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Mistborn in Fadrix


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Vin was being followed by a Mistborn in Fadrix while infiltrating the city before meeting Yomin. This was a wonderful red herring to making us think that Yomin was Mistborn, however after it was revealed that Yomin is not Mistborn and does not have any in his employ, that still leaves the question of who this Mistborn was.


Now this was shortly after Vin went looking for Hoid but decided against approaching him due to some instinctual aversion. Since this Mistborn is not connected to Yomin, is he/she connected to Hoid? Is it Hoid? Has there ever been an answer on this one that I don't know about?

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That's what is happening, it's in the annotations... Somewhere... (It's times like these when I think, these should probably get added to the database...)


The Elusive Allomancer


It didn't occur to me until doing this annotation that Vin's ability to pierce copperclouds has been a kind of minitheme for all three books. She discovered the power early in book one, and by using it was able to save Elend's from getting killed by Shan and her assassins. In book two, it let Vin try to track down the spy, while also letting her hear the pulsings of the Well of Ascension before they were powerful enough for other Allomancers to recognize.


Now, in book three, it lets her discover this hidden Allomancer and begin chasing him down. Where she got her ability to pierce the copperclouds is a major factor in what is happening in this novel and how the plot will play out in the end.


Spoiler (91 Less Words)


If you're wondering, then yes--this is Ruin appearing to Vin and acting as a Mistborn to distract her. Right here, he's worried about the siege. He wants Vin and Elend to just attack the city and move on with it. He's frustrated that his pawns aren't doing what he intended them to do--at least not as quickly as he wanted. So he helps Yomen here by distracting Vin, hoping that by having them get attacked and losing some of their koloss they'll get angry at Yomen and strike back in retribution.

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