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Hello 17th Shard


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Hi all, I am chirokay. As the name implies, I am a chiropractic student with a passion for many things. One of which being reading fantasy. The first fantasy series I read was "Lord of the Rings" but then freshman year of high school a friends turned me on R.A. Salvatore and the character Drizzt Do'Urden. After reading a ton of Drizzt, I desired more and found Robert Jordan, still haven't finished Wheel of Time yet, and then Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I got a Kindle and one random afternoon in 2014 found Brandon Sanderson's "The Way of Kings" for $1.99. I looked at the description and saw it had well over 2,000 reviews and was almost 5 stars so I got it. 

I had never read a 1,000 page book so fast in my life, except maybe for "Words of Radiance" which I just finished last week. I fell in love with the Stormlight Archive after WoK and have read both books 1 and 2 and read Sanderson's "Steelheart". I plan on starting Mistborn soon. I am currently reading "The Name of the Wind" for the first time. I am always up for finding new and great fantasy works to eat up my time. 

When I am not reading fantasy, or studying for that matter, I love football, tennis, baseball, video games (who doesn't? Destiny 9-9!!!). I have started dabbling in writing my own fantasy novel, just for the fun of it and to see if I can actually write a book. I stink at writing and hope that this will help make me a better writer. Nice to be apart of the Shard with all you Sanderson fans. 


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Welcome to the Shard which is numbered 17th. It's a great place, but sometimes the folks here can be a real pain in the neck.

(Not really, I just had to make that joke)


Please take this cookie from the Dark Alley. It is not in any way spiked. Ignore the donuts others will offer you. They taste of chull food and disillusionment. 


Welcome to the Madness!

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Hey, welcome to the forums.  Chiropractic has helped me a lot with recovering from a L5-S1 discectomy, so thanks for being a part of that wonderful profession.


I highly recommend Mistborn and then Warbreaker as your next Brandon Sanderson books.  Elantris is pretty good too but not as good as Stormlight Archive.  Also, Wheel of Time picks up steam again in Book 11, so don't give up on it.  If you're an amateur author, Brandon really has a teacher's heart and has lots of stuff on his website (rough drafts of books, annotations, etc...) that you can use to learn.  His book Shadows Beneath also breaks down several short stories from rough draft to completion.

Edited by navybrandt
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Fatebreaker, how can I say no to a free cookie? I'll take your word for it. You're not a light eyes by any chance are you??


navybrandt, glad to hear chiropractic has had a positive impact on your life. It's a profession that I enjoy learning and a form of healthcare that continues to fascinate me day by day.  If you are still recovering hope it's speedy and restful.  I do plan on reading Mistborn next. I really liked the UK covers for those books and have been searching of ebay for a non expensive copy of the UK edition. There is just so many books out there I want to read, plus there is a lot of studying to do which comes first. I finished The Name of the Wind earlier this week, which was amazing, and have picked up Gardens of the Moon. I stopped about halfway in it to read TNOTW.  I'll check that book out, I have been watching some of his lectures on writing on youtube during some free time.


maxal, good to hear your experience with chiropractic was able to get you back to running. Exercise is very important for one's health. It's pretty funny how we are studying to be spine doctors at chiropractic college but we sit all day in class then go to the library or where ever and sit some more to study, LOL.  That is until we get to clinic.  

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