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The Seven Sets


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Welcome to the Set School, the one and only academy for magic students from around the world! As you study in these hallowed halls, you will learn to use your abilities to their fullest potential and- more importantly, fight the Evil Entities that threaten all of humanity! Keep an eye out for the Unsealed, an evil organization that wants to unleash Evil Entities for personal gain.

How the magic system works:


There are seven elements, or 'Sets'. These Sets are Fire, Water, Storm, Earth, Plant, Animal, and Chaos. Each of these Sets contain seven Skills. At random, each character gets seven skills from any set. The way to do this is to use a random number generator to generate seven DIFFERENT numbers and put them in your first post. (You are expected to remember your character's powers and be honest about them.) Once you have your skills, your character cannot change skills. Depending on which Set your character has the most skills in, you will eventually be invited to join that Set. (ex. your character has three Water skills; they'll be invited to join the Water Set.) Once in a Set, you will be expected to focus on your correlating powers, with the end goal of finding a profession related to that Set. If you don't align well with a specific Set, fear not, it's not required to be in one. When it comes to magic, you have plenty of career options.

In addition to the sets, there are the Entities. This superhuman beings hail from places beyond Earth, and they can bestow superhuman powers and gifts. Generally speaking, Entities are divided into the classifications of Good and Evil. Evil Entities are monsters bent on destroying humanity, and Good Entities are focused on helping humans in various ways. Each individual Entity has a drive (think shardic intent, but more specific) to do a specific thing. For example, a weak Evil Entity's drive could be to rot food. A powerful Good Entity's drive could be to protect people from harm. Both kinds of Entities must be summoned by complex rituals. To start out, none of our characters will have any kind of connection to Entities. However, instructions on how to summon some are hidden around the school, and most of the teachers can give you clues that will send you the right direction. If you summon a Good Entity, you could gain boons beyond your wildest imagining! Just be careful not to summon any Evil Entities!

The Unsealed, however, do want to summon Evil Entities (which they may or may not be able to control). If you want to be an Unsealed, pm me, there's special information that you should have. You should also do this if you want to be a school staff member or eventually an Entity. If you have any other questions, you can probably just respond in-thread.

 The Set School is located deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Students age 13-20 are accepted, and every student is expected to leave campus with a teacher and small group yearly for a "Quest". This year's Quests will start in approximately two months. In order to go on a Quest, you need to pass your magic midterms. Good luck and happy school year, students!


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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



Yes, yes you can. However, if others weren't satisfied with what they got then, this will be their only chance to try for different Skills. 

I forgot to mention, your character can be at any experience level, but giving them some room to grow is a good idea.


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I haven't done any RPs here before, but I'd be down. It seems like there's maybe a specific SU I need to read?


3 hours ago, Ranryu said:



Um... only inside? If this is the balefire I think it is, it should maybe be banned altogether.


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Just now, The cheeseman said:



You don't NEED to read the SU, but I did test out the magic system by asking for random numbers earlier. Just get a set of seven random numbers and a character, and you should be good to go.

It's not quite that level of balefire (that would be too OP), but it is pretty dangerous. If someone gets balefire as a skill, I'll explain it.

Principal Funke drummed his fingers on the polished oak desk, annoyed. Despite the recent regulations put in place on balefire, he currently had THREE students in the infirmary suffering from third degree burns. Thank goodness for the healers. Without them, Set School would lose all its students within a month. Enough of that. In a few minutes he had an interview to suffer through.


That's a good place for anyone to drop a character in. 


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1 hour ago, Ranryu said:

Principal Funke drummed his fingers on the polished oak desk, annoyed. Despite the recent regulations put in place on balefire, he currently had THREE students in the infirmary suffering from third degree burns. Thank goodness for the healers. Without them, Set School would lose all its students within a month. Enough of that. In a few minutes he had an interview to suffer through.


32 37 26 25 12 40 24

Also, what are Unsealed?


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13 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:



Your powers:


Photosynthesis (Allows you to get energy from sunlight like a plant- useful for replenishing your energy after using magic)

Evolution (Takes a long time. Allows you to slowly change the traits of an animal or person to become a new creature. ILLEGAL TO DO ON HUMANS)

Earth Perception (being able to feel the pockets of air and ore deep inside the earth– also includes excellent navigational skills– like a compass)

Earth Transformation (basically the rock cycle sped up– can change rocks from one type to another, depending on the type. When more advanced, allows crystals to grow)

Earth Direction (allows you to move rocks and stone with your mind DOESN’T WORK ON DIRT OR SAND)

Water Perception (being able to feel what water feels as if it were a part of your body– only works if you’re directly touching the water, and is often overwhelming in large water bodies such as the ocean)

Animal Taming (allows you to make animals friendly to you, and when advanced allows communication with animals)

You will definitely be invited to join the Earth Set. Is your character a beginning student, an intermediate or advanced student, a teacher, or some other staff member?

Unsealed are the 'bad guys' although I'm sure the morals will get a little more complex than that over time. Some of them are undercover as normal teachers and students


5 hours ago, ExoticAlmond said:

I'll join (summer school is slowing down now).

I got 1, 2, 9, 16, 31, 34, 43.


Your powers:


Fire Summoning (summon flame from nothing)

Fire Manipulation (manipulate fire into any size or shape)

Water Manipulation (being able to move the water and shape it as you please)

Storm Manipulation (allows you to direct pre-existing storms, their movements, and increase strength)

Plant Direction (Causes plants to move (some better than others) according to the wielder’s will (THEY CAN’T GROW WITHOUT GROWTH OR AWAKENING))

Tree of Life (like balefire, very difficult. Summons a tree (seemingly from nowhere) that glows brightly. All parts of the tree have powerful healing properties. Most wielders only summon the full tree once, if ever. Many of them spend their time taking care of said tree)

Bidding (strengthens all other nearby Sets (including your own) but not any Chaos skills)

Most likely, you'll be asked to join either the Plant or Fire sets. 



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3 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Fire Summoning (summon flame from nothing)

Fire Manipulation (manipulate fire into any size or shape)

Water Manipulation (being able to move the water and shape it as you please)

Storm Manipulation (allows you to direct pre-existing storms, their movements, and increase strength)

Plant Direction (Causes plants to move (some better than others) according to the wielder’s will (THEY CAN’T GROW WITHOUT GROWTH OR AWAKENING))

Tree of Life (like balefire, very difficult. Summons a tree (seemingly from nowhere) that glows brightly. All parts of the tree have powerful healing properties. Most wielders only summon the full tree once, if ever. Many of them spend their time taking care of said tree)

Bidding (strengthens all other nearby Sets (including your own) but not any Chaos skills)

Most likely, you'll be asked to join either the Plant or Fire sets. 


Nice I like the idea of controlling some thorny vines or something and setting them on fire. (they just have to be there already)


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5 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



Your powers:


Fire Temperament (controlling the temperature of fire and how easily it burns things)

Extinguishing (being able to put out any fire, no matter the size, by touching it or being near it, depending on skill level)

Temperament (controlling the temperature and salinity of the water– freezing it, boiling it, or converting freshwater into seawater or vice versa)

Water Perception (being able to feel what water feels as if it were a part of your body– only works if you’re directly touching the water, and is often overwhelming in large water bodies such as the ocean)

Water of Truth (Like balefire, the hardest skill of the set, but much less dangerous. Converts water into the Water of Truth, which forces anyone who drinks it to tell the truth until it wears off)

Flight (allows the ability to fly up to very high speeds and breathe easily at incredible heights. If the skill is developed, it can also provide a shield that protects the flier as they go at incredible speeds so they don’t catch fire or get ripped to pieces)

Growth (allows manipulation and regulation of how the plants grow, but doesn't speed up the growth process)

You only need seven numbers!

You'd most likely be asked to join the Fire Set.



17 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

What are the numbers for?


The numbers are how your character is randomly assigned a skill set. You need seven different numbers 1-49.


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22 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Principal Funke drummed his fingers on the polished oak desk, annoyed. Despite the recent regulations put in place on balefire, he currently had THREE students in the infirmary suffering from third degree burns. Thank goodness for the healers. Without them, Set School would lose all its students within a month. Enough of that. In a few minutes he had an interview to suffer through.


So is this an interview to get a job?


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:



Yes. The Earth Set Basics teacher is currently MIA, so the school needs a replacement for her.


13 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

11, 47, 3, 1, 27, 7, 8


Your powers:


Water Temperament (controlling the temperature and salinity of the water– freezing it, boiling it, or converting freshwater into seawater or vice versa)

Oracle (You get glimpses of the future. This skill is hard to develop and control, because it isn’t really intentional. Your visions often show you untrained magic users)

Fire Direction (be able to move fire with your mind– such as throwing fireballs or holding fire in your hand like a torch. You could literally pick up a campfire and move it)

Fire Summoning (summon flame from nothing)

Extinguishing (being able to put out any fire, no matter the size, by touching it or being near it, depending on skill level)

Water Summoning (being able to pull water from the air, or any other place where it is in trace amounts. Without summoning, a water wielder needs an actual supply of water such as the ocean, rain, or a water bottle)

Earthquake ( the hardest and most dangerous Earth skill. Can cause earthquakes of varying sizes and intensities based on skill level)
You'll definitely be asked to join the Fire Set.



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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Your powers:

  Hide contents

Water Temperament (controlling the temperature and salinity of the water– freezing it, boiling it, or converting freshwater into seawater or vice versa)

Oracle (You get glimpses of the future. This skill is hard to develop and control, because it isn’t really intentional. Your visions often show you untrained magic users)

Fire Direction (be able to move fire with your mind– such as throwing fireballs or holding fire in your hand like a torch. You could literally pick up a campfire and move it)

Fire Summoning (summon flame from nothing)

Extinguishing (being able to put out any fire, no matter the size, by touching it or being near it, depending on skill level)

Water Summoning (being able to pull water from the air, or any other place where it is in trace amounts. Without summoning, a water wielder needs an actual supply of water such as the ocean, rain, or a water bottle)

Earthquake ( the hardest and most dangerous Earth skill. Can cause earthquakes of varying sizes and intensities based on skill level)
You'll definitely be asked to join the Fire Set.

Cool, I have always liked the idea of controlling fire, and water is nice too.

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Because there are so many people who align strongly with Fire, I'll probably introduce a Fire teacher soon to get this thing jumpstarted. If you don't want your character to be a student, now is the time to act.


18 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Funke said, mustering some false energy. What was this applicant's name? He couldn't remember...

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10 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"Come in." Funke said, mustering some false energy. What was this applicant's name? He couldn't remember...

A young man entered. Or was he young? He seemed to be, but is hair was gray and he walked with a cane. His eyes were a burnt orange. "Good day, Principal Funke," he said in a soft voice. "I am Derek Hence."

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3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

A young man entered. Or was he young? He seemed to be, but is hair was gray and he walked with a cane. His eyes were a burnt orange. "Good day, Principal Funke," he said in a soft voice. "I am Derek Hence."

"Ah, yes, Mr. Hence." Funke remembered. "I read your file. Quite a talented Earth specialist. As a member of the Storm Set, I'll admit Earth is not my strong suit. Now, I'll need to ask you a few questions. Start by telling me about yourself."

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