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Rithmatist questions


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Honesty I narrowed the suspects down to York, Harding, and Exton. Once Exton was arrested I was like 90% sure it was Harding cause he was pushing so hard that the scribbler was Exton.

Since the new attack line was basically a line of vigor and forbiddance, is the sound-muffling line is a line of making paired with a line of warding? The muffling one has curves and the line of making is really flexible depending on how you use it. 

What objects were planted by Harding in extons desk?

When Harding was attacking Nalizar and Joel in the dorm, the chalkings came from Harding's mouth. This makes sense because the chalkings are a 2D being so they can exist inside his throat, stomach, lungs etc, etc. But wouldn't the stomach acid and wetness of his insides smudge and destroy the chalkings but they could reform, so how did Harding not feel chalkings smudging and reforming inside his chest throughout the day?

How did Joel's father die? Joel is told that he died in a spring rail accident, but on page 202 his mom hints that he didn't die in an accident and that it had something to do with his research. ¨your father... he sacrificed so much. He might have made it, too, if his blasted research hadn't ended up costing his life¨ 



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On 25.09.2023 at 4:54 AM, MadMax634 said:

When Harding was attacking Nalizar and Joel in the dorm, the chalkings came from Harding's mouth. This makes sense because the chalkings are a 2D being so they can exist inside his throat, stomach, lungs etc, etc. But wouldn't the stomach acid and wetness of his insides smudge and destroy the chalkings but they could reform, so how did Harding not feel chalkings smudging and reforming inside his chest throughout the day?

They teorticaly came from his mouth, but becuse he is posessed, they actually were not in Hardings body, they were in what was in possesion of his body. So chalkings were not in contact with his internals.

On 25.09.2023 at 4:54 AM, MadMax634 said:

How did Joel's father die? Joel is told that he died in a spring rail accident, but on page 202 his mom hints that he didn't die in an accident and that it had something to do with his research. ¨your father... he sacrificed so much. He might have made it, too, if his blasted research hadn't ended up costing his life¨ 

Wasnt that hinted it was suicide?

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On 9/24/2023 at 10:54 PM, MadMax634 said:

Honesty I narrowed the suspects down to York, Harding, and Exton. Once Exton was arrested I was like 90% sure it was Harding cause he was pushing so hard that the scribbler was Exton.

  1. Since the new attack line was basically a line of vigor and forbiddance, is the sound-muffling line is a line of making paired with a line of warding? The muffling one has curves and the line of making is really flexible depending on how you use it. 
  2. What objects were planted by Harding in extons desk?
  3. When Harding was attacking Nalizar and Joel in the dorm, the chalkings came from Harding's mouth. This makes sense because the chalkings are a 2D being so they can exist inside his throat, stomach, lungs etc, etc. But wouldn't the stomach acid and wetness of his insides smudge and destroy the chalkings but they could reform, so how did Harding not feel chalkings smudging and reforming inside his chest throughout the day?
  4. How did Joel's father die? Joel is told that he died in a spring rail accident, but on page 202 his mom hints that he didn't die in an accident and that it had something to do with his research. ¨your father... he sacrificed so much. He might have made it, too, if his blasted research hadn't ended up costing his life¨ bzhy
  1. It's possible. Presumaby we'll get more info on new lines when/if the sequel is written
  2. They aren't enumerated - just "items taken from three missing students" (Ch 22)
  3. Answered above by @Bzhydack
  4. We don't know for sure, but it was implied that the Springrail wreck was not an accident. Though Bzhydack has a point, if it was a suicide attempt by jumping from a high place. Here's the section of Ch 14:

“Is that why you always get so mad at me for not doing well in my classes?”

“That’s part of it. Oh, Joel. Don’t you see? I just want you to have a better life than we did. Your father . . . he sacrificed so much. He might have made it, too, if his blasted research hadn’t ended up costing his life.”

Joel cocked his head. “He got wounded in a springrail accident.”

She paused. “Yes. That’s what I meant. If he hadn’t been out traveling on one of his projects, he wouldn’t have been on the train when it derailed.”

Joel eyed her. “Mother,” he said. “Father did die from a springrail accident, didn’t he?”

“You saw him in the hospital, Joel. You sat with him while he died.”

Joel frowned, but couldn’t dispute that fact. He remembered the sterile rooms, the physicians bustling about, the medications they gave his father and the surgeries they did on his crushed legs. Joel also remembered the forced optimism they’d all displayed when telling Joel that his father would get better.

They’d known he would die. Joel could see it now—they’d all known, even his mother. Only the eight-year-old Joel had hoped, thinking—no, knowing—that his father would eventually wake up and be just fine.

If there was a Springrail accident on 3 July, they could have lied to Joel and blamed that; but since Trent was so driven to find new lines, I read this passage to imply the wreck was sabotage to kill him.

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