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I think Trell and his brother might be Shards


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I'm rereading Mistborn and Sazed tells Vin about Trell and his jealous brother and that reminded me of the Purelaker's gods. Plus Miles Thousandlives worshipped Trell. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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If only we had some evidence as to where the Trellish religion came from... I like the idea - but it seems very speculation. Its possible, that Trell was a God worshipped in ancient Scadrial, and also by an Ancient Scadrielian world-hopped. We know world hoppers emerge from the Purelake - so perhaps this same world hopper brought the religion to Roshar?


It would be a case of planetary social transmission rather than a Shard.


Its a nice thought though. 

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I kind of like this idea. We know that there are certain... cultural crossovers between Scadrial and Roshar; the Worldsingers and the Worldbringers. It could just be a coincidence, or a case of different cultures reaching a similar conclusion...


But the idea of them both being shards seems more intriguing and likely to me. 

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Maybe Trell is the god beyond. He's the jeaolous one, and big A is the nice one. This is blowing my mind. And in the end it probably won't be right, but it's blowing my mind.

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Maybe Trell shattered Adonalsium. I don't think so, but it would be interesting if Hoid is trying to collect A's powers or an army of power users to fight Trell in the overall Cosmere story arc.

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The one problem I find with what you and I have said is that Galladon Demoux and the other bloke were all so confused by the purelaker talking about them. That and it just has a low probability rate.

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What if Odium is Trell's jealous brother and Trell is Aldonasium? That would mean that Odium isn't actually a Shard which is why he is the only one who can destroy other Shards. Also if they aren't Odium and Big A I'm pretty sure Nu Ralik is Trell and  Vun Makak is his brother.

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