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Heavy Metals

Commander Spoonface

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So, we know that there are significantly more Allomantic/Feruchemical/Hemalurgic metals than the sixteen we currently know about. We have 16 alloys of both Lerasium and Atium, but what if there are others? This thread's idea is essentially a place to talk about either real world metals you'd like to see show up with some magical application or something you'd want to see a Metallic Art do. I'll start:

I think it might be cool to see some metals that don't occur in nature- like Gallium. Of course, there a whole bunch of those metals, but I doubt we'd see them under the names we know them. After all, Franceium, Californiam, and Seaborgium aren't names that Scadrians are likely to come up with.

I'd like to see some metals that enhance other metals in ways different from a single, large burst or getting rid of reserves entirely. For example, a metal that allows your other metals to burn for longer than they normally would.

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The context of that quote lead me to assume that Atium and Lerasium have more than one alloy per metal. I don't think there will be more than 16 non-God metals, since 16 is such an important number to Brandon Sanderson's cosmology.

It looks like the 16 non-god metals are divided into four categories of four- and also two categories of eight. There could be two more categories of eight, divided into two larger categories of 16.

My point is that the Law of 16 can apply also to groups of four, eight, thirty-two, forty-eight, and sixty-four as well as sixteen.

Additionally, while the alloys of Lerasium likely create Mistings and maybe Ferrings, we have no idea was the alloys of Atium could do.

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Well, I think what Sazed says at the end of series pretty much kills the idea that there are more than 16 not counting alloys of the god metals. By the end of the series they already know of 14. He tells Spook there are two more. Sixteen meant so much to the lore of the stories. Expanding it out to include any possible multiples of 16 may be stretching things a bit. Also, it would lose the square of a square balance too. I didn't really pay attention to the chart at the end of Alloy, but have we even seen these additional god metal alloys yet? Atium is all but a legend and we have only seen a single bead of Lerasium.

Someone has mentioned metal hydrogen before. Yes, it is possible, but the cost and technology to make it would make Atium appear to be as common as water in the Pacific.

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It looks like the 16 non-god metals are divided into four categories of four- and also two categories of eight. There could be two more categories of eight, divided into two larger categories of 16.

My point is that the Law of 16 can apply also to groups of four, eight, thirty-two, forty-eight, and sixty-four as well as sixteen.

Additionally, while the alloys of Lerasium likely create Mistings and maybe Ferrings, we have no idea was the alloys of Atium could do.

Actually, we know that Lerasium does create Mistborns and it's alloys create Mistings (Ferrings aren't mentioned at all, and it'd be more likely that they'd be related to the hypothetical Sazedium, since Feruchemy is a product of both Preservation AND Ruin). We also know that it does "something else" as well. As in, an actual effect. Though we haven't learned what any of these alloys actually do, we have been told that Lerasium grants further Physical or Enhancement effects to the base alloy.

Atium, which we do have one example of, grants further Temporal or Mental effects. Consider Gold, which grants a vision of a different path the user could have taken. Its Atium alloy, Malatium, adds a further temporal effect, by granting a vision of another person's past.

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Someone has mentioned metal hydrogen before. Yes, it is possible, but the cost and technology to make it would make Atium appear to be as common as water in the Pacific.

You could make solid hydrogen, but it wouldn't me a metal. Wrong part of the Periodic table.

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I think we have seen all of the base allomantic table by now.

Aren't most of the heavy metals on our periodic table highly poisonous? I know I would not want to

take a shaving of Plutonium or Uranium regardless of the possible allomantic value. It might

be one heck of a ride, but it would cut way down on life expectancy.

Edited by Aethling
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I stand corrected. I doubt, however, that it will have allomantic properties, if it does exhibit some metallic ones under high pressure. Not to mention it only stays metallic under extremely high pressure, and therefore would be extremely difficult to swallow.

@Aethling: About half of the current Allomantic metals are highly poisonous, albeit not radioactive. I mentioned already that "heavy" was being used in a non-literal sense, much in the same way Marty McFly uses the word.

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Reading into that, though, it would probably be more feasible to try gaining the alloy. Unless a metastable form of metallic hydrogen is found, sufficiently unlikely to not pop up until the third trilogy if ever, that alloy would be as close as we might expect to find.

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Reading into that, though, it would probably be more feasible to try gaining the alloy. Unless a metastable form of metallic hydrogen is found, sufficiently unlikely to not pop up until the third trilogy if ever, that alloy would be as close as we might expect to find.

Though it might be possible, my gut says we probably won't see Hydrogen based allomantic metals.

Back on topic, I think that a cool effect for an alloy of Atium would be the ability to see exactly how much of a metal other allomancers have left- probably Atium+Bronze.

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um maybe a bit off topic but the original set of 16 metals main effect the self where the two new alumium alloys effect a person other then yourself, if there is a new set of alloys it could still obey the law of sixteen but effect a target instead of the user... if that makes sense.

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There are a number of metals that affect outside the users. There's Iron and Steel that Pull and Push pieces of metal outside of yourself, There's Zinc and Brass that affect others' emotions, Cadmium and Bendalloy that create time bubbles outside of oneself, and then there's the two metals you mentioned, Chromium and Nicrosil that either flare or eliminate metals in another allomancer.

EDIT- So in other words, half of the metals are external in use.

I (personally) feel like the Law of Sixteen isn't broken because the God Metals (and their alloys) are outside the normal group of Sixteen metals that are available to everyone.

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sorry i think i phrased my thoughts wrong. when burning the orginal set of 16 it gives the user control of new powers and abilitys . with the two new aluminum alloys the power is to change the power in someone else.

That, in of itself, is an ability. Though there is an interesting concept there: What if there were metals that could grant the powers of a misting to your target when burned, or something of the like. Could be some blend of Lerasium and Atium, maybe.

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There are either 2 other sets of 16, or 3.

There's all of the 16 metals combined with Atium,

All the metals combined with Lerasium,

And then (possibly) all the metals combined with an alloy of Atium & Lerasium, also called Sazedium, also called Harmonium. We don't know if such a metal makes alloys.

It's very possible that one of the effects of at least one of the alloys affects someone else. We'll have to wait and see.

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So the first sets of twelve metals are all focused of the burner. The burner gains the effects and powers of the metals the burner can push or pull metals, the burner and sooth or riot emotions, etc. The set of sixteen new metals I am theorizing don’t target the burner but rather someone or something else that is either near or in contact with the one burning the metals. Such as with Chromium and Nicrosil which are similar to aluminum and duralumin, but the target of the effects changes. An example of an effect of changing the target with a parallel metal to iron could redirect the pull to an object that’s in contact to the burner similar to one of the lashings in the storm light series. The powers of zinc and brass may turn inward giving greater control over one’s own emotions. Over all I am suggesting that new sets of metals could have similar effects by changing the target of effects of burning metals.

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