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Church of the flame

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I have seen the proclamations of the "church of the stick" and let me say that this is blaspheme to the true church. Openly worshiping somebody who has refused the flame is horrible. This stick is a Svrakiss. The flames purifies and protects, it gives us strength and hope, and burns those who do not believe. Join my brethren. BECOME FIRE!!!!!!

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Flame needs fuel and air or else it will be extinguished. It gives light, and warmth, but its presence is transient. Fragile.


Being a stick is determination. Stickiness is the act of standing proud and strong against those who would force you into fitting their moulds of proper human-stick interactions. Stickiness is rebellion and defiance, yet somehow stability as well.


So here are four words that serve as a rebuttal of this little church. Four words which represent why this will fail, extinguished like a flame doused with water. Four words which represent bravery and strength of will, everything this church has placed itself against.


I. Am. A. Stick.

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