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Why do you subscribe to Brandon Sanderson?

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Why do we obsess over an-until recently unestablished writer- instead of someone who is well established- when there are an incredible multitude of authors out there that we basically ignore?


Honestly? I sick around for what's commonly referred to as 'the Brandon avalanche'. Elantris, I think, is the best example of this. What I mean by this is that the whole entire story is rising action and building tension. When the climax finally comes, it totally blows more of your mind than you knew you had. When any story surpasses the smallest expectation you had, you see them as awesome. Mr. Sanderson has blown every expectation I've ever had so far out of the water, my expectations may as well be an oasis in the sahara.

Yo. You ought to not double post, sillyface ;) -Chaos

Edited by Chaos
Double Post! What a slacker!
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I agree with you about the Brandon avalanche, though I like how he's spread it out a bit in HoA, so there are a couple of exciting plot peaks. I have way too many favorite parts to list them all but here are just a couple:

  • Realistic characters I identify with and care about.
  • Brandon's ability to defy expectations, just when I think I know what will happen he turns all my expectations upside down, and draws a conclusion better then I could have imagined.
  • The innovative magic systems, they feel like science and make sense, and you can use logic to actually think of realistic theories, instead of a mysterious magic you never really understand anything about.

Basically in my opinion, all other fantasy has begun to pale in comparison, haha

Edited by Windrunner
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Everything Windrunner said. Especially the cool magic.

Agreed. I also think that his books completely draw me in, and that makes them that much better.

WoK Spoiler

At the end of Wok, I was feeling a rising sense of horror and terror for no reason that I could see until Dalinar hears that the Almighty is dead and Jasnah reveals her reasoning that the Voidbringers are parshmen.

Another series that did this to me was and still is, The Wheel of Time. Brandon Sanderson's books and the WoT series both make me lose track of time, because I get completely into the book.

Edited by Tulir
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I absolutely agree with all of you.

What really draws me to Brandon's writing, to his style. Is the humor in many of his characters, it isn't always overt or laugh out loud sort of humor, but ironic, even cynical humor that I totally identify with and that gives balance to the drama of the story line itself. And of course, the fact that by the end of the book I'm pounding my head off the wall wondering how I didn't see it coming. How he builds and builds and builds and even shows me everything I need to know, but then when he reveals the solution to the problem, I am left completely blown away.

I am the sort of person who usually falls for side characters, the mysterious characters that we don't know that much about, but that I want to see in the spot light.....Brandon gives me main characters to love and adore. Kelsier, Kaladin, and of course Lightsong. Just to name a few.

Studying his writing and listening to his podcasts have taught me more about my chosen craft, than most of the 4 years of studying and writing on my own.

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I definitely agree about the "Brandon avalanche." I love that there is always some mystery to his books, some secret about the world or the magic or the history that no one really knows about. The reveal about what had happened to Elantris, trying to figure out what had gone wrong all those years ago in Scadrial, with the Lord Ruler and the Hero of Ages and the Deepness, the secret about the God-King in Warbreaker - all those things keep me hooked and usually just end up blowing me away. It makes it so epic.

On top of that, I am generally just in awe of Brandon's magic systems. I like how he takes very basic magic systems and makes them specific to his world, and that they are so tied into the plot, and not just having magic there because it's fantasy.

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I just know that the first time I picked up Warbreaker I couldn't stop reading. It wasn't even a finished book yet, but I was drawn into the world. The magic system was fascinating. The characters were fascinating. The surprises, especially at the end, were great and never felt out of place. And now I know about the Cosmere and there's all this extra depth.

Also, if I need just one book to keep me absorbed for an extended bus ride, he's the guy. :-)

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I just love everything about Brandon's writing. His characters are awesome, his magic systems are intriguing, his plots broadside me everytime, his worlds are beautiful and intricate, and there's just a depth to everything that you don't get from many authors. That's what I thought just from reading Mistborn back when I was first introduced to Brandon. Then I find out about The Cosmere and I remember thinking "And I thought just Mistborn alone was deep and intricate?"

Brandon's work inspires me to write. Sometimes I get disheartened - because let's face it, I'm not anywhere close to that good - but then I read some of his earlier unpublished stuff and I get hopeful. The most inspirational author I know had humble beginnings too. Once upon a time, he was a not-so-great writer just like me. His early stuff wasn't awesome, but he kept at it. He didn't just pick up a pen and write my favorite books of all time, it took practice and patience and tons of drafts. Reading those early works makes me believe that if I just keep at it, maybe I could one day get published, maybe one day I could come close to being as good as him.

Maybe one day I'll inspire someone as much as he's inspired me.

That's why I read Brandon's works.

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