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Help Citing Sources


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I decided to help editing with the Coppermind Wiki, but I had some problems. I saw that the Cosmere article was a little outdated, because of some new information from FireArcadia's interview with Brandon. I was trying to cite it as a source but this red text kept appearing.

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

It gave a solution in the help section, but I just couldn't get it to work. Could someone explain how this works to me, so I can cite the articles I edit? Oh and also shouldn't FireArcadia's interview be in the new database? I couldn't find it there, but maybe it's because it isn't actually composed of direct quotes. But I'll link to it if anyone wants to see it. Thanks! :D

Here's the article I was working on.

Cosmere Article

And here's FireArcadia's Interview

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Hey there Windrunner, thanks for the contributions :D

I think you sorted it yourself (or someone else sorted it for you), but basically it was because your <ref> tag was closed by a <references /> tag rather than a </ref> tag :D

And thanks Zaz :D

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