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My first time


First Sanderson?  

1255 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your first Sanderson book/series?

    • Mistborn (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages)
    • Stormlight (the Way of Kings and Words of Radiance)
    • Elantris
    • Warbreaker
    • The Rithmatist
    • Steelheart
    • Legion
    • The Emperors Soul
    • Other?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stumbled upon Brandon Sanderson while reading Wheel of Time while asking for suggestions on Reddit. At the time I was only only the 3rd book I believe, but our radio at work was busted so was looking for audiobook suggestions. At which point I started listing to Mistborn and haven't looked back since. 

I have since become a Sanderson addict. I now own all the Cosmere audiobooks, and working on the others. In addition I have also started collecting hard covers and leather-bounds for my Sandershelf.

Edited by Undead Wookiee
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I have a D&D group I get together with from time-to-time, and one day one of the members started talking about Sanderson and a book called Mistborn.  I was always an avid fantasy reader, so it piqued my interest.  He then went on to say he was reading another epic fantasy series from the same author called The Stormlight Archive, which seemed even more up my alley, but I was reading ASoIAF at the time and felt this might be too large a commitment.

So I picked up Mistborn, mainly because the books were shorter in length.  I had always been someone who reads multiple books at a time depending on my mood that day - after I started Mistborn: The Final Empire, that all changed.  I got sucked in nearly immediately, and that was the beginning of my journey.

I'm still somewhat new to this, having only finished the Mistborn Era 1 trilogy and now almost finished with Wax and Wayne, but I'm really looking forward to moving onto Elantris, Warbreaker, and then The Stormlight Archive, along with everything else Cosmere related.

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I was not much of a reader until last summer when I went to the beach with my wife and her family. My wife wanted to go to the used book store in town and I figured I may as well give reading a go to keep myself entertained while sitting on the beach for a week. I've always enjoyed fantasy movies and video games, I was an avid Everquest player back in the day, and figured I go that route. I discovered Stormlight Archive through a Goodreads list of best fantasy series, and luckily enough they have a copy of The Way of Kings available. While I understand it probably wasn't the wisest decision to use such a long book and series as an introduction to reading as a hobby, I'm happy I made that decision. The book, the characters, the world they reside, I fell in love with it all.

I read Warbreaker after TWoK then decided to give some other authors a try as I was new to the genre. I couldn't stay away too long, and now I'm committed to completing Brandon's Cosmere works before jumping into something else. I've since read Elantris, WoR, and now I'm working through Arcanum Unbounded (excluding Scandrial stories, I'll do the Mistborn series next). 

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  • 1 month later...

Heard about  him from my friend Sean(His reading culture is so hard to live up to). I've read and finished a few series like Mistborn era 1, era 2, elantris and warbreaker but I feel like I still have a long way to go. And living in a country where you're not really gonna find alot of people interested in fantasy means I don't have anyone to discuss or enjoy this journey with. I hope this platform can be that for me(I live in Uganda)

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So I've read Mistborn Era 1 and Stormlight Archive + Edgedancer. Have currently got Elantris, Warbreaker and Era 2 to read along with the Arcanum. These are my first reads. Are there any particular order to read these in? Should I start from the start and read them all back through? I'll be reading them all at some point so it's really just a matter of which.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My mom and dad like to listen to audiobooks, and they knew what kinds of books I like to read. They listened to Steelheart, and they were like: "You ever hear of Steelheart? It's a good book." So I read that, then I got the read of the Reckoners. I ignored Sanderson for a time, until my mom started listening to mistborn, and got me into that, and then I looked and found the rest of sanderson's huge collection. I conviced my mom to listen to SA after I read it, and now I'm currently in a reread of WoA

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I felt the same as Feloxia. I just read fantasy book after fantasy book, looking for something that could compare to Harry Potter. I needed something fresh, something engaging, with awesome magic. I needed something funny.

I heard about Sanderson on my mission. The way people talked about him, you would think he was a writing god.

People who had read his works and Harry Potter, had said that they liked his works better. So I was kind of disappointed, in a way, reading some of his works, because my expectations were so high. I struggled to get through Elantris, so I picked up Steelheart. Reading Steelheart was one of the best reading decisions of my life. It was everything I was looking for in a book. I have read some of his other works, but that stands out. I'm looking for Alcatraz at the moment, because I think it will be an amazing read, too.

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I was wandering through my library looking for fantasy books to read and I saw Elantris on my shelf.

I borrowed the book and took it with me on holidays. The next few days I obsessively devoured the darn book, grinning like a storming fool the whole time.

"Who is this guy?!" I thought.

A quick google check and I shouted "There's MORE?!"

I scrambled to finish the Stormlight Archive and read the free copy of Warbreaker Sanderson's site.

Eventually I read Mistborn.


Warbreaker and TWOK are my favourites.

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Wheel of Time. That was my first real epic fantasy series and I started it right as Memory of Light was coming out. Around book 8, I learned Robert Jordan died and that someone else wrote the last 3 books. So I made my way through, dreading the switch and expecting them to be poor imitations of the rest of the series. But as it turns out, The Gathering Storm wound up being my favorite out of the entire series so I was hooked on Sanderson.

If I had to put it down to a specific thing, the whole


White Tower raid sequence

is what sold me on him as an author

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Hi there.  I voted in the topic poll with the option of Mistborn being my first and introduction into the Cosmere.  I wanted to post about this in the introductory forum, because I am new here, but it won't let me post there.  Keeps saying something about Spam links, which I have no links, so I don't know.

Edited by Girl with Red Hair
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3 hours ago, Girl with Red Hair said:

Hi there.  I voted in the topic poll with the option of Mistborn being my first and introduction into the Cosmere.  I wanted to post about this in the introductory forum, because I am new here, but it won't let me post there.  Keeps saying something about Spam links, which I have no links, so I don't know.

Welcome to the shard! I’m sorry the spam blocker caught your post. Maybe try to post some more and then try it.

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(warning for discussion of suicide. not sure of the policy there, so it's under the spoiler tag)


My mom used to take me to Barnes and Noble after the annual piano competition I competed in - otherwise any bookstores were out of the way and not really worth the drive. High school student me picked up a brick of a book called Way of Kings, not really expecting it to be good but hey, it would distract me for a day or so (yes, I finished it in one day), right?

That book saved my life. I had decided not to go on. I had a plan, I thought it was the only way out, I was debating the wording of the note to leave. 

Seeing myself in the characters, specifically in Kaladin and in Jasnah and Renarin, made me reconsider; if I couldn't live for myself right then, maybe I could live for other people long enough to find some meaning of my own.

I've had good and bad days and weeks and months since then, I've been diagnosed with OCD and depression, I'm over halfway through college at Purdue University, I've got a good summer job working with children at a camp. None of it would have happened if I hadn't found Stormlight Archive. I'd have killed myself and been glad to end it, to escape my mind and the thoughts and obsessions that never shut up, the compulsions that make me check and check and repeat and scream at myself that I'm a moron that can't control myself.

I talked about this a little when I posted in the introduction forum, but I feel like it's worth sharing, because other people have told me I'm pathetic for finding meaning in fiction, and I don't think I'll get that here. So I guess I'm searching for validation, hah. Anyway. Sorry to go on a bit, I'm not so great at filtering myself.

Life before death.


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My first book was Elantris. I picked it up because i liked the way the cover looked, as I did to 'Eye of the World' back in the 90s. I read the whole book in a day or two, then read it again. I really liked the book. Had never heard of Sanderson before then, but it was promising. I didn't think about him again until he was announced to finish WoT. I went back and read Mistborn because of that and was enamored by it. I've been a fan ever since, though I've been lax in the last few years, but that gives me several books to read now.


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I was already deep into fantasy when a friend gave WoK,  I read it and my mom read it, and because he is so good we are waiting whatever comes our way. 

We were familiar with his name from wheel of time. 

@strangelee7 life before death.


Edited by blessed peace
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My Grandpa and Mom got into Stormlight a while ago now, and knowing my taste in books, my mom recommended them to me. I loved them! I then bought Mistborn and Elantris and loved those too. I'm now the proud owner of 12 Brandon Sanderson books, and I'm getting Skyward at the Seattle book signing on Saturday. :D

I've also got my sister into Mistborn, and a friend of mine into both Mistborn and WoK.

P.S. Oh, and I got my Chem teacher to read WoK!

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  • 1 month later...

The way I discovered Brandon was actually kinda funny. You know those TOR battles that pit different fictional characters against each other? Well one of them was Roland Deschain and Jake Chambers from The Dark Tower vs Vin and Elend Venture and at the time I was all, "there's no way Roland can lose he took out like 50 dudes single handedly at Thunderclap and fought against Doctor Doom Cyberwolves with an army of plate throwing women, he can't lose to some unknown girl and her boyfriend!"

But for some reason those two characters stuck around in my head until I finally looked them up and decided to read The Final Empire and my mind changed really quickly after Vin demonstrates a Pewter enhanced drop from the sky with a 6 foot long slab of steel as a weapon lol.

Also those TOR battles are terrible, like where a fully strengthened Rand al'Thor loses against Jaime Lannister and the Stormfather loses against a dog lol. I remember Brandon actually writing his own fight scene for the Rand vs Jaime one because he didn't like the outcome lol.

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The first Sanderson book I read would be "The Gathering Storm," after that I picked up Elantris, Warbreaker and the Era 1 Mistborn in rapid succesion. Ever since I have been reading each Sanderson book to come out within a day or two of it's publication.

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