not ever have the Rending (just as David never had a Rending), and therefore never experienced the Darkness inherited from Calamity. He also rarely used his powers conciously, since they manifest more as a way of making his coma dreams a reality (based on the posters seen near his room - FF Ch 49):


As I ascended the light grew brighter, and I began to make out odd decorations on the walls.


Yes, posters. Old ones, from the decades before Calamity. Bright, vibrant colors, women in ruffled skirts, sweaters that exposed a shoulder. Neon on black. The posters had faded over time, but I could see they’d been hung meticulously back in the day. I stopped beside one in that silent stairwell. It showed a pair of hands holding a glowing fruit, a band’s name emblazoned at the bottom.


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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

he did not ever have the Rending (just as David never had a Rending), and therefore never experienced the Darkness

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As I ascended the light grew brighter, and I began to make out odd decorations on the walls.


Yes, posters. Old ones, from the decades before Calamity. Bright, vibrant colors, women in ruffled skirts, sweaters that exposed a shoulder. Neon on black. The posters had faded over time, but I could see they’d been hung meticulously back in the day. I stopped beside one in that silent stairwell. It showed a pair of hands holding a glowing fruit, a band’s name emblazoned at the bottom.


(Sorry I don't know how to properly quote stuff)

This makes a lot of sense, but I do have a problem with this theory. When David bypassed his rending, both Regalia and calamity were surprised. I say this because Regalia reacted to this as if it was completely impossible, which at this point it was believed to be impossible. The problem is that with how closely Regalia worked with Dawnslight and Calamity, I would have expected a different reaction from the two of them. Of course I think they'd still be surprised, but I don't think it would have been "I've never seen this happen before!" Kind of surprise if that makes any sense. Beyond that I really like this explanation, thank you!

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On 12/25/2023 at 12:48 AM, AvonZapper said:

(Sorry I don't know how to properly quote stuff)

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On 12/25/2023 at 12:48 AM, AvonZapper said:

Of course I think they'd still be surprised, but I don't think it would have been "I've never seen this happen before!" Kind of surprise if that makes any sense.

Well, we don't know if Calamity ever came to Babailar, we only know that Regalia seemed to have a way to contact him. As for Regalia, Dawnslight was one of the first Epics anywhere and while she kept him safe (hostage), we have no reason to believe she ever had a way to communicate with He Who Dreams. How would she even know he never had a Rending, much less how that may or may not affect his power access? She's only been in Babilar a comparitively short time since she did not have her own rending there, and spent time with Prof and Tia before moving the New York to challenge the reigning epics there. Also keep in mind that this is one conversation where David triggers her weakness - so she may have been overstating her position a bit due to power-induced-hubris, which was then extra-shocking because not only did he not display powers, but his weakness was triggered (which affects the emotion of the scene, I think).


Edited by Treamayne
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